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posted by WicklowLady
03 March 2013

Herceptin Runny nose??

Last reply: 04 March 2013 18:29
Anyone on herceptin experienced runny nose sinusy type feeling? Just recall someone saying it. I've got it now just wondering is it the herceptin or just me?
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posted by WicklowLady
03 March 2013

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Last reply: 04 March 2013 23:29
Isn't it amazing that my lashes and eyebrows were fine while having chemo and now 8 weeks out of chemo land and I've three lashes on one eye and two on the other eye and the brows are nearly gone. Dies it take long before they start to come back? Hair is good hopefully in another month I can go public!!! All this is not that important just curious. Xxx
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posted by sunshine71
03 March 2013


Last reply: 08 March 2013 17:48
I'm just wondering if other people are experiencing long delays in having their disability allowance claims dealt with by the dept of social protection. (have no entitlement to disability benefit as not enough relevant stamps now). I sent mine in after my surgery in Aug.2012 as I didn't even have time to think about things like money when I was hit with a cancer diagnosis. Fast forward and its now over 7 months later and last I was told was maybe April 2013 I might hear something. There are also secondary benefits like support with fuel, travel etc. which I couldn't access this winter as my claim has to be approved first. I'm finding it hard coping with the long delay and feel surely I can't be on my own. The dept says they are dealing with claims by date sent in. Just curious how others finding the system.
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posted by youngk
04 March 2013

long road to reconstruction

Last reply: 13 March 2013 23:20
Hi Ladies, just an update on where I am at. Had my first appointment in Beaumont with plastic surgeon today, having been referred from Limerick for a Diep recon. He was an absolute gentleman unfortunately I didn't get on a waiting list yet as I need to see a breast surgeon too, because I want the other side removed (This should have been in the referral). I want the other side removed because it is at risk of cancer due to radioactive iodine I had for thyroid disease 7 years ago (there are medical studies which show this) and I don't want to be sitting waiting for another cancer to appear if I can prevent it now. I don't know how long it will take to see the breast surgeon, but the good news is that if he agrees to the procedure I will go on his list, which is shorter than the plastic surgeons, and I still get the same plastic surgeon to do the recon! keep your fingers crossed for me, I feel I have waited long enough already as my referral from Limerick was delayed several months because my surgeon was on maternity leave.
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posted by Josephine
09 March 2013

Swelling on chest

Last reply: 24 April 2013 23:28
Hi all Had a bad week, this is one problem, I'll write about the other one in a min. I've been having shoulder trouble for ages, on left side only. Previous to diagnosis I was having physio. Since the mastectomy was also on the left side, the problem has been worse. I used to go for back massage regularly and couldn't wait to have one after all the treatment, last radiation was end Dec. I got the go ahead from Breast Care recently to have shoulder massage with light pressure only. So on Thursday I had a shoulder massage. It was mainly light pressure except for a few knots in my shoulder at the back. The problem now is I notice my front chest area, around where the radiation was done is after swelling up. It's not painful but slightly uncomfortable and feels squishy if I poke it. Could this be lymphoedema? Related to the massage? Or something else? Any suggestions like apply heat or cold or anything else? Thanks Jo
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posted by Josephine
09 March 2013

Now facing hysterectomy

Last reply: 03 April 2013 11:42
Here is the second item on my bad week list I had a gynae appt this week and I thought I would fly through it as all my gynae troubles seemed to have gone away as a bonus side effect of the chemo. However, I was stunned to find that I was already written up for a hysterectomy and ovaries out. It's not that I've had the genetic test, it's because of all my previous gynae troubles. I was just getting myself together after all the surgery/chemo/rads and now I'm in bits again. I'm very weepy even at the silliest things. Can anyone who has had all these surgeries offer any advice please? I feel like there won't be any female bit of me left. And it won't be good news for missing-in-action libido
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posted by wilmaone
12 March 2013

First mammo since chemo

Last reply: 12 March 2013 21:41
Hi ladies I have my first mammo in the morning since all treatment ended and recon.Have to say nerves are shot am sick with worry.Anyone know if they do both good breast and reconstructed one or just good one?Just wondering what to expect.Im sure all will be fine but you know that niggle!!! XX
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posted by Ania
13 March 2013

Expander moving???

Last reply: 15 March 2013 17:30
Hi All, quick question for anyone who had an implant or expander fitted. I feel like one of mine has slipped slightly off my chest wall. It seems to have moved about an inch off centre, but I can't tell if it was always like that or if I am being paranoid! I have a little bit of pain there, but I am full of aches and pains. Just wondering if anyone else had an expense like this?? Not sure if this is something that I should be concerned with or if anything can really be done anyway Thanks ladies!
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posted by deefed
13 March 2013

8th and Final Chemo tomorrow and Op and Recon April

Last reply: 21 March 2013 17:26
HI Girls Its been so long since I have been on this have no reason why really apart from the fact that.....emmm.... what did I say? My brain is mush! Met with plastics last week (or week before) really wanted a recon with mascetomy. Decided to go for it even though I am having RT so they are unsure if it will take. This is the way I want to do it give it a lash and if it fails I will do it again later! Cant believe 6 months of chemo will be over tomorrow - yippee yippee yippeee Op 23rd April. Sorry to see we have two new people here minefield and leitrim? I am too lazy to check the names again I too had invasive lobular and am doing great - minefield I just pm'd you as you sound quite similar to my diagnosis. Thats it girls - hopefully getting pumped with poisin for last time - thankfully it has so worked for me and the tumour is really shrinking and all happy xxx
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posted by mlnecraft
14 March 2013


Last reply: 15 March 2013 15:07
ahh ,so typical , I got my first chemo Tuesday ,the nurse is coming in the morning typo show me how to give the injection ,now what to do about the following , hubbieb has a big heavy cold (soon to be flue) my youngest had vomiting Tuesday night and wasn't too well yesterday ,won't be in school tomorrow. when are my worst days regarding picking up infections ,will I buy a face mask and wear it when around them ,just jokeing ,advice welcome ,
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