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posted by sunshine71
06 July 2013

What a difference a year makes!

Last reply: 07 July 2013 23:35
[color=#8000BF:jxk3sn92]One year ago today I was on my way home in the car to break the news to my family that I had, indeed, got breast cancer. I can hardly believe I'm one year on from the diagnosis and have experienced some medical treatments that I never dreamed of having. I've also had to slow down my life, and my mind. I've started to look at myself in a whole new way. Before (cancer) I was a stressed person....woudlnt admit it then but can see now with hindsight. My life was busy and so fast at times. Then I got my diagnosis and suddenly my life was thrown upside down. The treatments were unfortunatly hard going for me and it was a long time from July '12 to my last radiotherapy in May '13. Now, however, the big treatments are over and I'm trying to settle into this new life I have now. Its not like my old life in so many ways. My arm and my hand tend to be swollen. My foot is sore with peripheral neuropahty, a side effect of chemo. And I have more breast surgery ahead of me in the future. And yet I can say I am happy.I have a quieter, slower life now which is nice. It allows me time to enjoy life rather than race through it. I am trying new things that I wouldnt have dreamed of before (cancer)......relaxation, mindfulness, accupunture, reflexology. I love experiencing new things that help me to learn what its like to make time for myself and to look after myself. I can't see myself going back to the old way of life I had before cancer. This life after cancer is pretty okay right now. I have ongoing medical issues but I feel strong now to cope with them and to still enjoy life. Nobody said life would be perfect or easy...I can vouch for that. But nobody said you can't be happy when life is far from perfect or eas[/color:jxk3sn92]y.
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posted by Superwhy
13 July 2013

Shellac nails.. 3 weeks post chemo finishing

Last reply: 20 July 2013 11:52
I finished tch chemo 3 weeks ago and have a wedding on Saturday. Am actually bridesmaid. I am kind of feelin a bit sorry I agreed to do it. Am feeling quite self conscious of my wig and pics in general. I was thinking of gettin my nails done as they a by yellow and have been painting them myself. But they are quite short. Don't seem to be growing. Was thinking of getting shellac nails or gel nails done. Do u think as I have finished chemo it's ok to do.. Hope ye are all enjoying the sunshine
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
15 July 2013

Sun is cause of breast cancer- theory

Last reply: 15 July 2013 15:43
[post edited by webmaster] The Irish Cancer Society does not support unfounded theories of cancer or unproven alternative treatments.
1 comment
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posted by irishindenmark
21 July 2013

Yet another new member !

Last reply: 01 August 2013 19:45
Hi Members Im Misey from Dublin. I have been living abroad about 23 years, and recently decided upon returning to Dublin to live. I worked out my plan that once i finished my education in Copenhagen, i would put my flat up for sale, and then make my move. Things were panning out fine,until i went to my half yearly check and it was discovered the cancer is back.....i almost reached the 5 year mark of surviving breast cancer. The doctor seems upbeat that they can cure me, but tell me that i have a chonic illness and need to have herceptin rest of life. God knows how long rest of my life is!! Anways im still going with my plan to move back to Dublin,though now its seems much more complicated. I dont have the energy tothink about all the paper work i will have to contend with. The chemo is giving me a lot of side effects puha. Would there happen to be others who moved back to Ireland, willing to share their experiences?? Have a good sunday,kind regards Misey
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posted by Nialln
22 July 2013

Lymph Node Cancer

Last reply: 22 July 2013 17:01
Hi all, we just found out my wife has breast cancer and are waiting on an MRI scan to get more detailed information. however, my question is this. They found the cancer under her arm (following a GP visit when she found a lump). As I understand it, this would indicate a spreading of the cancer from the breast to the underarm. However, during the standard mamogram and ultrasound of the breasts they did not find anything (Hence the MRI). Would I be right in my understanding then that this would indicate a stage 2 cancer and if so, what can we expect next? I fully understand that everyone is different in their diagnosis and situations, but I am just trying to get my head around this. I don't think she is aware that it is possibly stage two so I am just trying to find out for myself first if she is at any "higher" risk. Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
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posted by Superwhy
23 July 2013

Surgery next Monday.

Last reply: 01 August 2013 21:54
Any usual tips what to pack and usual info for me. Having a lumpectomy and axillary clearance.
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posted by LeitrimLady
01 August 2013

Mirena Coil & Tamoxifen

Last reply: 13 August 2013 10:26
Hi - there seems to be a lot of conflicting advice about whether the mirena coil should be removed when taking tamoxifen. I know being PR + is one factor that may be relevant to getting it removed, but some oncologists say the release of progesterone by the Mirena is localised and not relevant. Just wondering for those with the Mirena , what has been advised on this ? Thanks as always.
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posted by deefed
07 August 2013

High fever during radiation 39.2

Last reply: 07 August 2013 21:43
Hi ladies 8 more rads to go and have very high temp today. 39.2 question is, is it like chemo if your over 38.5 you should report to hospital? Any help be appreciated
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posted by SK40
24 October 2013

How long to wait for mammagram results

Last reply: 05 November 2013 12:12
I had a mammagram just a week ago in Beaumont but I have no results yet and I still have pain in left breast. Does anyone out there know when I will get results?
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posted by Mariek2212
29 October 2013

Nipple Reconstruction

Last reply: 04 November 2013 23:31
Hi I am due to have my nipple done in St Vincent's hopsital in the near future. I received a letter from the consultant's Registrar asking that I mark the night before where I want the nipple to be placed, this was his protocol, and they would discuss it with me on the morning of the procedure. I find this to be quite a bizarre request and not very helpful, on the part of the consultant and his Registrar. Has anyone else encountered this in St Vincent's or anywhere else for that matter. I am very tempted not to mark the spot as a form of protest. Mimi
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