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posted by Neadi
07 October 2012

Day 11

Last reply: 02 November 2012 18:44
Hi guys! It's day 11 and I have my bone scan tomorrow. Things are still fairly crappy. I just want to sit inside and eat chocolate. Sometimes I do, sometimes I put on the runners and go for a walk. One of the girls from school gave me "the choice" and I found that really good - resolving to give up the chocolate again tomorrow!!! Are there any good books I can get to get my head around this. I nearly flipped last night at my husband when he said to me "in a few weeks your life is going to be awful anyway". I'm going mad waiting for test results, and boom! The dim realization of the whole physical side just hit me. What the hell is going to happen...... I really want to blitz this thing that has invaded my personal space, but it sometimes in my lower moments just seems so terrifying and scary and overwhelming......all the women here are so so strong- I feel like such a moan bag. All I want to do is get better and be able to smile again...
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posted by Dane7
07 October 2012

Advice on Radiotherapy

Last reply: 22 November 2012 20:16
Ladies This beckons in 3 weeks or so. Any tips? What can you do about washing/deodrant? Thanks Dane
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posted by Gtlheart
07 October 2012

Travel insurance.....after breast cancer

Last reply: 10 October 2012 20:51
Hi everyone, Does anyone know what is the story about travel insurance after having breast cancer. I would like to try and get away early next year when I recover more ( mind and body ) . Thanks G x
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posted by Angelmagic
08 October 2012

Help with Oil??

Last reply: 09 October 2012 12:49
[color=#4000FF:1c5heoek]Hello.. my husband has kidney cancer.. and 2wks ago suffered a heart attack.. he is now home recovering but I am asking if we can get any help with keeping the house warm for him?? I put in €250 worth of Oil for when he came out of hospital.. We are both on social welfare, so we do not have a lot of spare cash to fill the tank! any advice please. Thankyou. [/color:1c5heoek]
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
10 October 2012

Supporting people with Lymphoedema - Open Day

Last reply: 19 October 2012 10:34
[b:3cmcqnu2]Lymphoedema Ireland[/b:3cmcqnu2] Supporting people with Lymphoedema their next open day is on Saturday 20th October in St. Luke's Hospital, Rathgar, Dublin 6. The following topics will be addressed on the Open Day – Skin Care / Self Care and Compression Therapy [b:3cmcqnu2]Registration and Coffee: 10.00-10.30[/b:3cmcqnu2] [b:3cmcqnu2]My Personal Experience: 10.30-11.00[/b:3cmcqnu2] Bernadette Mc Court [b:3cmcqnu2]Clinical Nurse Specialist in Radiation Oncology Skin Care / Self Care: 11.00-12.00[/b:3cmcqnu2] - Margarite Moore [b:3cmcqnu2]Compression Therapy:12.00 – 1.30[/b:3cmcqnu2] Jean Marc Monseux - Physiotherapist, Specialised in Lymphology St. James’s Hospital [b:3cmcqnu2]Question & Answer Session[/b:3cmcqnu2] [b:3cmcqnu2]Lunch[/b:3cmcqnu2] [b:3cmcqnu2]RSVP:[/b:3cmcqnu2] or text on [b:3cmcqnu2]087 693 4964[/b:3cmcqnu2]. This will help us to plan for catering etc. [b:3cmcqnu2]Website:[/b:3cmcqnu2] for more details
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posted by GlassHalfFull
11 October 2012

Unexpected bleed on tamoxifen?

Last reply: 13 October 2012 11:06
Hey girls, I'm probably overreacting a little bit here but said I'd ask anyway. I've just started a bleed today quite unexpectedly. My periods stopped completely when I was on chemo. In fact I started chemo on 22nd of Feb and my last period was 23rd of Feb. I started on the tamoxifen on 1st July. So today's bleed is very very unexpected. It doesn't feel anything like a period at all, and I know logically it's highly improbable that it's anything it shouldn't be..... But that doesn't stop me from worrying a bit. I will phone my oncology nurse first thing in the morning and have her put my mind at ease. But am wondering if any of you have experience of something similar? Sarah. X
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posted by wilmaone
12 October 2012

cold flushes!!!!

Last reply: 18 October 2012 22:57
Hi ladies Just wondering if anyone else is having similar problem.Im waking up every morning at around 5 freezing cold even though i am wearing layers of pj's and am tucked up under duvet!!!Then a few minutes later i have a hot flush.I've just got myself off the sleeping tablets so this is really starting to bug me as im awake then for day!!!!Have been on tamoxifen since early june so wondering if its another joyfull side effect. Am a bit on rant mode at mo.Am coming up to a year diagnosed and am so emotional(more so than when i was told).Seem to be struggling more so now!!!!I also had a follow up surgery 3 weeks ago to fill in dips in new boob which was great till 2 days ago when i looked and realised that ive reabsorbed the fat already! Really really in the horrors every time i seem to get my mind round the last year i seem to hit a wall.I barely go anywhere by myself anymore thats when i go out from my cosy safe house.Pure madness how im feeling at this stage i should be getting back to normal. sorry to rant but need to let it out. xx W
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posted by Dane7
14 October 2012

Problems with Mastectomy Scar

Last reply: 19 October 2012 10:37
Hi Ladies Me again!! Should have known I would have more problems since every phase of this treatment so far has raised issue after issue. Anyway had a mastectomy on 17th of Sept so 4 weeks tomorrow. Suffering with chafting and rash/redness all around scar underneath both arm pits (had auxilary clearance to right). Had a big chest so mastectomy bra with softie prosthesis leaves me very unbalanced and I think mastectomy bras come up higher under arm so digging in. So rash, redness and soreness all over that area. Has anyone had this? Any advice would be greatfully received. At my wits end attempt to keep remaining boob at the same level as whoopie cushion I am cut to bits and have all this rash and redness. Cue selection of expletives..... Thanks ladies.
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posted by munster65
19 October 2012

Husband here looking for advice,

Last reply: 23 October 2012 15:26
Good morning all , My wife has been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma , stage 1 and 2 both 15mm.No node involvement . She is in for her operation on Monday the 22nd of october, full mastectomy , and skin expander. I havent got any of the er+ info yet , should i ask the doctor for this info , as my wife is not into the detail as she is trying to just hold it together , i keep a diary of all the dates and apps we are having so as i can keep a record and feed back info as she asks for it .I am just wondering what else to expect at this stage , no mention of chemo or rt yet , am I correct in thinking this will be decided when oncagene comes back 2 weeks after op.Have to say I am glad to have found this site , so much positive thinking here ,but I am terrified of whats to come and want to keep strong for her.Her surgeon is Ms Merrigan in Limerick.
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posted by cinders51
23 June 2014

Hysterectomy after pelvic radiation for cervical cancer

Last reply: 02 July 2014 16:01
Hi All, I just have a question I was hoping someone could answer. My mum was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer stage IIB 2 years ago. she under went chemo, radium and brachytherapy after which she was given the all clear. She has had a discharge ever since she had the radium and went to the doctors about it where she was told that the cancer had returned. It's only a cluster of cells, but the pet picked up on it. She has been told she'll have to undergo a hysterectomy, but it wont' be straight forward as after having radium your organs can basically stick together and her bladder may have fused to her womb so when removing her womb she may end up with stitches in her womb which likely won't heal fully and she may end up with her a 24 hour drip or a bag! Is there anybody here who has undergone this surgery successfully following therapy? We are all concerned, it just seems never ending! Thanks for taking the time to listen/reply to me
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