Breast cancer
posted by garcon
27 June 2010

Free till October

Last reply: 30 June 2010 19:41

Hi girls,
The surgery is done, chemo done, radiotherapy done! Went to see my Oncologist last Tuesday and he doesn't want to see me again until October. So thrilled, I'm giving cancer the boot. Its so nice to have the summer ahead without any treatment. Well I am starting Tamoxifen this week but I refuse to anticipate any problems there, am I naive?
I hope you are all keeping well and thanks again for the support.



commented by Kar
28 June 2010

28 June 2010 22:40

Hi Garcon,

Well done to you. That is absolutely fantastic news.

The weather today is pants (in Kildare anyway) but hopefully you'll get lots of sunny days to sit and relax out the back with a well deserved glass of wine.

I start chemo in the next 4-5 weeks so I'm a good bit behind you but you are my inspiration going forward.

Take care,


commented by huggybear
28 June 2010

28 June 2010 22:46

Hi Garcon,

Well thats brilliant news, and fair play you, well done.

Sit back now and enjoy the summer and your time out.

Well deserved,


commented by hugs
29 June 2010

29 June 2010 14:45

Thats great news altogether, im looking forward to that day Image removed.
Take a well earned break Image removed.

My head is spinning with the amount of appointments coming up. I cant wait till theyre all done and dusted.

commented by Evelyn
30 June 2010

30 June 2010 19:41

Hi Garson
Great news delighted for you and well done. My next app with oncologist is also October snap. I am also seeing the plastic surgeon that month about re construction.
Oh watch out for hot flushes Image removed.Image removed.Image removed. with the tomoxifen you will light up every room Image removed. (at least I do) Evelyn

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