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posted by Evelyn
06 June 2009

I am so afraid

Last reply: 27 June 2010 19:07
Hi everyone I found a swelling in my left breast around Christams but as I was going into hospital of an operation on a shoulder problem I ignored the swelling. I went to my GP Tuesday week and she was concerned, I saw the specialist yesterday. He said the lump (not swelling) is 5 cm and thinks it has been there a while. I have to go for mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy on Tuesday and I did not ask if I would get any results even then. I have no pain in the breast the lump is on the top and I do have a little discomfort towards my armpit. I know I just have to wait for the outcome but I cannot help crying. I am 48 year old divorcee with 2 children a 21 year old girl and an 18 year old boy (sitting his leaving cert) I have told noone. I dont even know what I want from you girls at the moment, just any thing you can tell me about procedures and waiting time for results. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good luck to you all. Evelyn
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posted by SLR
25 June 2009

Dip in the Nip

Last reply: 26 June 2009 16:39
From someone who has come through mastectomy, chemo and reconstruction in the last 10 months, I'd just like to say thank you very much to all the women who took part in the Dip in the Nip last weekend. You've raised much needed funds and increased awareness of the services provided by Action Breast Cancer. If it happens again next year I might even be brave enough myself to bare all!
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posted by G- Sheahan
09 October 2009

Nipple reconstruction

Last reply: 20 October 2009 10:58
Hi guys! I was 26 when I was diagnosed with bc. Treatment including chemo and radiation followed. Managed fine, was very strong mentally through it. I was advised to get genetic testing done as we have a long familly history. Dianosed with brac1 and decided on bilateral mast with immidiate reconstruction(using lit dors musel). Unfor I'm not very happy with results as the scarring is awful front and back. Breasts look completely diff as the shape of scars dont match(behind cloths they look symetrical).Just got date for nipple reconstruction and I'm very nervous for some reason!! Anyone out there that has gone through this? Do the nippels make the breasts look better and more normal? Thanks greta
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posted by michl
29 October 2009

Anyone near me? Greystones

Last reply: 09 February 2010 22:52
I'm 36, with 3 young children, just wondering if there is anyone in my area who would like to meet up for herbal teas & chats. Lumpectomy was last week, I feel fine. We're getting results of sentinel node biop tomorrow..fingers crossed. Will be starting chemo in a few weeks time.
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posted by hopeful2
10 November 2009

dip in the nip calendar

Last reply: 17 November 2009 10:54
did anyone buy this calendar, a friend of mine bought it for me and i was just wondering if everyone had two months of march and no may in 2010. it is lovely with some lovely quotes but no May 2010. The on line shop here on this site is brilliant for gift bags and cards some lovely ones on it, if ye are buying christmas stuff have a look.
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posted by dee1002
23 November 2009

Fibroadenomatous disease??

Last reply: 14 December 2009 12:00
Hi there, i'm totally new here but had to sign up so get some advice. For the past week i've had a nagging type pain in the upper left side of my left breast. I went to my gp on fri and she diagnosed fibroadenomatous disease which she explained is "lumpy boobs" or cysts. She referred me to a breast specialist just to be sure and ive an appt for next monday. However, i cannot help thinking the worst and nearly have myself dead and burried. Am i being totally over the top?? I have two babies and every time i look at them i nearly burst out crying. I know she could have found something much more sinister and i should be glad and i kind of feel like a phoney typing this when there is such worse cases on here but i think i just need other people's opinions on how it all started for them. I hope you don't think im wasting time. X
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posted by Avalanche
05 February 2010

