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posted by Irish Cancer Society
11 March 2011

Physical Activity for Breast Cancer Survivors - start dates

Last reply: 29 March 2011 11:16
Are you a Breast Cancer Survivor? Do you want to get active? There is compelling evidence to suggest that physical activity after diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence and can help improve quality of life. We are currently recruiting women who have had a breast cancer diagnosis and are post-treatment and 12 months post-surgery to take part in our Physical Activity Programme. For more information and how to get involved please visit
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posted by hopeful2
08 April 2011

I found cheap post macestomy bras at last

Last reply: 11 April 2011 19:26
HI LADIES, I have tried everywhere for post mascetomy bras and they are scarce sources for them, i have bought them in lingerie shops, some marks and spencer shops and some debenhams, however they are often out of popular sizes such as 36B and 36C and are very expensive. i was in kilarney last weekend and the underwear shop in the outlet centre does a fairly good rang of them, usually you get sorry we dont do pocketed bras but the lady just said do you want padded or non padded and what colour. i was in shock, i got a lovely royce choc brown one and a white one for 15 euro each. i was delighted. eventhough i have lots of them, some wear against the radiated skin when out walking so hard to get comfy ones that are not granny bras. just thought this might be helpful. take care.
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posted by luciebutterfly
21 March 2011

waiting, waiting, waiting

Last reply: 23 March 2011 20:47
I discovered a lump about 3 weeks ago, went to the Breast Clinic in Eccles St last week, and they confirmed two "highly suspicious" lumps in my breast, and a larger than should be lump under my arm (nodes were mentioned). I had the mammogram, the ultrasound and a core biopsy. I don't get any results until later this week, and though i feel reasonably calm, I keep going over and over the various pieces of information, and the accompanying expressions of concern of the various faces I met on the day of the tests. There seemed to be concern about the fact that there were two aspects to be investigated. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar scenario (two bits in the boob and another bit in the armpit) and it didnt turn out to be cancer. I mean, there are plenty of lumps and bumps which turn out benign. Just looking for stories... Thanks for any tales. Lucie
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posted by encee
23 March 2011

Pre-Mastectomy tips please?

Last reply: 13 April 2011 21:33
Hi again. My countdown is on for my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction - surgery is 30th March please God! In advance of that, I'm wondering if there is anyone out there with a few tips on how to make life easier for myself during my stay in hospital and upon returning home? Thanks Encee
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posted by kazoo
24 March 2011

Recent diagnosis

Last reply: 27 March 2011 23:01
Hi I'm new here, my story quite similar to Encee's. I was diagnosed end of January after finding what I thought was a small lump shortly after my 40th birthday. It's Grade 2 hormone-receptive (is that the term?) so no chemo, was glad to keep the hair! Am on Tamoxifen and Zoladex with a view to reducing tumour ahead of (some sort of) surgery. Tumour was a whopping 7cm at diagnosis, estimated to be about 6cm now so some sign of reducing already but obviously early days. Seeing consultant again at beginning of May and then should learn where we are re surgery - to be honest, from the research I've done I think I want a masectomy, that seems to be what happens in the end anyway so why wait? Have good days and bad days but find the kids keep me going and I try my best to stay positive. Anyone else on Tamoxifen? I haven't had any major side-effects yet (on it 7 weeks) although the Zoladex injection has left my libido at rock bottom and I have very hormonal moments (well, hubby would say I always did)
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posted by ceedee
12 April 2011

My Story

Last reply: 13 April 2011 00:15
Hi ,when I got the devastating news in feb that I had B.C I found this forum brilliant even thou im only posting now.Im 49 three kids 22,19 and 15 and a wonderfull Hubby.I was really suprised how quickly things were dealt with, Doctors with lump Jan 12th, 2 weeks later hopital for mamogram ultrasound and core biopsy 2weeks later results B.C confirmed , 2nd March mastectomy Sentinal Node Biopsy imediate reconstruction with expander and my nipple was saved fantastic. But ive booked to go to Cheltenham Races on the 17th Patricks Day will I be able to go, my wonderfull surgeon said to come for a check up a couple of days before i fly and if I had no complications I could go. I did go had tickets to Owners and Trainers Bar where there was plenty of chairs and no bumping into crowds my Hubby had a ball and we came home the following day. My next apointment was about my nodes 6 were taken 5 came back clear and 1 had a micro something so its been sent to America for a test that isnt availble hear or England. Im back to Limerick on Monday to see what they have to say hopefully i wont need chemo but if I do I do. The Team at The Reginal hospital have been fantastic .Im hoping to join a support group as I find talking really helps . Talk soon
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posted by kazoo
01 December 2011

Could do with advice - quite urgently!

Last reply: 04 December 2011 10:30
Hi all I had a wide local excision two weeks ago, after being diagnosed with grade 2 lobular breast cancer at the end of Jan. Had hormone therapy for 3 months followed by neo-adjuvant chemo for 6 months, the latter of which worked really well and shrunk a pretty massive (8-9cm) tumour. The results are back from the op and surgeon is pleased generally - however, she compares tumour to block of ice, it has melted but pool of water remains - so we are going to need to go back in to get clearer margins. Following a meeting about me, some of the docs recommend a masectomy - they say even if margins are clearer after another wide local excision, that the cancer could come back in 10 years (I'm 40 now) so am beter off with a masectomy. I need to decide within next few days and I just don't know what to do. I always said that if I had a masectomy, I would do a double (risk reducing in second healthy breast) as I feel the pscyhological impact would be no worse and I would definitely want reconstruction surgery. Now my surgeon is talking to a few more people about me now as I type, she thinks another wide local excision could do the trick and that the risk of it coming back would be alleviated by radiotherapy in the new year - obviously there is still some risk, I appreciate that. She also says that if the margins are not clear, then the masectomy will be next step. No one is telling me what to do, the decision is largely mine to make. I think it'd be easier if they'd just make my mind up for me! Also another question: She says if I have a masectomy, I would be up to year waiting for reconstruction as have to have radiotherapy first. They do sometimes do immediate reconstruction after surgery but she says the cosmetic effect may not be as good if I have to have radiotherapy afterwards. Anyone done this??
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posted by sunflower
17 April 2011


Last reply: 21 April 2011 20:53
I am near the end of my chemo, a few more taxol left but the tiredness is getting frustrating. Has any one got tips that might help me with this. Love the good weather but have no energy to do the smallest of things. Thanks
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posted by ceedee
19 April 2011

Chemo Friday Week

Last reply: 11 May 2011 10:03
Well not the results I wanted but im going for it the two drugs are Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide and its once every 3 weeks for 4 months .Hopefully I wont have two many side effects my hair will go but thats the least of my worries. Any tips ladies ?
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posted by FH2
21 April 2011

I need to RANT, sorry!

Last reply: 05 May 2011 22:33
Sorry for moaning everyone.... I am now just over 4 wks out from my last surgery which removed my expanders and left me flat. I am still leaking fluid daily (but nowhere near as much as before TG). I have itchy red welts in a giant rectangle all over my right chest from the dressings constantly having to be pulled off and changed several times a day. My body (as per usual) is now pushing the soluble stitches to the skins surface in little cavities filled with pus along my incision. The fluid loves all these little cavities that keep appearing and is dribbling out each as they appear. I am constipated from antibiotics, can't eat properly, vomit regularly, have lost another half stone in 3 wks and have no energy. I honestly believe that this will end and it will be in the next few weeks but I HAVE A PAIN IN MY ARSE WITH THE WHOLE BLOODY THING NOW!!!! Phew, that feels better.... Better out than in, as Shrek says. Flo.
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