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posted by Anng1
11 June 2014

Holiday between chemo and mastectomy????

Last reply: 27 June 2014 22:44
Hi all just wondered if anybody has had a holiday in the window between chemo and surgery. My onc and breast care nurse said yes no problem. Just wondering am I biting off more than I can chew. We had a holiday booked for the end of June to Canada , as my 22 year old son ( who we miss dearly) moved there in December. Aer Lingus do not give refunds, so we stand to lose €2k in flights that wasn't easy come by. But can rebook up until November, which was when we booked initially. This will cost around €600 for my husband myself and 15 year old son. I finish weekly taxol at the end of August ( all going to plan). Will I be up to it? I don't intend to be doing a lot of site seeing or walking around too much we will be staying central, so everybody else can do this. And I'm quite happy to stay in and read etc. and go out for dinner etc. I will have a break of about 4 weeks from taxol. Sorry it's so long winded but would love to hear anybody else's experiences before committing to this. Don't want to be throwing more money away if possible. Thank you in advance Ann
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posted by Neidi
11 June 2014

triple negative breast cancer

Last reply: 13 June 2014 23:25
Hi everyone This is my first time on the message board so hope Im doing this right. Found out I had Triple Negative BC in April this year. I found my lump completely by accident and even though I have had my surgery and am now facing chemo and radiation I think Im still in shock. I guess I just really wanted to speak to somebody who has been through this type of BC. It seems to be a less common form and anything I have read about it has frightened the bejaysus out of me Thank You
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posted by AMothersSon
12 June 2014

Im new here...Need some advice?

Last reply: 14 June 2014 21:32
My mom was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with breast cancer, and she had radiotherapy, that worked pretty well. She then had fluid in her lungs that needed draining. They drained that, but she then got a chest infection, which manifested into pneumonia. She's now on a ventilator and....I dunno, a shot in the dark, anyone else had this? Or any advice on the topic? Thanks
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posted by Irishgirl22
13 June 2014

First AC done, finding it tough

Last reply: 19 June 2014 20:32
Had my first AC Wednesday. It all hit me that eve with a bang. Today tho it's twice as bad. Wasn't expecting it till a few days after. Zero energy to move but yet wide awake from steroids. Can't concentrate on anything, not the tele, a book. Feel like I'm going mad. Any advice please x
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posted by lemrac
20 June 2014

3rd treatment

Last reply: 16 July 2014 04:17
Just found out today that this chemo hasn't worked . New chemo in tablet form starting next wed. Afraid of running out of treatment options.
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posted by lemrac
21 June 2014

Stage 4- 3rd treatment

Last reply: 08 July 2015 02:34
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:21 am Posts: 14 Just found out today that this chemo hasn't worked . New chemo in tablet form starting next wed. Afraid of running out of treatment options.
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posted by deefed
19 October 2012

Newbie just wanted to say HI

Last reply: 24 October 2012 19:14
Hi All My name is Dee and I am the newbie Breast Cancer Chic! Diagonosed four weeks ago had first chemo yesterday, am in Vincents under a great team. Am just finding my footing - chemo went ok yesterday feel a bit drugged (how unusual!!) Woke and got up at 4.45 this morning buzzing - does this last throughout chemo - nobody ever mentioned problem with sleeping while on chemo - I was looking forward to getting more sleep. Will be great to talk to people here and get the truth about chemo I feel its a bit like labour no one really tells you the full story. Thats it have a great weekend and chat to you all soon.
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posted by Neadi
21 October 2012

Sentinel node biopsy???

Last reply: 01 November 2012 14:18
Howdy all!! It's day 24 in the big brother house, and so far my ct, bone scan and MRI are clear. Feeling a little better about things and reality/ normality is beginning to land but am eating like a pig so must scale back- not good!!! Anyway just a question.....(s!!) Doc said on Friday that he's taking me in for a sentinel node biopsy on Thursday- if clear I will prob have an immediate reconstruction when in for my mastectomy on November 8th. Surely the ct/ MRI would give them a fairly good idea as to what was going on in the old lymphs???? Is the sentinel node biopsy painful? What should I expect? Thanks again guys!!! N xx
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posted by Josephine
21 October 2012

Dexamethasone-racing pulse?

Last reply: 28 October 2012 11:17
Hi all The night before I have the taxol I have to take 20mg dexamethasone at midnight and another 20mg at 6am. I find it sends my pulse racing constantly and really it doesn't stop doing that until 5 days later. If I walk upstairs, it gets even worse. Did anyone else follow this protocol and have a similar reaction? Thanks Jo
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posted by sasha
22 October 2012

Driven demented waiting

Last reply: 27 October 2012 10:55
Only u gang here are the only ones that can appreciate the sleepless nights and pounding heart that's become me over the last 12 days. I am in Eccles st. this thurs morn for my results of a core biopsy. I'm 39 so the statistics are pointing towards a good outcome. But I can't cant can't cope with the wait. My biopsy was on 9th oct. so I'm assuming if it was anything suspect they would have been in touch????
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