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posted by Homebird
05 December 2020

Caring through another round of aggressive chemo.

Last reply: 12 December 2020 12:41
Sorry in advance for the long post. My mother was diagnosed with terminal mesothelioma around this time last year. The average life expectancy for her cancer is thought to be 6 months to a year. I had just graduated college and was 2 weeks into my new career in a different city when we found out. With 6 rounds of chemo coming up to try and contain the cancer I had to move back home to look after her as she couldn’t live alone. My employer was incredibly understanding and agreed to let me work from home temporarily. My elder brothers live abroad so it’s just me here and no other family to rely on. The chemo made her incredibly ill with her constantly needing to be admitted to hospital which is always a battle to get her there. She wouldn’t eat for weeks on end, couldn’t stand on her own, dress herself anything. I was sleeping on her floor for weeks to make sure she was still breathing, it was quite honestly traumatic. This was pre covid and my brothers flew home a handful of times so I got a day to myself once every month or two. I barely held onto my job with how much work I had to keep taking off. I’m a finance trainee so my hours can range up to 60 hours a week including weekends during busy periods and I’m also meant to be sitting exams. Looking back I’m not sure how I kept it together. The chemo was eventually dialled down and the harsh drug removed as she couldn’t handle it. Then covid hit and in a bid to keep her safe we have been completely cocooned since March. I don’t leave my house except for a walk when she’s ok enough to be left alone and I don’t see anyone at all. We are completely alone all day everyday. 6 months post chemo she’s been doing relatively ok and the struggle she went through was worth it. But we’ve now found out the cancer has entirely collapsed one of her lungs. In order to slow its spread, the decision has been made to try an even more aggressive 6 rounds of chemo again. As much as I want to be there for my mum and I don’t want her to die I don’t know if I can manage it all again on my own. I honestly don’t believe she will be able to handle the side effects this time around and will be left with no quality of life for her final months. She won’t have a carer come in to help and because I was only straight out of college I’m not entitled to sick pay if I have to take time off work again. It looks like I’m going to have to give it up altogether and apply for carers which I don’t think we can financially survive on at present and job is the only thing I have left of a normal life. I love my mum she’s the only family I’ve known and the idea of losing her has been very hard to accept so I feel an incredible amount of guilt that I don’t want to do this round of aggressive chemo again. Any opinions I had on this have been immediately shut down by the team as they assured me she would be looked after (she wasn’t at all the last time, in fact various complaints were filed over neglect issues in the hospital). I can’t describe in words how stressful and isolated the last year has been. She barely survived chemo last time and that was before Covid meant trips to the hospital were so much harder. I’m terrified if she goes back in she won’t come back out and could die alone in the hospital like so many have since the virus started. Chemos starting next week and I’m just not ready for it. I don’t know how other people are coping with it all during these times but I applaud anyone who is managing it. I’ve been running on adrenaline the last 12 months but I’ve run out and don’t know how to keep pushing through. If anyone else has had similar experiences or methods of coping as a carer I’d love to hear them.
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posted by LadyLily
06 December 2020

Starting Tamox post-surgery

Last reply: 11 December 2020 09:44
Hi all, I have recently gone through the whole diagnosis and surgery element of breast cancer. I was fortunate enough to have caught it early after a screening and was told I had a 2mm tumour removed. Thankfully it wasn’t in my lymph nodes. I am still finding my feet about information on post-surgery with radiotherapy and treatment. I have just began Tamox 20mg and am quite scared with how many side effects are listed on the patient information leaflet. I’d really love to hear from others who have or still are going through the treatment and see real stories about the drug. If anyone also has any tips on dealing with treatment day-to-day I’d be so happy. It’s been a scary few months and I am trying to stay positive but it is hard. If anyone could give me an insight, I’m keen to hear your stories 💗 sending best wishes to all of you through these times
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
11 December 2020

Take part in a cancer research study about body image and lymphoedema

Are you over 18? Have you been told in the last 12 months that you have lymphoedema as a result of cancer treatment by a health care professional? If you have, our reseachers would like to hear from you! A team of researchers at DCU, funded by the Irish Cancer Society, are looking for people who have been recently told they have cancer related lymphedema to take part in a research study. The study involves filling out questionnaires on how you feel about lymphoedema, how it affects your life and your body image. Body image refers to the picture we have of our own bodies and the emotions and thoughts associated with that picture. For further details and more information, please go to or contact Emma Byrne at  or from 9am – 5pm at the following number  083 0953847.
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posted by Estherm
29 November 2020

