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posted by Belle1
23 April 2010

Pregnancy post tram reconstruction

Last reply: 29 April 2010 21:56
I had a tram flap reconstruction post mastectomy in 2005 and am now pregnant, just wondering if any one else out there has carried a pregnancy to term post tram?
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posted by huggybear
26 April 2010

considering reconstruction but im scared

Last reply: 03 May 2010 14:23
hi folks, I had a mastectomy in march 2009 and am reconsidering the above, anyone had this done, and how are you now. hugs, huggybear
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posted by hugs
27 April 2010

Mastectomy on tuesday

Last reply: 11 June 2010 19:54
Im heading in for a mastectomy on tuesday, so I have a week to prepare myself. Mentally I am as prepared as I can be, so Im looking for practical advice. I know flo had a long list of what to bring in for a mastectomy, but I cant find it. Just practical things that i might not have thought front buttoning pj's, pins for drains...etc.
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posted by garcon
27 April 2010

Starting radiotherapy next week

Last reply: 03 May 2010 12:26
Hi all, Me again, still moaning on here....... Next stop radiotherapy! Any advice out there please? Will I be even more knackered? I'm wrecked thinking about it. Thanks for the support. Celine
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posted by Deema
04 May 2010

immediate reconstruction after masectomy

Last reply: 30 May 2010 13:26
Hello Everyone I am new to this, just diagnosed last Thursday so still trying to get my head around everything, I had a biopsy done late in Feb and everything came back totally clear!! When I saw Doctor again he told me they were going to take out the lump as a precaution, which I had done 3 weeks ago, all went well according to doctor, he said they were proberly being overcautios, so I was quite happy, I went back on Thursday expecting good news but was told that I have to have Masectomy as lump was invasive cancer and also I have DCIS Total Shock as I was not prepared for this at all He also wants to do Reconstruction at the same time which I thought was a good idea but have since had conflicting reports Just looking for some advice,
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posted by smithers
13 May 2010


Last reply: 01 June 2010 23:22
Hi all, I was told last Friday I had breast cancer. Only found the lump the previous Saturday so things have been moving very fast!! Was back at the hospital yesterday as the biopsy results were only back and they confirmed what they had already told me. The tumour is 2.5 cm with a "suspicious" mass around it which the surgeon isn't happy with so she thinks we will most likely be looking at mastectomy but she wants to do chemotherapy first for 6 months. It's also in my lymph node so she will be doing auxiliary node clearance as well. She said it is at stage T2 at the moment, what she is calling early cancer Thank God. However, I have been having pains in may shoulders and arms, so have to get more scans next week to rule out that it has spread anywhere else. Please God these come back negative waiting for them is going to be torture as I have taken just about all I can take I have a sore throat now and every bloody twinge has me thinking is it there now too!
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posted by petal
14 May 2010

advice please

Last reply: 01 June 2010 11:44
Hi Finally built up the courage to join up, being checking in and out for ages. Anyway I have had b/c, was diagnosed September 08, had tumour in one breast and dcis in the other. Had surgery followed by chemo and radiation. I am well thank god but need help on firstly buying a bra that suits, its a mission i've been on a while. Need advice on complimentary treaments that I can have, have heard some are to be avoided? Also any one having problems with their feet since chemo? Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you
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posted by hugs
29 May 2010

Chemo advice?

Last reply: 10 June 2010 11:35
I should be starting chemo in about 3 weeks or so. My oncolgist is away next week, I havent met him yet. Ive found lots of advice on the american and british message boards. People seem to make up 'chemo' bags. with lots of supplies. There is also a huge list of side effects. But i thought it might be nice to get some info from you guys who have gone throught it here. What tips and hints are useful? How sick did you feel while having the treatment, how tired? My main concern is will I be able to drive during the treatment? Or will i not be able to drive at all, or will it only be on the treatment days that i wont be up to it. I know everyone is different, and i suppose the waiting around is probably going to give me plenty of time to imagine the worst senarios Somehow I was able to block it from my brain while having all the operations....but time is ticking now
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posted by d gee
19 May 2010

Breast and arm pain post radiation

Last reply: 08 June 2010 16:59
Help please re the above. Am getting lot of pain since radiation Had massage. No arm swelling. Going for mammogram on Monday -so scared as am so sore. Gemgee
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posted by garcon
25 May 2010

Enjoying radiotherapy?

Last reply: 21 June 2010 22:31
Hi everyone, Sorry been sooo long since I've been on here. The radiotherapy is keeping me busy I can tell ya. Had No: 16 today, just 19 to go....... Actually I know it sounds bizarre and maybe this time next week I'll be cracking up but.... is it possible to enjoy radiotherapy? I get to drive on my own there, have no pain, generally go for coffee. Little bit of browsing around the shops, odd cake here and there...... yes putting on a bit of weight but not too much. I am seriously being kind to myself, a bit indulgent really. My children are well looked after and I have some time to myself. Actually cos I have a childminder in the afternoon, I have tried to have afternoon appointments so I can have a lie-in in the morning and make my way up at my leisure. As far as the actual treatment is concerned, I'm afraid to tempt fate to say that its going bloody fantastic and my energy has not been this good since I got diagnosed. Am I heading for a fall? All you experienced ladies out there, feel free to knock me off my happy perch if you think I'm in the rosy period. My children and hubby are fine and so sweet actually, like telling each other to be good so I can have a rest awh..... Feel like a bit of a fraud really. I have sorted more clothes, bedrooms, clutter since I started this treatment, its mad! Anyone else out there enjoying it? Ok if I should be carted off, let me know. Thanks, Garcon
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