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posted by Dane7
01 July 2012

Arm Pain

Last reply: 10 July 2012 23:00
Hi all Have had 4 chemos no surgery yet and today have a very painful, red and swollen arm anything to be worried about? Or is this just part and parcel of chemo? Anyone had this before?
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posted by shirls
02 July 2012

What Should I Expect

Last reply: 28 August 2012 21:53
Hi Girls, I'm starting my chemo this Friday (6 x TCH) Any advice on how I should expect to feel. I would appreciate any advice you can give.
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posted by agnuslu
04 July 2012

How can parents help a young adult

Last reply: 13 July 2012 16:50
Our daughter, 25 years old, was diagnosed last July with oral cancer. She had an operation on her tongue, neck and no follow up was necessary. She visits her doctor every two months and is followed closely. She is angry with her parents, siblings and in general has shut her family out. We need to know how to help her come to terms with life now without making matters worse. Thank you
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posted by jennette
04 July 2012

Salvestrols at work - do they really work against cancer?

Last reply: 10 January 2013 09:57
I am taking salvestrols as I have breast cancer. The person who developed salvestrols is Prof Gerry Potter, who also developed the new drug for prostate cancer called arbiterone - you might have seen it in the papers recently. Salvestrols are based on fruit and vegetables so cant be patented - there are lots of case studies but of course no clinical trials, as no one would fund them. If you look on cancer salvestrols at work, or salvestrol case studies, or just go through 'salvestrols' on the internet, you can find out how they work. You can get them on the internet. The scientists who developed salvestrols have been asked to speak to oncologists in Germany and Belgium as they are very interested. I found out about them by accident - and hope that anyone reading this checks it out. Cancer is so rotten - Best wishes to all. Jennette
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posted by Josephine
07 July 2012

New-Terrified of chemo

Last reply: 11 July 2012 11:31
Hi all I was diagnosed on 8 may. Had mastectomy and axial clearance 13 jun. I'm to start chemo on 18 jul. 4 x AC then 4 x T every 2 weeks. I never heard of anyone on a 2 weekly schedule. Anyone I spoke to was on 3 week schedules of different chemo and all said by the 3rd week you are feeling ok. I'm really terrified and tears are only a blink away at all times. I am 45 with 3 kids 16,14,11.
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posted by jimco60
09 July 2012

Difficulty choosing the right treatment for prostate cancer.

Last reply: 22 July 2012 21:10
My prostate cancer was picked up on a PSA blood test which had a reading of 6.3. I then had biopsies done which came back with a Gleason scale reading of 7 in 6 out of 12 samples. I was offered surgery and radiotherapy with three options for each. I spoke to the consultants for both and became more confused. I am widowed for 5 years but have recently met a new partner who is very nice and we both want to continue our relationship. I fear however that side and after effects from both radio and surgery treatments will impinge on our new beginnings. Namely that erectile dysfunction and incontinence are not good bed fellows. She is an understanding and caring person but I am wondering for how long? Trying to find the treatment which offers the the best prognosis and the least side effects is difficult. Both consultants are understandably pro their own methods, but this does not help me. I am looking for men who have been through these things and have advice for me. I am aged 64.
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posted by sunshine71
10 July 2012


Last reply: 28 July 2012 12:49
Hi everyone. Like most people I'm amazed to be here. 3weeks ago I found a lump, had the tests done super fast and now have been told last Friday that I will be facing into a double mastectomy within 2wks approx. followed by chemo/radiation therapies. In hindsight I've had a niggling irritating sensation under my armpit for a little while, fidgeting with bras/clothes that felt not right on that left side. But at least now I know...and that in itself is so empowering to me. The week I had of 'waiting' on biopsy results was hell on earth. The 'relief' of knowing this news is so much better than that week. So I have 2 malignant lumps and its in the nodes too under my arm. much my image of myself has changed in a week. I now look at my breasts and can feel one lump. They are slowly but surely becoming alien to me. A friend asked me how I felt about them going and I said it was different than I thought. When you think of this you have healthy breasts doing what they are meant to do and looking (reasonably) okay But when you have breast cancer I feel my breasts are not a healthy part of me and like anything unhealthy I will be nearly 'glad' to see them go. I found out on the Friday and was so lucky to be able to get 'the haircut' that day going from long to short in one day, the same day I went from not knowing to knowing I had cancer. Again, I felt it was me saying 'I'm in control of some of this'. I've been told I will definately loose my hair with this treatment and I feel its coming at me so fast. So my way was to decide today I cut my hair and give me the most time I have to get used to it changing bit by bit. Its strange but its not as bad as I thought it would be. It's now part of me and will be for a while to come. But I am embracing 'my cancer' as mine and not anyone elses. It will be with me on my journey for the next while and hopefully given time it will be part of my life story and not something I think of everyday. So this is my 5th day 'knowing' and so far so good (so to speak).
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posted by wilmaone
10 July 2012

Advice for after reconstruction

Last reply: 17 July 2012 07:30
Hi all Am 10 weeks out from mastectomy and diep flap reconstruction.Although i am happy with result and lucky it worked im now wondering whether or not to finish it off!!!!Im back with PS soon and have been told that the good breast will need a lift which can be done at same time as nipple reconstruction along with a few other tweeks!!! Anyone else have good breast lifted and if so did it make much difference?Am very hesitant about messing with the good one.I am truley tired of having to make choices. Also one other question anyone have any hastle with ovarian cysts while on tamoxifen?started 6 weeks ago and so far have been doubled over twice 3 weeks apart.Have ultrasound on fri morn. Grateful for any advice xxx
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posted by Gtlheart
11 July 2012

Out of the Blue

Last reply: 26 August 2012 10:56
Hi, I am also new to all this. I am 50 and had a mammogram on 13 Jan 2012 , which was normal, then on 18th May I had a mammogram from work. (they offer free mammogram when you reach 40 )Should not have had one but something made me go.this mammogram showed up something.Had to have ultrasound and biopsy on 12th June in the CUH breast cancer unit, (they all are the nicest Dr. and nurses I have ever met) and the result was cancer. I am so so lucky they found it early, it is early, stage 1, grade 2. Had lumpectomy and lymph nodes 5 removed last Mon 9th July.Waiting for results on 20th July. It is the waiting that gets to me. Have great support from my husband, children and family. Feel very very lucky but also scared, Radiotherapy and hormone treatment definite, the rest ? till results. Either I am a very calm and strong person or it has not really sank in yet cos I have not cried but feel good and very positive even if very very scared.Would like to hear from others with early breast cancer , what was their treatment and outcome. Thinking of you all G xx
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posted by Resa
13 July 2012

Re incision and shoulder pain

Last reply: 19 July 2012 09:47
Had a lumpectomy and complete lymph node clearance under right arm. Had chemo first and was told tumour shrank to nothing. Came home with drain and got an infection. It's over three weeks in and very sore and I have terrible pain in my right shoulder blade. I am eating pain killers. I get drain out tomorrow amen but have to find out what this unbearable shoulder blade pain is. Has anyone else experienced this. On 24 July I have to have A reincision done as margins are not clear? This scares me as if this does not work I will have to have a masactemy. Wish me luck.
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