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posted by Neadi
20 May 2013

Weight after chemo

Last reply: 22 May 2013 08:40
Hi girls Much to my horror I've found I've put on a stone since diagnosis and two weeks ago set about cleaning up the eating act and am slowly getting back to walking and slow jogging, having been an avid runner/ gold weight watchers member for 10 years. So I have the tools at my disposal........ Anyhow in the two weeks, the scale has not budged one iota, and needless to say I am getting a bit peed off as I am trying! Am I being too ambitious trying to do this 3 weeks after chemo? Has anyone had trouble and did they overcome it? I haven't even gone on tamoxifen yet! Yikes!!!!! Help!!!!!!
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posted by Amaryllis
21 May 2013

Hair regrowth after chemo

Last reply: 26 May 2013 22:32
I finished chemo at the end of March and now have a soft downy covering of hair on my head. I read someone elses post that they had the first few layers shaved off to make it stronger - but Im a bit loath to shave off the little bit I have and go back to being completely bald again ....any advice? Also have no eyebrows or eyelashes but think nails are finally growing again...
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posted by Resolute
21 May 2013

Oncotype DX testing

Last reply: 24 May 2013 12:28
Hello everybody! I am loving the forum! so much information here that I never thought I'd need (same as everyone else in the club I'm sure)!! I'm newly diagnosed and am awaiting the results of DX testing to see if I need Chemotherapy before Radiotherapy. Has anyone else here had the test and if so how long before results were back?? Three weeks since surgery and I would really like to get moving on 'next' stage..
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posted by Superwhy
22 May 2013

Lumpectomy vs mastectomy

Last reply: 11 June 2013 14:26
Right so I have my meeting with my surgeon in a few weeks and I really need to get my head around this.. My surgeon at the start felt I could have a lumpectomy after chemo as I lump should have shrank. But part of me wants the bloody boob gone its not my friend anymore. Any one that has had a lumpectomy done how does ur boob look afterwards. Are u happy with it.. This is driving me mad and maybe I need to trust my surgeon knows best and maybe when I have my meeting with him let him tell me what he thinks is best..
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posted by Superwhy
23 May 2013

Colour dash 5 k for

Last reply: 29 May 2013 21:28
I see on the website they are organising a 5 k colour dash in Phoenix park on the 27th July.. Anyone want to join me.. I will 4 weeks post chemo. I will have to walk it..
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posted by Superwhy
24 May 2013

cancer care centres

Last reply: 26 May 2013 12:09
sorry i seem to have lots of questions at the moment. the closest cancer care centre to me seems to be the gary kelly centre in drogheda. I know there is one beside the mater but i have heard its dreadful for parking is it worth the 30 mins drive to it. What kind of stuff have u done in ur local cancer centre thanks and apologies for all the questions marie
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posted by Superwhy
08 June 2013

Mammogram and ultrasound on Monday

Last reply: 23 June 2013 08:50
Have 5 out of my 6 chemo sessions done and back next week for the test. Monday I have a mammogram and ultrasound and then MRI on the thurs. will they give me any idea on Monday after the mammogram and ultrasound. Will ye keep me in ur prayers and positive vibes over the next week. Am quite nervous.
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posted by deefed
12 June 2013

Dip in the Nip Wicklow 22nd June any takers?

Last reply: 04 July 2013 12:41
Hi Ladies I am organising a Dip in the Nip on 22nd June in Wicklow..... if any of you fine ladies would be interested. I have chosen Leah and Lily-Mae as the recipients of fundraising beautiful little girls only 5 and 6 and have gone through so much with chemo and RT they both have a very very rare forms of cancer. Any volunteers would be very welcome so far we are around 130 women If you cant make it maybe you could spread the word of if you had a few euro donate at I wont be the only one dipping with one boob a few other ladies too. Sorry I have not been around for a while I will be back xxxx
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posted by Josephine
12 June 2013

lymphoedema after a year

Last reply: 26 June 2013 11:43
Hi all Well tomorrow the 13th is my one year mastectomy anniversary and after a whole year I've suddenly got lymphoedema! My wrist and hand are all puffed up and sore. I was on to the physio dept and got advice re exercises and rest etc and will prob be seen next week. Also I'm going on a long haul flight in 10 days! It's last year's cancelled holiday rebooked. I'm upset about this and mainly cos I think it was all my own fault. I drove for 3 and 1/2 hours at the weekend with air con not working and I didn't drink enough water. I had a splitting headache when I got there. Then I did a repeat performance on the return trip! I've looked up some old posts and now I realise I've been foolish. I haven't been keeping up the exercises either because I suppose I felt I was so active now there was no need. What does everyone else do? Are you continuing with the exercises forever? Any advice appreciated. Jo x
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posted by sunshine71
16 June 2013


Last reply: 01 August 2013 18:01
[color=#400080:pu2xxfg2]I started taking the 'dreaded' tamoxifen about 3 weeks ago now and my ankles in particular, along with my feet are fairly swollen. There are crease lines where the swelling is on my feet/ankles. Keeping them well moisturised but they are sore and can feel then a bit 'cracked' or dry. Have a general feeling of water retention in my body and my weight on the scales is to say the least. I am going back to the oncology team and will chat with them. Mentioned it on my last visit and they said give if 4-6 weeks if I could to see would it settle itself without diuretics. Find it hard to walk at times with the swelling but trying to keep moving as know it helps. Wearing crocs to give them room to 'swell' so to speak...regular shoes very uncomfortable. Luckily not any other adverse side effects so far, just this. Anyone else find this side effect on Tamoxifen? Thanks ladies. [/color:pu2xxfg2]
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