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posted by shirls
09 May 2013

Back to work & bad memory/concentration

Last reply: 12 May 2013 20:03
Hi Girlies, Just looking to hear of your experiences with going back to work post surgery/chemo & rads. I finished chemo last Nov & rads in January and returned to work five weeks ago. I decided not to return to the job I had pre my cancer journey and have started to work for a new company. Its full time in an office. The biggest problem is my memory loss and tiredness. I feel totally out of my depth and really lack the confidence I had before. I have to write everything down and there are times when I just feel so god damm stupid. I got recommended for this job and now I feel like a completely different person than what I was a year ago and I'm sure my new employer is disappointed as they were convinced I was going to be wonderful & ideal for the job but I'm simply not that person anymore. I have gone from being top of my game to struggling terribly with the simpliest of tasks. Has anybody else had these problem? Shirls
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posted by wilmaone
11 May 2013

breast lift to good breast

Last reply: 13 May 2013 22:07
Hi all Has anyone had their good breast lifted after recon to match up with new one?Am going in on 21st to have this done aswell as fat filler to new one.Just wondering what to expect with lift as am hoping to do mini marathon 11 days later(had signed up before date came in). Any info appreciated thanks. xx
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posted by Dane7
11 May 2013

Well I did it!

Last reply: 11 May 2013 22:44
Ladies Just thought I would let you know that I went swimming today .... in a pool ... communal showers .... public changing room! I have been putting off going swimming, which I used to do in a previous life, as I felt I could never face the no boob situation. Well today I took the bull by the hornes and did it. Swam 12 lengths - will sleep for sure tonight and better still the uniboober survived the looks and all the uncomfortableness. It is true ... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Ladies I thought my pre cancer body wasn't too hot and I would never have been comfortable in the communal showers/changing room. Never, ever thought that I would take the cancer ravaged version out on tour!!!!
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posted by Superwhy
11 May 2013

Sex life during chemo

Last reply: 14 May 2013 18:02
Sorry not sure where else to ask this. We were told in the hospital as long as my husband wears a condom we could continue to have sex. I meet a lady today who said she was told not to have sex during chemo. What was everyone else told... Jesus I will be very upset if on top of everything else we can't even have a sex life..... Apologies of tmi...
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posted by Superwhy
13 May 2013

Dexamethasone 8mg..steroids

Last reply: 13 May 2013 12:33
Well I have spent another sleepless night . I sleep well except the 3 days I have to take these tablets. Anyone else find this. On top of the increased appetite for these few days...
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posted by wilmaone
13 May 2013


Last reply: 14 May 2013 22:01
Hi ladies Me again!!!have been taken off tamoxifen and put on femara anyone else on this?whats it like? Thanks in advance Xx
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posted by sunshine71
13 May 2013

estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer/ovaries remov

Last reply: 14 May 2013 21:41
Again, just reading up and realise having your ovaries removed is an option for some women who haven't reached the menopause yet but who have oestrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer. Just wondering has anyone had this done or talked this through with their medical team. From what I'm understanding its for women who are still producing oestrogen and it stops oestrogen production. I had chemotherapy and felt the full onslaught of the menopause and my bloods showed it was indeed that. Now, however, my periods are back to normal and usual cycle I've always had. I'm aware there are drugs that work by lowering or blocking the effects of oestrogen on breast cancer cells. But I don't want any more children and wonder is removing my ovaries a better, more permanent option. Going by my mum she was nearly 11 years older than I am now when she went into natural menopause. Lots of questions on this one....will chat with my medical team on this but curious as usual, on other womens' experience.
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posted by Superwhy
14 May 2013

Nails discoloured...

Last reply: 22 May 2013 21:27
One of my nails has started to discolour. Have just done chemo 4 have 2 left. Am doing tch chemo.. Has anyone got shellac nails done or is that a bad idea.. Not very good at painting my nails..
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posted by miranda
16 May 2013

Chemo advice.

Last reply: 21 May 2013 18:32
Hi everybody. Miranda here.cannot believe the time has arrived for my first chemotherapy treatment on Monday 20th may. Don't know what to expect! I'm scared and nervous.any tips and advice on how to cope with the next few months and going for my wig fitting tomorrow? Cannot come to terms with losing my hair. Any help is much appreciated, and hopefully I can help others through my experiences too.
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posted by Beckala
17 May 2013

BRCA gene testing

Last reply: 20 May 2013 11:15
So a few years ago my old GP told me I might qualify to get this BRAC test done. Thank God, touch wood, I haven't had a sniff of cancer but want to keep it that way and prevent at all costs. I can't seem to get any straight forward info on this BRCA testing on any website in relation to Ireland. I mean, is it covered by the medical card? How long is the waiting list and how do I apply?? I'm 33 yrs old and want to be smart about this - prevention is better than cure, right! Family History: Brother: Leukemia - deceased Mother: Brest Cancer- diagnosed at 50 - deceased Father: Lung, bowel cacer - diagnosed at 50 - deceased Aunts and uncles on both sides Grandparents all had cancer.
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