posted by kieran_reynolds
20 December 2024
Creon availability
Last reply:
27 December 2024 14:37
Hi all,
We are having difficulties finding Creon (25,000 units) from our local community pharmacies (South Dublin) for my Dad (newly diagnosed cholangiocarcinoma). Does anyone know of any community pharmacies that have it in stock? Or has anyone faced the same issue and have any potential solutions? We will go back to his surgical team to tell them also, but wanted to try here first.
Thanks all,
Hi Kieran,
I hope someone replies to your query soon.
Kieran, here on the support line we have had a few callers who have mentioned that they too are having difficulties sourcing Creon at the moment. This seems to be not only a nationwide but European problem.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in the UK said Creon supply issues were affecting many European countries because of limited raw ingredients and manufacturing capacity.
The Cystic Fibrosis Trust said it had been monitoring supply issues since late 2023, and they had caused "significant worry and stress" for patients, families, and clinicians.
"Those affected have sometimes needed to travel to multiple pharmacies to find Creon, a vital medicine for many people with CF,"
People who are concerned about supply should contact their clinicians.
In Ireland your fathers medical team are asked that if they have any question or concerns about supply to contact the company’s Medical Affairs team via email or by phone +44 (0) 1707853000.
Updates on current medicine shortages notified to HPRA can be viewed here Shortages List. They indicate that the shortage in Ireland was reported on 5/12/2024 and they are expecting it to be resolved on the 10/01/2025
People who are concerned about supply should contact their clinicians.
In Ireland, your fathers’ medical team are asked that if they have any question or concerns about supply to contact the company’s Medical Affairs team via email or by phone +44 (0) 1707853000.
I hope this helps
Kind regards
Cancer Nurse