Breast implant versus Latissimus Dorsi Flap Surgery

Last reply: 19 December 2014 11:19
Hi, Looking to see if anyone has advice from their own personal experiences. I have done all the online research so know what the surgery involves just interested to know about realistic recovery times after. I will need to plan to return to work as soon as realistically possible after. I have discussed some of these questions with my surgeon who is good but played down recovery and pain last time so need honest answers. She advised I would need 4 weeks off work but everything I read about LD flaps says 6-8 weeks. I will need to be able to stand on the luas holding onto a pulley or pole on the way to work when packed in mornings so need to be healed and pain controlled before starting work again. I had bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction with implants last year. Unfortunately radiotherapy has caused capsular contraction one side. My plastic surgeon has advised 2 options based on the fact I am very slim. I can try a replacement implant but moderate chance of contracture again or have LD flap but will still need small implant with flap which may also contract. My surgeon has suggested "new" implants made from polyurethane which have less risk of contracture but I have found research advising these were used until found to have slight risk of cancer due to the foam in them and were taken off the market previously. Has anyone heard of these types of implants rather than saline or silicone? What are peoples experience of recovery from LD flaps(using back muscle)? I am concerned if I go this route I will need to take a longer time off work again. If I go for the flap surgery it will be bilateral. How long did it take people to recover and get back to work? The implants have always felt very firm do LD flaps feel anything like normal breast tissue or still very firm? Have you had back pain or weakness following for lengthy period or indefinitely? I already have chronic back pain (bone scan was negative thankfully) so is just post mastectomy pain. How long did it take for the scars and skin colour to blend after flaps? Any info or advice would be very much appreciated. Many Thanks
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posted by hugs
19 February 2010

early days

Last reply: 07 July 2010 12:15
Hi all, Just coming on here for a bit of advice or a bit of a chat. I found a lump 3 weeks ago, went to the doctor the next day. She faxed off for an urgent referral to the mater clinic. She advised me to try to go private for a mamogram if i could as it might speed things up. I was lucky and got an appointment for a mamo the next day in the mater private. I went down to the doctor a week later to see if results were in. Not good. they found a suspious area and calcifications. I had my appointment yesterday in the mater for the tripple assesment. They did an 'extra view' mamo, and scan. They found 2 lumps. One is definately not a cyst (irregular shape). They did a core biopsy on the two lumps and on a lymph node. Had a chat with the surgeon, and its not looking good. He said that they were very concerned as there were a couple of suspious areas. Im back in on the 1st of march for the results, and their plan of treatment. He did say that no matter what it was it was going to involve major surgery. I think he is trying to prepare me for the worst, well maybe not the worst, but it certainly isnt the best. Its going to be a long 10 days Any advice would be very helpful. Oh and im 38, with 4 children, so am quite concerned about the future.
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posted by Elizabeth4
01 March 2010

breast cancer

Last reply: 16 April 2010 19:57
Good afternoon ladies. I have been so looking forward to being able to write a message. My name is Elizabeth. I was diagnosed a month ago. A small lump in my right breast. This morning I met the oncologist and chemo will begin next week I think. After 6 goes of that, I will have a lumpectomy, and after that radiotherapy. Does anyone else cry all the time? i am spending a fortune on tissues, thinking of cutting up some bed sheets at this stage. The first few weeks when I was still at work, trying to speak to people on the phone etc. were the worst I think. My anxiety was terrible. I am normally a light-hearted person and found the anxiety very hard to cope with. The only thing that worked was a glass of wine. Instant fear relief!! I am 63 with 5 grown-up children who are very supportive and I have 5 sisters as well who are great too. But there are times when I cannot speak to anyone and when the phone rings - I want to shout at it - leave me alone. I have been reading your messages, while waiting to register myself, and feel for you all and send positive thoughts. Elizabeth
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posted by garcon
01 March 2010

I'm going in tomorrow......

Last reply: 09 April 2010 00:48
I'm off to St. James tomorrow for my lumpectomy and node removal. I'm not dreading as much as I thought I would. Actually a really nice poster here told me that the lumpectomy is a doddle so I feel much better. Just anxious to have it over with now. Finished my chemo about a month ago and not a minute too soon I can tell you, its hard going sometimes but the feeling when you're finished is priceless! Can anyone cheer me up as to the level of service in St. James? How easy the node removal is (ok no lies please ha ha)? How well I will be feeling in a few days? Hope you are all feeling well and I'm sorry for moaning on but I guess I am a little nervous maybe. Anyway better go get the lunches made, won't be making any for a while (there's always a silver lining, hate making lunches). My poor little darlings will miss me so much (yeah right they will be spoilt rotten by my family so prob won't want me back!), seriously though they are a positive bunch of little kids so they will be grand, it's more me that will miss them. Take care of you, Celine
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