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posted by sunshine71
25 March 2013

dental work during treatments

Last reply: 11 April 2013 22:12
Just thought this might be of interest to people who are undergoing treatments. [color=#0040BF:2zsjqdja] All medical card holders are entitled to specific dental treatments e.g., a dental examination, two fillings in each calendar year, extractions as necessary. Some treatments such as the provision of dentures require the approval of the HSE before the dentist can proceed and in this case, the dentist applies directly to the HSE. Additional treatments for example, teeth cleaning are available to those persons with specific medical conditions and again, your dentist will be able to advise you of your entitlement if this is the case. The HSE dental section may require written documentation outlining your medical condition and/or medications from your G.P. or other relevant medical person. Examples of some medical conditions are outlined in the table below; Conditions Examples Cancer Patients Prior to treatment for cancer Those under active treatment by chemotherapy or radiotherapy or under medication prescribed by an oncologist [/color:2zsjqdja]
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posted by barbarad
25 March 2013

herceptin and panic attacks

Last reply: 26 March 2013 13:00
Hello everyone I am writing on behalf of my mother who has been diagnosed with her 2 pos breast cancer just before Christmas. She was supposed to have 8 chemo sessions but was stopped after 5 as it was too much for her. She is also on Herceptin and due for a mastectomy in a few weeks. The question I want to ask is if anybody suffered anxiety while being on Herceptin. She seem to be suffering with an overwhelming sense of panic and nerves,every little thing is a big problem for example she is worrying that something will happen to my father or if everything is not just so, panic sets in.I was just wondering if anybody else was suffering with the same thing, if it was normal or maybe a side effect
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posted by LeitrimLady
26 March 2013

Portacath for Heceptin Administration ?

Last reply: 28 March 2013 01:05
Hi again, hope all well, I was just wondering what is the norm on how herceptin is administered and is a portacath usually required due to the number of itretaments? I am due to start chemo and herceptin after Easter. I have another appointment this week with oncologist but would like to know practically what might work best because of the duration of treatment. Thanks a million, LL.
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posted by LeitrimLady
27 March 2013

Herceptin by Injection & Weekly v Three Weekly Administratio

Last reply: 26 April 2013 21:22
Hi, And i thought herception was going to be straightforward ! Got two choices today from oncologist on herceptin that I didnt expect as I thought it was standard three weekly intervals by IV and interested to know what anyone elses experiences have been?. Have option of weekly administration rather than three weekly and and also can participate in a trial which administers it by injection which takes 3 - 5 minutes. It apparently does not impact on efficacy and they are reviewing the tolerability of injecting under skin in this manner. I have looked at the research done but would love to know if anyone else is receiving herceptin by injection? ( or weekly) Thanks LL
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posted by wilmaone
29 March 2013

1yr on

Last reply: 11 April 2013 20:55
Well I can't believe I finished chemo a year ago today it has flown by.17 months ago I thought I'd never see the end or normality again.But here I am done and dusted first mammo clear and starting to find myself again.I have learned so much about myself on this journey and of others that I might not have had it not happened and for that I'm grateful.Thank you all who have supported me here through my rants and moans(and there was a few!!)the support here has been fantastic and I would have been lost without it so thank you again. Today was certainly not an anniversary I thought I'd celebrate but you know what we are bloody fantastic for going through and coming out the other side of this disease and its treatments.Can't wait till the 1st may for the new boobs 1st birthday. So tonight ladies I'm having a glass or two I celebration of myself and for all of you that are finished,going through or just starting. There is light at the end of the tunnel Cheers to us Xx
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posted by WicklowLady
29 March 2013

Joint pain help?..

Last reply: 04 April 2013 01:01
Hi girls looking for your comments. I'm finished chemo since end of dec and am on herceptin and started rads on 19th march. I'm not on any medication oestrogen negative. In the last week my joints are paining so much especially my fingers, and my elbows are sore. I'm scared that I'm getting arthritis or something. My leg is paining me but that's the leg I broke 5 years ago. I just feel I'm on the home stretch and now I've got these pains I didn't have before. Has anyone else experienced this? The skin on my hands is very sore too. Please say this is all temporary. As regards the rads I've an itch rash between my boobs miles away from where I'm being treated, has anyone had this . I said it to the nurse but she said that's not near where we are treating it could be the E45 cream!!!
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posted by mlnecraft
01 April 2013

cold sore

Last reply: 02 April 2013 22:11
morning all,hope it has been a good easter for everyone ,well i had my second chemo last tuesday and it went much better than the first one ,i just want advice on a nasty cold sore i now have under my chin ,i missed it coming up ,just thought it was a rash ,but it is a cold sore ,itchy and sore ,horrible to look at ,i normaly would let it alone and not put anything on it .i covered it with a zinc codliveroil cream so i wont spread it ,are these normal durning chemo ,also should i take a vitiman supplement ,thank you all i find your advice to be real and very helpful .My small problem today lol..,
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posted by RoseoHH
03 April 2013

Waxing following Chemo and Radiation

Last reply: 03 April 2013 16:25
Do any of you have any advice on waxing following chemo and radiation? I'm 10 weeks post chemo and 2 weeks post radiation. It's still too cold at the moment to go with bare legs but I'm optimistic that the weather will pick up. Is it safe to start waxing again or should I wait a little longer? I've been having my legs waxed for more than 20 years and do not want to start shaving them. Many thanks. Roseo
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posted by Neadi
06 April 2013

5 down 1 to go!!!

Last reply: 06 April 2013 15:29
The marathon continues, but I can't believe I only have 1 to go. So to all those starting off- it us a rocky road, and it does get a bit harder with each blast, but there are good times too, and the finish line gets closer all the time!!! Only 1 more.......
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posted by sunshine71
09 April 2013


Last reply: 10 April 2013 17:19
[color=#8000FF:b7sy0so4]Hi all....another question. Had 4 x AC then 12 x Taxol chemotherapy. Finished a few weeks now and in middle of radiotherapy. Had menopause symptoms big time with moods, hot flushes etc. On Saturday,Sunday however, I felt very premenstrual and lo and behold it was that. I've been told periods can return but then when I go on Tomexifen in another few weeks I'll probably go back to menopause again????? The joys![/color:b7sy0so4]
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