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posted by kazoo
29 January 2014

Getting new nipple!

Last reply: 02 February 2014 23:11
Hi all, I had my reconstruction done last year and I am due to go in to get new nipple put on end of Feb. Was told ages ago that's it's all quite a simple procedure, in and out on same day. Anyone get this done? Is it sore, do they just give you a local? Can't remember much that my surgeon told me as was ages ago. Thanks in advance.
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posted by Mel1
30 January 2014

Second chemo AC

Last reply: 23 February 2014 23:45
Hi everyone, I had my second chemo on Tuesday, and it really hit me hard. I was so nauseous all Tues night, didn't sleep a wink all night. I rang oncology and they faxed on more anti sickness meds on we'd morning. Much better but still I feel crap. I feel like I've been hit by a train. I'm hoping the next one in two weeks isn't worse again, like the whole thing is building up with each treatment. I have 2 more AC to go and then onto to taxol. I've heard that it is not so bad as AC, Is that true? Sorry for the rant, and thanks for listening! Mel
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posted by Snoozy20
01 February 2014

Immediate Reconstruction - has anyone had it

Last reply: 02 February 2014 18:19
Hi , awaiting surgery for mastectomy after lumpectomy and re-insision ops, and the margins still werent clear, so I have run out of road Just wondering if anyone has had immediate reconstruction , I have to tell the plastic surgeon next week if I want it , even thought I havent met my oncologist yet and I dont know whether I will be getting radiation or not. I believe radiation affects the reconstruction. Its all very confusion , how can I make that decision. And he didnt offer me any advice as to which method for my shape or whether I should or not Any advice is welcome
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posted by Anncorr1981
01 February 2014

reconstruction advice

Last reply: 16 February 2014 21:50
Hi guys Since my cancer and brca diagnosis I am left with the decision to be preventative now. I am just wondering if anyone has had a double mastectomy and recon and what the results and recovery were? I was told that using the skin from my back is the best option. The whole thing is very scary to be honest. While my cancer is gone there is no pressure to make an immediate decision, but I know this is what I need to do to eliminate a recurrence sooner rather than later. Ann
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posted by Resolute
02 February 2014

Treatment Expenses

Last reply: 02 February 2014 21:20
Morning all Hope you are all well! I'm just wondering if anyone knows if it's still possible to claim back expenses incurred during treatment?? I found an old post from 2011 here on the forum, but not sure if it still applies? I am PAYE but my husband is self employed (not sure if that makes a difference). Any info would be welcome Resolute
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posted by winda34
03 February 2014

Awaiting Biopsy Results.

Last reply: 16 February 2014 17:55
Hi Guys, I have been reading through the threads and post here over the last few days and am overwhelmed at the amount of support and love here on the boards. It's comforting and reassuring to have someone to talk to! The story is, I found a lump on my left breast 2 weeks ago, wasn't checking per se but brushed off it when I was reaching over to get a Creme egg out of my bedside locker (I have a nice little stash in there Feels like a marrowefat pea that hasn't been cooked I suppose is the best way to describe it. Went to my GP and I think she missed it but found a small one near my nipple. I was so agitated, I said "yes thats it" When I came home and had a feel meself, I realised it was nowhere near the nipple....(I am a gobshite) Anyway, she sent off the email to Beaumont and I got called last Tuesday. A youngish little doctor saw me, (there seemed to be loads of them all waiting around). She found it straight away and said "well it doesn'r FEEL like cancer" She then left the room and came back and told me "He" (no idea who he is, Prof Hill perhaps??) wants me to go for a mammogram and a scan (I already have breast implants) Scuttled off in my too big gown and had the mammogram, had to have quite a few because of the implants) and then next door for a scan. Lovely lady doing the scan had a look and said, it's not a cyst looks like you could have a benign something or other....I felt relieved, then she had another look and said, No actually, we are going to do a biopsy now and stated getting things ready. had the Ultrasound guided needle thingy and that was it. She then gave me a sealed letter to bring back up with Doc Hills name on it. Toddle on back up to the breast clinic where another little doctor grabbed the letter and opened it and told me to go take a seat. I was called back in by the same young girl who examined me initially, she sat down with me to say I will have to come back for result, she then had to find out when so she left again and I could heat her asking one of the others. So she came back and told me to come back this Fri at 1.30 (10 day wait), she said that the team meet to discuss results and if is is cancerous, they will decide what to do. I guess my question is how concerned should I be? They all made the right noises that is was not cancer but something tells me, you can't take this at face value and a lump no matter how small or insignificant, could be cancer and it does not have to be the size of my head. If it is not cancer, will they remove it anyway? Guess I am rambling now but would just like to know if anyone has been in the same boat. Thanks so much Happy Wet Monday!!
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posted by Superwhy
04 February 2014

Back to work

Last reply: 04 February 2014 22:48
Heading back to work tomorrow. I have been off work since last feb. Am nervous but also looking forward to gettin back to it. Thankfully my boss has been amazing to me and lettin me some back on a really fazed back . Only doing 3 days a week for 3 hrs. Really isn't worth my while financially but hopefully I can increase it to 5 days soon.
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posted by Superwhy
04 February 2014

Scarves . Hats and a few books.

Last reply: 04 February 2014 22:34
If anyone needs these I can post them. I have some nice scarves . Have a Bernadette bohan book also. I plan never to use them again.
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posted by happymum
05 February 2014


Last reply: 07 February 2014 09:46
Hi folks, looking for a bit of advice.Just met the oncologist who will be dealing with me the other day, I have a mirena coil in situ she recommends removing same as my cancer is hormone driven and the mirena secretes small amt of hormones I believe.Cant use any type of pill so my options are tubal ligation, condoms or vasectomy for my hubby.Has anyone come up against anything like this .I have 2 fabulous healthy children and know my family is complete.
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posted by yaya
05 February 2014

Diep reconstruction

Last reply: 07 February 2014 10:03
Hi girls, Due to have bi lateral diep reconstruction in June with tissue from belly. Just wondering if anyone has had this type of recon done and what the recovery was like. Kids are 8 and 11 now so not too bad but just wondering how long to get back on my feet. Best wishes and luck to you all, Thanks a mill Bernie xx
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