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posted by wilfiedog
13 July 2010


Last reply: 14 July 2010 18:02
A warning for anyone coming off HRT. After BC diagnosis I was told to stop taking Hormone Replacement Therapy immediately. This resulted in a very sudden and violent onset of menopause symptoms which are still making my life a misery after nearly seven years. I have done a lot of reading on this subject and it seems obvious that HRT (like most drugs) should be weaned off slowly to enable the body to cope with the adjustment. The medics don't warn anyone about this as far as I know. Hope this helps someone
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posted by FH2
01 August 2010

Feedback - GOOD and BAD for the HSE

Last reply: 27 August 2010 16:37
Hi Everyone, If you need to complain about, or compliment, a hospital or member of staff you have encountered, this is the email address to send your feedback to. This is the official HSE contact and they aim to respond within 30 days. See details on their website. Regards, Flo.
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posted by LindyLu
09 December 2008

New to this and terrified

Last reply: 24 February 2009 18:21
I am 39 years old, married with two babies - 5 months and 22months. Last week I was told that I had breast cancer. I found a lump in my left boob 5 weeks ago now. About a week after finding it I went to my GP who referred me for further tests in Beaumount. In the last two weeks I have had mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy of the lump and sadly the results have confirmed my worst fears. It seems that I have two tumours – one about 19mm in size which can be felt. The other, right beside it, is about 9mm and cannot be felt but can be seen via ultrasound and mammogram. Current options for me at this point are (a) Have the two tumours removed ie a lumpectomy (b) Have a full mastectomy – having more than one tumour usually dictates a mastectomy! However cos they are right beside one another it may be possible to just have a lumpectomy but I need to have an MRI scan on my boob to make sure there are no other growths there. The good news is that it does not appear to have gone into my lymph nodes as yet according to what can be seen via ultrasound however I will shortly have a biopsy of those nodes to test for sure whether the cancer has spread to there. I am still in shock with the diagnosis. Too shocked to actually tell friends tho I have told immediate family. I just keep bawling my eyes out anytime I think of what lies ahead. Anyone else been through this and come out smiling??
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posted by kasandra
11 December 2008

secondary breast cancer

Last reply: 05 May 2009 10:01
i had a mastectomy on the 7th of november this year and two weeks after the operation i was told that i have secondary cancer in femur and pelvis. this is very frightening and i am also on zometa and having radiotherapy this week i am 49 years of age and i would just like to know if there is any one out there living with this at the moment and what can i expect in the way of quality of life with regard to pain control and life expectancy i would love to hear from any one with any advice
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posted by Linda
25 December 2008

Happy Christmas to everyone, here's to a good 2009

Last reply: 05 April 2009 23:10
I just wanted to drop a post on the day that is in it to wish everyone a very happy christmas. I know its difficult with everything going on for us but things will get better, treatments are tough but they will end and we will be better again. Here's to a very healthy 09 for all of us!! Linda
1 comment
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posted by mary
24 January 2009

liver lung and bone cancer

Last reply: 29 March 2009 19:38
Hi just wanted to know is there anyone here with liver lung and bone cancer my partener of 17 years has she was giving one year to live that was 3years ago she refused chemo and last week she got her first round of radiotheraphy which she still has a lot of pain after it....... realy would love to hear from ppls who had chemo for the liver...we were told 4weeks ago the cancer had gone to her liver up until then she was doing great....the bone lung and liver are secondary....
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posted by island
27 January 2009

New to this Site

Last reply: 04 June 2009 21:25
Hello I am starting Chemo next Week. New to all this. Any tips or advice greatly appreciated. What do you do to pass away the time in between sessions ? My chemo is for every 3 weeks for 6 months.
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posted by murphyahp
06 February 2009

Reconstruction Problems/Rejection

Last reply: 15 April 2009 20:30
Hi, I had my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on 1st December last. Everything was going ok but for the last few days it has been getting sore and red. I thought I was just imagining it at first or maybe it was the cold but it's been getting sorer. Thankfully I had an appointment with the surgeon set for today anyway so I didn't panic. The dr was very concerned and said it looks like a serious infection. He said it was very unusual at my stage and, if it was going to happen, it would usually happen in the first few weeks. He put me on the strongest possible antibiotic and if I develop a fever or feel sick I have to go straight to A&E. I have to go back next week and if it's still the same they will take me back into hospital. Now my brain is in overload... could it have something to do with the cancer coming back.... is my body rejecting the implant.... I got such a shock as I though everything was going so well I hadn't imagined anything that sounds as serious as this sounds. I contacted my breast care nurse when I got home and they said just not to panic. I asked about implant rejection etc. and they just said not to start going down that road at the moment but I can't help it. I'll be ok if it's not the cancer but if it is likely I will need another operation to have the implant removed I think I'll be leaving it out! Why was the dr so alarmed about going straight to A&E? Has this happened to anyone else. I'll be 10 weeks post op next Monday. Thanks. Aileen
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posted by sarahzxe
17 February 2009


Last reply: 08 March 2009 11:19
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posted by shirleyl
18 February 2009


Last reply: 23 January 2012 06:47
Hello everyone. I thought that anyone about to embarke their chemo journey with the above drug should know the up to date info. This has happend to me and others. It is possible that Taxotere can leave you permantley bald. It doesnt happen to many, thankfully, but if it can happen to me and others then...... I have written about my story and will shortly add the letter i have recieved from Sanofi Aventis admitting that it can happen. If you would like more info please read my blog. I only started it yesterday so in the early stages. I hope we are allowed relevent links onto our pages admin? Thank you for reading my thread.
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