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posted by Dubmum
04 December 2014

How long does it take to order a wig, for chemo in jan

Last reply: 09 December 2014 21:56
I am starting chemo AC-T in January and am wondering when I should go about getting the wig, now I presume. How long does it take to order the wig and actually receive it. Is anyone starting chemo in January, I have been told I will have Ac and taxol for 8 sessions every two weeks. This is harder than the one I thought I would get, I thought it might be every 3 weeks, but will just have to get on with it . Any advice from anyone to someone facing into this .
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posted by LindyLu
09 December 2014

Getting fipple tomorrow

Last reply: 21 January 2015 23:10
My 6 year cancerversary was last Friday 5th Dec....I actually forgot until today! Tomorrow, Dec 10th I get my fake nipple (aka fipple). Have been waiting 20months for this (clearly not urgent). It represents what I hope will be the final chapter of my BC journey (save the tattooing). Will report back in a few days LindyLu
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posted by GlassHalfFull
10 December 2014


Last reply: 17 December 2014 23:35
Hi Ladies, I've just been perscribed the antidepressant Amitriptyline by my oncologist. I only filled the script this morning so haven't actually started to take it yet. Only 15mg. It's for lots of things really. I'm struggling 2.5yrs on with my tamoxifen. Just the usual stuff: joint pain, moods (my family are ready to divorce me!!) foggy brain, residual pain in my breast and under my arm from surgery etc etc etc. You all know them. Anyway I'm just wondering if anyone else has had experience of this drug. What I might expect etc. And when it says don't drink do they really mean DON'T DRINK or is it still ok for me to have a glass or two of wine on a Friday night. I've given up so so much in these last 3yrs. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to give up my two glasses of red at the weekends!! I know I should have asked my oncologist yesterday. I was so overwhelmed at being prescribed yet another drug that it went clear out of my head. Cheers Sarah
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posted by Mar63
23 November 2014

Pain after surgery

Last reply: 03 December 2014 00:11
Hi ..Had mastectomy and lymph nodes removed two weeks ago. My arm is hypersensitive if touched, like sunburn pain. Also, If I raise or extend arm, it is very painful on the inside above the elbow, as if muscles and tendons are being/or have been overstretched. Can anyone relate to this. Will this go away soon?.. Doing my exercises for arm but doesn't seem to get any relief .Kind of difficult to describe really, but maybe someone can relate. Thanks in advance. Mar 63
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posted by DeeGlav
06 November 2014

New Lump

Last reply: 12 November 2014 13:27
Hi all I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May, had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal and 20 sessions of Radiation treatment which was horrific as I burnt so bad blisters formed had to stop treatment for 2 weeks. Now I have another lump in same breast. Has this happened to anyone else?? Surely it can't be cancer so quick, going to breast clinic on Tuesday to get it checked am so worried
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posted by spudburf
07 November 2014

Joint/bone pain

Last reply: 09 March 2015 19:48
Hi all, has anyone had bone/joint pain after chemo? I finished my chemo at the end of March and I have my last Herceptin treatment on 25th of this month but I have this awful joint pain. My knuckles, ankles, toes, knees, etc all feel as if there are full of fluid and ache all the time. Also my back but I just had a bone density and this confirmed that I have osteoporosis of the spine now! I just want to know if this will last or will it eventually fade? Has anyone had anything similar? Thanks
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posted by Avril
11 January 2015

To scan or not to scan/stage 4

Last reply: 05 February 2015 11:12
Hi All, I have just finished six months of chemo[Taxol]. because of bone mets. Then had bone scan but oncologist couldn't open disc to read it and then told me that bone scans could not tell if the Taxol had worked or not! Why bother having the scan then? He also told me that I will be beginning a new hormonal treatment this week[Letrozole did not work for me as developed mets while on it.] He doesn't plan to do regular scans as according to him they do not affect eventual outcome and only cause stress! He is going to be 'symptom driven'. Was so shocked to hear this as believed I would be scanned regularly. I was so confused and cried my eyes out for the evening. To add insult to injury have clots on my lung so will be on blood thinning medication for these [an injection every day for six months] Has anyone else had a similar experience? Has anyone else changed their oncologist midcourse so to speak? I know you always want to shoot the messenger, I am mentioning no names and would not, but would really appreciate advice. Anyone out there who just didn't click with their onc? Avril.
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posted by Dubmum
20 January 2015

How many days until hair falls out after 1st chemo

Last reply: 22 January 2015 10:34
I am on day 8 after my first chemo and wondering how long does it take for hair to start falling out. Should I just go and get it shaved off first or wait until I see it comming out and then get it shaved . I'm on AC every two weeks . Any advice would be welcome , Is it better not to see it comming out . I know it's going to come out , I suppose it's the psychological thing of putting off the inevitable
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posted by Resolute
06 February 2015

Tamoxifen side effects & Clonidine

Last reply: 18 February 2015 21:32
Hi there, Hope you're all doing well! I haven't posted in a while and I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is taking Clonidine to help with hot flush side effects of Tamoxifen? I was prescribed them about ten months ago and took them for three weeks before giving up (my family thought that they were affecting my mood !) but the hot flushes have gotten soo bad now that my doc wants me to try them again.. Any feedback would be great . Thanks Resolute x
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posted by jengr13
09 February 2015

pending bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction

Last reply: 20 February 2015 18:16
Hi there Just looking for advice on people's past experiences I'm 34 had right Dcis in 2010 had partial mastectomy and radiotherapy Now changes found on mri on left. Bx found benign change but due to my history and family hx a bilateral mastectomy with lat dorsi flap with implant reconstruction Awaiting on my date I'm wondering do people get any sensation back Are you happy with the reconstruction How long before you could get back to work. I do not have children yet and have been strongly advised to do surgery before I have children due to high risk. I appreciate your feedback Regards J
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