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posted by anriocht
19 November 2013

Tamoxifen & Joint Pain

Last reply: 22 November 2013 19:46
Hi all, Just trying to ascertain if any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen. I have been suffering with pain in my left shoulder and my upper back since September. (Had mastectomy on left hand side). Saw my Oncologist today, as I had a mammogram last week, my first since my diagnosis last October 2012. The mammogram on my existing breast is normal, T.G. However, he is referring me for a bone scan next week, to get to the bottom of the pain. He did say that sometimes, hormone therapy can cause joint pain, but that tamoxifen is not usually the worst offender for this! Now, he may only be saying this, so that I will not worry, or it may be a common occurrence. I am back to where I was last year again, virtually going out of my mind with worry, until I have the scan done and results got. If any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen, I would love to hear about it. Thanks, M xxx
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posted by macci
19 November 2013

new lump

Last reply: 20 November 2013 11:15
I'm sorry to be back here again. I found a very small (less than a pea size) lump under my collar bone, where the shoulder joins the collar bone. I think this is an infascapular node?? I'm being seen in the breast clinic on Monday, meanwhile worrying myself sick. Any one else had this?
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posted by WicklowLady
20 November 2013

Removal of ovaries

Last reply: 20 November 2013 20:03
After watching aine Lawlors documentary on RTE I was very interested in the fact that she had her ovaries and Fallopian tribes removed to decrease her chances of cancer there. My father has had lung , prostate and intestinal cancer and my mother has had colon cancer. This is something I am considering in the future. Just wondering what the women here think
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posted by WicklowLady
20 November 2013

Removal of ovaries

Last reply: 05 December 2013 23:37
After watching aine Lawlors documentary on RTE I was very interested in the fact that she had her ovaries and Fallopian tribes removed to decrease her chances of cancer there. My father has had lung , prostate and intestinal cancer and my mother has had colon cancer. This is something I am considering in the future. Just wondering what the women here think
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posted by WicklowLady
22 November 2013

Volunteers in the daffodil centre st Vincent's hospital

Last reply: 25 November 2013 14:29
I've got an interview next Thursday for volunteer in the new daffodil centre in st Vincent's hospital. I feel my life should take a new path and hopefully this will let me see is it what I want to do, if if course I pass the interview . Big change from chemo land this time last year happy days
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posted by mamato3
01 December 2013

Hair Loss/Wigs

Last reply: 04 December 2013 22:14
Hi everyone. My first post here, this is all really new to me, so I might be asking really stupid questions for a while. Diagnosed in October, age 41 with 3 kids. Due for mastectomy next week, after 2 lumpectomies that surgeon wasn't happy that everything was cleared. Also had lymph nodes removed (2 tested positive). Struggling with all aspects of this, but one of the things that's mostly on my mind at the moment is the chemo and specifically the hair loss aspect. I am resigned that my hair is going, when i start the chemo probably in a couple of months time. I am unsure about whether to go for a wig or not. Some of the shops suggest you go in 6 weeks in advance to order the wig, hence my post so far in advance. They seem so expensive and many women seem to hate wearing them? Just wondering if I should even bother with the expense, or just go with hats/scarves etc. I have longish hair at the moment, if I do go for a wig I am not interested in trying to replicate it, it seems more hassle to try to get the same style and does that mean I'm waiting until my hair has grown back long again before I ditch the wig. The synthetic wigs look like wigs (to me) and I know the real hair wigs are more expensive again. I guess my question is honest opinions on whether you think wigs are worth the money.
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posted by LindyLu
05 December 2013

Five years ago today....

Last reply: 22 July 2014 17:01
I got the worst news a 39 year old women with a 5 month old and a 22 month old could that I had breast cancer. I can still vividly remember sitting with the Brest surgeon in Beaumont and him telling me that my tests and biopsys had confirmed that I had a tumour. He was rambling on talking about having to have surgery (lumpectomy) and I had to stop him and ask him if this tumour was cancerous. I don't think I heard anything thereafter. I spent much of December secretely crying, wondering whether I would still be alive in12 months time. When most of the world was ringing in the new year of 2009 I was experiencing near panic as I had a difficult road ahead of me. In the last five years i have had lumpectomy, mastectomy, infections, delayed chemo, rads, drugs, reconstruction, lift on the other side....the final bit of the journey will hopefully be nipple and finishing the trial I am on. To honour the day that was in it, I got my hair cut. It has been cut many a time since it started to grow back after chemo, but it felt extra good today. I don't ever forget the fact that I had BC. It is a part of my life. Life is pretty good now. Kiddies are nearly 7 and 5 and a half. Am so long back in work I nearly forget I was missing for 20 months (was on mat leave when diagnosed). I have met some amazing people along this road I ended up taking. Some sadly had passed away due to BC. I do think I am a stronger person having travelled the road. For those of you recently diagnosed or in treatment, while it might be pretty crappy now, rest assured that the days will roll into weeks and the weeks into months and the months into years. Love to ye all, Lindylu
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posted by bettersoon
09 December 2013


Last reply: 16 December 2013 18:30
Hi, I hope you all don't mind me offering, but I have five lovely headscarves/wraps that were hardly worn & I no longer need... I thought I'd offer them here if anyone needs them? I don't want money or anything. All are freshly laundered and modern-styled blues/greens, suiting someone "pale & interesting" like myself! These things don't come cheap when most of us end up unable to work etc. for a number of months. I'd be only too glad to pass them on rather than chuck them out Send me a private message and I'll email you a photo if interested.
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posted by Superwhy
10 December 2013

When did u dye ur hair first after chemo.

Last reply: 15 December 2013 23:11
I finished chemo at the end of June. I would really love to dye my hair for Christmas . I have used the vegetable oil based but just not mad keen on the colour and would prefer to just go to the hairdresser. How soon did yours coloured.
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posted by sunshine71
12 December 2013

aches and pains on Tamoxifen

Last reply: 30 January 2014 21:47
[color=#BF0040:263li0vp]Just had a visit with pain management today. The last few weeks having awful pains in my knees in particular. I also have pains in the joints on my hands. I felt like the Tamoxifen was showing on the 'weaker' joints in my body as I've sometimes had aches in my knees before, but nothing on the scale of what it is now. The consultant, after checking, concluded I do indeed have ostioarthritsis in my knees. However, the good news is he suggested good old paracetomal can work wonders with this type of pain so going to give it a go for a few weeks. This tamoxifen is no walk in the park, excuse the pun. Its difficult but hoping to see improvements in the next few weeks. On a good note still walking though and managing 30mins most days and hoping for more when pain is under control.. [/color:263li0vp]
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