Caring for someone recovering from surgery for a brain tumour

Last reply: 09 December 2020 00:20
Hi, My partner has recently had surgery for a brain tumour and we're waiting for the biopsy results. The consultant has said he's 90-95% sure that the tumour is malignant. Since my partner came home from hospital, I have noticed changes in his personality and attention span, ability to find words etc. He is in good form in general, but at times he fixates on certain things such as trying to sort out his affairs, or the fact that he was told he probably won't be able to work again. He can get very anxious, which is understandable. Does anyone have any advice on how to respond to these situations? Also, I work from home and had only been a month in the job when he got the diagnosis. My instinct is telling me that I should take time off to care for my partner asap. We'll be facing into radiotherapy and chemo after Christmas and in the meantime I want to be there for him. I could potentially work part time until Christmas but to be honest, I don't think I can focus on work at all at the moment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards,
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posted by Michael Leahy
28 November 2020

Thyroid cancer and big operation

Last reply: 08 December 2020 09:15
Hi All 40 year old male with papillary thyroid cancer , had spread to lymph nodes so needed a big operation to remove thyroid and lymph nodes in chest I am two weeks post op and recovering well physically but i am so depressed and anxious. I am on anti depressants for a few years and was doing really well but now im very low. My wife is really supportive and my GP wants to increase my SSRI dose which i will be doing but i have no appetite and feeling crap in general. I know i just have to try and get through these days but its so hard, i want to get some sleeping aids to help me sleep better until i recover but of course im afraid to take these
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posted by Rolexwatch1
29 September 2020

Hair loss and tamoxifen

Last reply: 03 December 2020 23:45
Hi I am on tamoxifen 5yrs and I’m really losing my hair, I will be on tamoxifen for another few yrs., has anyone had this problem, and something worked for you
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posted by Emjsher
18 November 2020

Stomach cancer

Last reply: 03 December 2020 13:59
Hi all. It's my first time here. My mother has recently been diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer. She will start chemo in the next few wks and have her stomach fully removed in a couple of months. I was wondering if there is anyone in the community here that has gone through this procedure? I think it would be really helpful for her to speak to someone who has been through the experience and come out the other side?
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posted by CMarvelJ
15 November 2020

Pre-Existing Endometriosis and Hormone Treatment

Last reply: 03 December 2020 13:57
Hi all, It is 18 months since I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (Triple Positive). A mastectomy (Including lymph node clearance) in May 2019, Chemo (AC and Taxol), Radiotherapy and Herceptin all behind me. Each of these was a challenge, however the biggest unexpected challenge for me is Tamoxifen. I have a history of Endometriosis which had calmed down, however when I started Tamoxifen in August it triggered the worst symptoms of Endometriosis I ever had within a matter of days. This was only addressed through stopping the course as agreed with the Oncologist. It hasn't gone away, but it is manageable. I am 48 years old and in peri-menopause. I am at a crossroads and I have no idea where I go from here. When I look up alternatives to Tamoxifen all I can find is solutions for Women who are post menopause. I cannot go through the pain again, there is no point in taking a medication if the side effects are impossible to live with, for me it was worse than the chemo. I am hoping that somebody out there has been on similar journey and has some advice, some information that can help me understand a way forward, before I meet my Oncologist in a weeks time. Many Thanks
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posted by biddyq
29 November 2020

Gurgling sounds and diarrhoea

Last reply: 30 November 2020 12:14
My husband has been having diarrhoea and very loud noises in the bowel. He has oesophegeal cancer with boney mets. Had dilation of Oesophageou s last fri week. Thanks so much
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posted by biddyq
31 October 2020

apologies for negative post

Last reply: 29 November 2020 11:00
Hi Folks I posted a few days ago and realise it was a bit negative and we don,t need that so apologies. I am finding it very hard to cope at the moment as i watch my husband suffer. Biddy Q
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