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posted by Georgie123
04 March 2014

Hair re growth.

Last reply: 12 March 2014 23:43
Hi all, Just a quickie, recently started taxol and herceptin, having completed 4 x AC. I have heard that this chemo taxol does not affect hair, anyone else hear this, do you think I can expect to see some hair growth soon Hope your all doing well, on steroid today, just not letting me sleep as you can see.
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posted by Mel1
04 March 2014


Last reply: 14 April 2014 07:21
I have finished my 4 AC treatments now and my next four will be Taxol. I've been told it's a different regime for this next lot and must taken 20mg of steroids on the night before treatment and 20mg the next morning before treatment. Has anyone had to do this? If so I'd love to know how such a high dose affected you? We're you able to sleep a wink at all?
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posted by youngk
10 March 2014

advice if you are going to have recon

Last reply: 18 March 2014 10:26
have just had my double tug (thighs) reconstruction. although I thought I had a tummy for diep the consultant said I was too thin- just lazy muscles. tug was only option avoiding implants (which I didn't want). result is two small breasts, which I am happy with. If anyone is going for this option i would recommend button through nighties for hospital to make inspection easier ( you wont find pj's easy over leg drains) i split my nighties and put poppers up the front, they worked perfectly! also discuss shaving or hair removal before op, I didn't and the worst part so far has been dressing changes round the top of my thighs. karen.
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posted by Newtothis
13 March 2014

Taxol steroids

Last reply: 20 March 2014 18:25
Hi all I'm due to start taxol tomorrow and just picked up my steroid prescription but slightly confused about it. The note I received said to take 10 tablets tonight with a stomach tablet but there are another 20 steroids on the script and I seem to have to split them up into groups of 8, 6, 4 and 2. I'll ring the nurse and ask but in the meantime am I meant to take these on Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon nights or before the next few taxol sessions? Any advice on the best time to take these? Should I also expect to be awake half the night? Thanks Pamela
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posted by Positive Girl
15 March 2014

LD Flap Reconstruction

Last reply: 07 April 2014 21:14
Hi there It's been a long time since I have been on this site....I finished my treatment Sept 2011, had mastectomy, chemo, Rad therapy = the Works !!! Unfortunately I also had a failed Diep Flap reconstruction April 2012 and I am now looking at going back for round 2 and having an LD FLap - any advice on what the surgery is like. I am seeing Margaret O'Donnell in the Blackrock Clinic next week - anyone been to her and had similar op ?Really would appreciate some feedback on what I can expect. Thanks so much
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posted by Active
24 March 2014

Sleep Problems post breast cancer diagnosis

Last reply: 05 April 2014 16:17
Since breast cancer diagnosis last october i have been having weird dreams, always about being lost/ disorganised/separated from people. Night sweats add insult to injury.Once woken by a night sweat it takes hours to get back to sleep. As I am oestrogen positive I am restricted from taking most remedies which deal with menopause symptoms. Active
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posted by Resolute
24 March 2014

Brca testing

Last reply: 31 May 2014 18:58
Hi there I've just received my appointment for brca testing at the medical genetics clinic and am wondering what to expect on the day.. Will I just see the councillor and then have a blood test? Also, how long does it take before the results come back? Would appreciate any advice Resolute x
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posted by spudburf
28 March 2014

Mastectomy and Reconstruction

Last reply: 08 April 2014 18:19
Hi all, I'm due to have my mastectomy in May in Cork and I will be having reconstruction at the same time. I know I don't want an implant but I would appreciate any advice regarding all other options please. I don't know if I can take being incapacitated again after finishing chemo which for me was very difficult!! I'd really appreciate any advice - thanksl
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posted by Katie
29 May 2014

BRCA Testing Costs

Last reply: 29 May 2014 23:12
Hi Everyone I am new to this board but I have been a faithful reader since June 2013 when I was diagnosed ! I can honestly say that reading all your posts really helped me to focus on the task of getting through all the various treatments! I am on a waiting list for BRCA testing (currently takes a year!!) and I was wondering did anyone go privately and if they did how much did it cost!!!! Thanks for any info you can give!
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posted by Starbook30
29 May 2014

Mammogram /scan- going private

Last reply: 30 May 2014 16:56
Can anyone help please! I found a lump 3wks ago in my breast as the waiting list is so long today I decided to go private, so I've appointment for ultra sound tomorrow . Will I get results there and then or do I have to be referred back to GP? If there is cancer do I get referred back to public system?
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