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posted by Josephine
10 September 2012


Last reply: 05 October 2020 15:08
Hi all I've had the 4 AC treatments and am changing to Ta*ol on wednesday. Now I'm terrified all over again! I had got used to the pattern with the AC. The doctor said the ta*ol may not be as sickening but there could be 'other side effects'. I was afraid to ask what! But of course I looked up the net, bad idea. Could anyone calm me down before Wed? Thanks girls. Josephine
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posted by wilmaone
10 September 2012

To lift or not to lift

Last reply: 01 November 2012 15:19
Hi ladies Am set for a bit of tidy up surgery next week.Am sick at thought of general again even though its only a day case!Surgery is on my new boob and to tidy up scar on tummy.Just wondering as i need to decide whether or not to get the other 'good' boob lifted to match.Im very undecided as its another surgery,more scars and recovery again,but mainly im afraid to mess about with it'if it isnt broke dont fix it'.I am so confused this just doesnt get any easier. Anyone else had a lift done?How did it go?any advice appreciated. xxx
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posted by Dane7
15 September 2012

Returning to Work

Last reply: 18 September 2012 12:03
Hi Ladies Overwhelmed by the idea of how you cope with the normal and cancer. Set for surgery on Monday then radiotherapy. Pressure to return to work (financial) but that involves a commute and am the sole carer for a 4 year old as husband works out of the country (thank you recession). When did you return to work post cancer. Did your employer allow a phased back approach etc. Thanks in advance for any shared experiences. Dane
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posted by singingbog
18 September 2012

thinking of suicide

Last reply: 20 September 2012 14:30
I have had this very rare sinus cancer that is starting to spread. ADENOCARCINOMA OF ETHMOID SINUS CAUSED BY ORGANIC WOOD. IT HAS BEEN REMOVED 8 times,6 weeks radiotherapy,and now IV been waiting three months for brain surgery. My son was killed in Afghanistan last year, I have no family and the pain is immense and suicide seams to be my only answer because when I'm asleep I don't hurt x
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posted by Madge1
23 September 2012

Breast cancer conference

Last reply: 29 September 2012 20:17
Hi all Just wondering if anyone is planning on going to Dublin castle on the 29th would really love to meet some like minded people also nervous about it. Would like to know how others feel. Love to all x
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posted by Lainey
28 September 2012

Two lumps and awaiting appt in breast clinic

Last reply: 02 November 2012 19:04
Hi all, as the title says I've recently found two small lumps, one under my arm which is kinda tender and the other to the side of my breast, I have an appointment in Vincent's on 19th oct and although I'm fully aware that statistically I should be fine because of my age, family history etc but I'm spending my time wondering about the possibilities and it's drivin me up the walls. I'm not sure what I even expect to get from posting here but I haven't told anyone except my husband and he's the type to say things like ah sure we'll worry about it if it happens, I know he's tryin to tell me not to worry but it's not helping and of course I'm bound to worry a little bit..
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posted by Dane7
04 October 2012

Any pre menopausal women who can't take Tamoxifen

Last reply: 04 October 2012 16:57
Ladies I am 46 and due to a propensity to get clots I won't be offered Tamoxifen so will be offered Femara or Arimidex. Any ladies out there in my situation? How did you get on with Femara or Arimidex? What were the side effects like? Any tips? Thanks. Dane7
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posted by Neadi
04 October 2012

Day 7 of my nightmare (breast cancer)

Last reply: 05 October 2012 12:54
Hi everybody. Last Friday I was told I had grade 1/2 breast cancer. I am just devistated. My head is all over the place and now I am being sent for stage tests...I gave bloods- they all came back normal, and had my CT scan this morning. 2 weeks ago I ran 10 K for breast cancer not realising the very next morning i would detect the lump..... I am so terrified that its somewhere else. I ache all over sensing the worst. I'm back at work teaching until the time when I will have surgery and drugs and everybody comments on how ell I'm doing. Inside I'm in turmoil....what the hell is going to happen to me? I'm still waiting on a bone scan and MRI. All my other 37 year old friends and my twin are out thereliving a normal life....I don'tthink I will ever feel normal again. Help!
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posted by Neadi
04 October 2012

Day 7 of this never ending nightmare

Last reply: 09 October 2012 09:57
Hi everybody. Last Friday I was told I had grade 1/2 breast cancer. I am just devistated. My head is all over the place and now I am being sent for stage tests...I gave bloods- they all came back normal, and had my CT scan this morning. 2 weeks ago I ran 10 K for breast cancer not realising the very next morning i would detect the lump..... I am so terrified that its somewhere else. I ache all over sensing the worst. I'm back at work teaching until the time when I will have surgery and drugs and everybody comments on how ell I'm doing. Inside I'm in turmoil....what the hell is going to happen to me? I'm still waiting on a bone scan and MRI. All my other 37 year old friends and my twin are out thereliving a normal life....I don'tthink I will ever feel normal again. Help!
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posted by Josephine
06 October 2012

Cording of lymph vessel

Last reply: 09 October 2012 19:27
Hi all I had mastectomy in may and I have developed cording of lymph vessels under my arm. It's like a long hard cord is running from my elbow bend all along under my arm and down my chest to the spot where the drain was under the op site. The first physio in the hosp told me to massage the scar where I had the node biopsies. I was doing that but no improvement. Last time I saw a different physio and she advised massaging along my arm with quite a bit of pressure. If you try this, it is not easy to do yourself! So I called in the troups, meaning got my poor husband to do yet another job for me! And hurray, it seems to be working! Only along my arm though. Now, the cord is really hard under my arm and down my chest. I'm to keep massaging but I'm still sore there and can't use much pressure. Did anyone else have this and find a solution? I'm getting more anxious about it now as I will be moving on to radio in a month or so and I know that can cause more trouble. Josephine
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