Breast cancer
posted by hopeful2
07 July 2010

Make GP'S aware campaign

Last reply: 10 July 2010 11:43

I do think breast awareness campaigns are a good idea but i also think they need to be accompained by GP awareness campaigns.

there is no point in going to the doctor and being made feel like a fool or a hypochrondiac when you have breast cancer that they have put down to hormones and it takes five visits before getting to the trible assessment point, young healthy fit people do get cancer too.



commented by RoxAnn
08 July 2010

08 July 2010 19:59

Hi Hopeful2,
Yes, I totally agree with you there !!

I first presented to my doctor in 2005 with a painful lump - I was told I was too young for cancer at 39 and besides pain was good as cancer was not painful - however I did go on to have a mammogram, scan and needle biopsy - the results of which I was told were nothing to worry about...... the lump stayed and each year I showed the lump to the doctor i was told that it was fine and to forget about it.
Luckily in 2008 I pleaded for an ultrasound because the lump was still there and I thought it would be a good idea to have a scan for the future when breast cancer might be a problem.
the doctor told me there was nothing to worry about but because I was so determined booked me into the mainstream system for an ultrasound.
All hell broke loose that day - the cancer was all over my breast - I shudder to think where I would be now if I hadn't insisted on the ultrasound.
so - yes - I really don't know why doctors are so glib about breast cancer in younger women - it happens - it happens alot more than the average gp seem to believe.
TG I am alive and over my ordeal and eventhough one lypmh node was involved I believe chemo has mopped all traces away.
-breast cancer does happen to younger women
~Cancerous breast lumps can be painful
- gp's please send an anxious woman for a scan no matter what you think - it might be the second sense of the woman pushing this.....

Who better to push this campaign than us women who stuck with our gut feeling.....................


commented by summerbreeze
09 July 2010

09 July 2010 11:23

Here here...I am soooo with you girls on this one.

Similar story when I went to my Gp..told me he'd be very surprised if there was anything wrong with me and said I shouldn't worry....was letting me go and then offered to set up an appt for a mammogram for wait for it...'reassurance'..... Image removed.

Well lucky for me I went for reassurance, was in for surgery 2 weeks later and the rest as they say is history!
GP awareness should be top of the agenda.

Stay strong ladies xx

commented by hugs
10 July 2010

10 July 2010 11:43

I agree, although thank god my gp was very quick off the mark, and sent me straight away for the tripple assesment, and while I was there she made sure I applied for my free smear test under the cervical check programme. She really takes womens health seriously.

It really angers me when I hear people say 'youre too young'...Ive met too many people who are 'too young' at this stage!!!

Before I found the lump, I knew 2 women, one who was 32 who had to have a mastectomy because she had intensive dcis, and another one who is 35 with advanced BC. It scared the crap out of me and made me check myself regularly, thank god or I might not have found the lump!

Anyway, rambeling over. Its a great thread to put up. I wonder how gps could be made more aware?

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