My mother in law has been diagnosed with lung cancer. When not in hospital she will be living with us. My primary school aged kids are due to resume school in September. Obviously they are too young to be vaccinated. Should we homeschool them instead? Is that what people do? We have isolated ourselves from everyone because of Covid, but all of us adults are fully vaccinated.
Is it ok to go into work in person for a once off meeting?
Is it ok to meet my own mother and father?
Precautions are in place. Outdoora where possible, ventilation, wearing masks, hand washing etc etc.
The spread of Delta variant is scary but cutting ourselves off from everything and everyone feels extreme. Is this what people do?
Hi Azzo,
Thank you for contacting the Irish Cancer Society.
I am sorry to learn that your mother in law has been diagnosed with lung cancer. This must be a very difficult time for you and your family.
As much of the advice for you regarding covid-19 isolation is dependent on your mother in laws diagnosis, treatment plan and medical history we would advise you to contact her consultant or team directly regarding this.
I have attached information on the HSE guidelines for Covid-19 here. I have also attached information here from HSE website relating to the coronavirus for cancer patients and their families/cares.
If you want to discuss this in more detail please contact one of the cancer nurses on the Support Line. The Support Line Freephone number is 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Kind regards,
Cancer Nurse