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posted by aniq
10 April 2013

Diep Reconstruction

Last reply: 12 June 2013 23:46
Found out yesterday that I won't be needing chemo so I can ask for my reconstruction referral to be out in. After research I'd really like the diep reconstruction if I was a candidate for it. Can anyone tell me please where they got theirs done and by whom. I know they do it in Beaumont but is it done elsewhere? If anyone has some recommendations about their own reconstruction diep or not I'd also love to hear them. One last thing, did u have it done on the public or private system? I have health insurance but they won't tell me if its covered without a procedure code. Anyone have theirs done using their health ins or is it even covered? Thanks xx
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posted by LeitrimLady
13 April 2013

Does taste return to normal before start of new cycle ?

Last reply: 15 April 2013 15:38
Hi, not the worse part of chemo but I am already dying to taste food properly again and am only on day 10 of first cycle. Would be something to look forward to next weekend if normal taste resumed before cycle no 2?. What normally happens during each cycle or does metallic taste laste for all the treatment period? And any top tips for dealing with it please ? Thanks LL?
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posted by Kathleen
13 April 2013

Tamoxifen and dry patches on skin

Last reply: 24 April 2013 23:36
Hi, Since starting Tamoxifen I have developed several small dry patches on my skin. The skin is red but not broken, though sometimes it cracks. I have tried just about everything I can think of, but the skin never heals fully once this dryness sets in and I am getting more of them as time goes by. My dermatologist wants to burn them but three of them are on my arm on the lumpectomy side so I am very reluctant to do anything on that side that might trigger lymphodema. Have any of you ladies had this problem, and have you found a solution? Kath
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posted by elizo
13 April 2013


Last reply: 17 April 2013 21:11
Hi Just wondering did anyone get advise on removing coil (with hormone)I know you can't mention names .oncologist said it was fine to leave it there as it had a low dose hormone in it. But was back for check in breast care and doctor said to get it removed I'm finished all treatment. I had lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5years Liz
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posted by Superwhy
16 April 2013


Last reply: 12 May 2013 17:13
I have started chemo. Going in for 3rd on next week. I am wondering did everyone lose there eyebrows. If u did what did u do if u lost them. Also what stay did u lose them.
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posted by deefed
18 April 2013

Recovery/Driving after Mascetomy

Last reply: 19 April 2013 22:19
Hi folks I am having my mascetomy/recon/lymp node removals next Tuesday. Can you please share with me your recovery time. How sore are you after. Someone said I wouldnt be able to drive for a few weeks is this correct? I never realised I wouldnt be able to drive OMG how am I gonna stay in all the time? When people say sore like are you laid up in bed for a week or two? THanks in advance girls
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posted by Neadi
18 April 2013


Last reply: 18 April 2013 18:57
Hi guys I've had 5 chemos, and I have to admit the last one has knocked the stuffing outta me. I'm going into what should be my "good week" but still feel really tired and just drained. Is this normal? It's just by this stage I thought I'd be feeling somewhat normal- not able for climbing mountains, but just not feeling so tired all the time!! Is there anything I can do or take to elieveiate the tiredness?? Thanks a million Xx
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posted by sunshine71
20 April 2013

radiation and red areas

Last reply: 24 April 2013 18:54
Know red areas to be expected with radiation treatment but wasn't aware you could get a red area on the back too as I have. Sort of expected it to be around the breast area being treated. Coping well with the skin regime though and find using e45 during the day and emulsfying cream at night is keeping skin pretty okay.
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posted by Superwhy
21 April 2013

Due chemo tomorrow but have a sore throat

Last reply: 21 April 2013 22:29
Am due to get my third chemo tomorrow. But yesterday evening got a sore throat and was cold. No temp . Do u think they will defo the chemo. Anyone know if there is anything I can take. My sister recommended Manuka honey.
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posted by Superwhy
22 April 2013

Platelet low....

Last reply: 13 May 2013 13:27
I went today to get my chemo and was told my platelets were low. Not low enough thankfully to stop chemo. But I am thinking now if there is anything I can do. Have to go back to hospital in 10 day to get bloods done again . To c what is the story. Feeling good cold seems to have not come one me. Thank god.
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