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posted by Suzieq
14 September 2021

Vulval Cancer

Last reply: 16 September 2021 10:55
Hi to you all, I recently had a diagnosis of Vulval Cancer and following on from surgery in St James hospital was there any Gynae Support groups for women that anyone is aware of. thanks for reading this post and look forward to hearing from you.,
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posted by Dilly
11 September 2021


Last reply: 15 September 2021 22:33
Hi all, I was diagnosed with DCIS 10 years ago. I had 2 surgeries to remove it. Then I had my radiotherapy 30 sessions. Everything went like clockwork. Then my husband started having heart problems. Well long story short I start looking after him. This all happened at the same time as my surgery. Anyway I'm on a waiting list for reconstruction as I'm lopsided. Where would I get the bras and prosthetics. I can't wear anything tight. Thank you and I wish you all well on your journey.
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posted by Molly29
07 September 2021

Waiting results

Last reply: 14 September 2021 19:59
I recently had surgery on my ovary. I was told post op that my ovary “appeared suspicious” and a biopsy was taken. I have been given a follow up appointment for a 6 week post op check up. I know it’s hard to say, but if it was/is anything cancer related would I be called and informed or would some biopsy results take that long?
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posted by rachhh
12 September 2021

lymphoma non hodgkin

Last reply: 14 September 2021 18:01
My Mam has been diagnosed with lymphoma non hodgkin she’s in hospital almost 3 weeks. We are hopeful that she will start her chemo on Tuesday as she has to go to another hospital tomorrow for another scan. The consultant is worried, as the lump is six inches and is close to one of her organs and when the lump shrinks this may damage the organ, if this happens she will have to have an operation, for this reason they will keep her in hospital for her first chemo session. My Mam is sixty years of age, she is healthy and has a good heart before was admitted to the hospital she would have usually went on a daily power walk and sometimes she would do a jog, I am hoping her good enough health will help her through the chemo and she has a strong heart. I am not sure what to expect when she comes out of hospital I am not sure where I can buy her hats as she will lose her hair as it’s strong chemo they are going in with. What can I do to make my Mam’s life easier when she returns home is there certain things I should buy and what should I expect when she’s going through chemo? Thanks for any advise 🙏
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posted by Freesia71
07 September 2021

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 September 2021 16:30
Hi Everyone. Wanted to share my story so far to see if anyone else is in the same position as me. I am 49 and in May was initially diagnosed with breast cancer. I was scheduled for surgery and after reporting a pain/lump in my neck got referred for a CT scan. The CT showed lesions in my liver so the unfortunate diagnosis of MBC came. I was on Ibrance, zoladex and letrozole for two months. Due to high liver enzymes I've been taken off the Ibrance. I am waiting to see the oncologist to see what's next. I went back to work and want to stay in work. I am finding the whole thing as nothing short of torture as it's on my mind 24/7. I was ok whilst I was on the treatment and I thought that everything was going well. How is anyone else coping with the diagnosis of MBC?
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posted by brightonblue
06 September 2021

Cancer in bone after allclear

Last reply: 10 September 2021 07:52
Hi, My mam (69) has contained cancer in the right humerus 12 years after breast cancer in the left breast & lymph nodes. All clear on the breast cancer some years back. This new cancer was Discovered after a pathological fracture to the humerus bone in her arm- without a fall- (a titanium rod and clips in arm required 9 weeks after fracture ). Does anyone have any experience of this? A metastses/sis after so much time in a ‘long bone’? Many thanks, I know my query is a bit specific but I am at very much at sea trying to find comparable or close to relevant experiences.
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posted by brightonblue
09 September 2021


Last reply: 09 September 2021 21:42
Hello, Do you have counselling for carers of people with cancer or do you know of any free services providing same? Many thanks.
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posted by treasa77
04 September 2021

Breast Cancer. Double Massectomy.

Last reply: 09 September 2021 14:33
Hi. Just found out two days ago that there were a few very small lumps in one breast. It was only picked up on mri. Mammogram didn't pick up. I have a strong family history of breast cancer so they're recommending removing the full breast. The other breast is totally healthy but their advice is to take that too. I agreed but the reality definitely hasn't sunk in. I'm back in next week to discuss implants etc. Just wondering if anyone was in the same boat or had any advice.
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posted by hope47
03 September 2021

Tamoxifen - how was it for you

Last reply: 07 September 2021 20:14
Hi, I was diagnosed with ER+ recently, had surgery but don’t require radiation or chemo. I’m beginning tamoxifen very soon and interested to know how people have been on it. I’m premenopausal, and generally very fit and healthy. Thanks 🙏🏻 😊
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posted by BerM
24 August 2021


Last reply: 03 September 2021 20:52
Hi. I had a mastectomy a week ago and cannot bring myself to look at my chest area. I have coped with 6 months of chemo, but find this part very difficult. Any advice?
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