Talking about cancer
posted by brightonblue
06 September 2021

Cancer in bone after allclear

Last reply: 10 September 2021 07:52

My mam (69) has contained cancer in the right humerus 12 years after breast cancer in the left breast & lymph nodes. All clear on the breast cancer some years back. This new cancer was Discovered after a pathological fracture to the humerus bone in her arm- without a fall- (a titanium rod and clips in arm required 9 weeks after fracture ). Does anyone have any experience of this? A metastses/sis after so much time in a ‘long bone’? Many thanks, I know my query is a bit specific but I am at very much at sea trying to find comparable or close to relevant experiences.



commented by Cancer Nurse
09 September 2021

09 September 2021 17:39

Hi Brightonblue,

Thank you for posting on the online community.

I am sorry to learn of your mums diagnosis of cancer in the right humerus. This must be a difficult time for you, your mum and your family. I do hope that your mum is recovering well after her surgery.

Breast cancer recurrence is when breast cancer comes back after treatment. This recurrence can occur months  and years after the original cancer was treated. A recurrence can also occur after a person has been deemed to be in remission from their breast cancer. A recurrence of cancer after someone has been told that they are in remission can be a huge shock and must be difficult for you and your mum comprehend. There are a lot of treatments that can be offered to patients with metastatic breast cancer. You might find it helpful to contact one of the cancer nurses on our Support Line to discuss this in more detail. Our Support Line Number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse


commented by brightonblue
10 September 2021

10 September 2021 07:52

Thank you s much for replying. I’ll get in touch with. Them.


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