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posted by Lorri46
10 January 2017

Nipple reconstruction

Last reply: 11 January 2017 11:38
Hi there, I've had dcis and Paget's disease of breast had my nipple removed and 3 cm of dcis in October and 2nd operation for clear margins in November. I'm currently having 20sessions of radiation feeling very lucky caught early etc, but after living with this I realise I need to have nipple reconstruction the dr only mentioned tattooing he did say if radiation changes breast size he will fix it at the moment it looks more or less same as other one , my question is can nipple reconstruction be done on public system or do I need to pay for this surgery? Has anyone else had this done not nipple reconstruction and mastectomy just nipple reconstruction thanks.
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posted by luciebutterfly
27 October 2015

Tamoxifen hasnt worked

Last reply: 10 December 2016 09:01
I am wondering if anyone of my age (40) has the experience of a 2nd breast cancer diagnosis within 4 years, in spite of being on Tamoxifen (for the last 3 yrs)?
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posted by Avril
06 April 2016

Stage 4 Gals

Last reply: 21 November 2016 20:35
Hope you are all doing okay. I have been okay but in those very dark places and have been reading your old posts to keep my spirits somewhat up.Those posts are terrific. Have been trying to check out holiday insurance and know I gave a very silly answer to one of the girls last year when she asked a similiar question. Have copped on thatthis is regarded as terminal as I was blissfully considering it chronic! Cried for about two hours over that yesterday. Had an appointment with a counsellor yesterday and stupidly asked her if I would live to see my child's confirmation[2 years time].Of course she can't know but you know how you desperately cling to something. Mad I know. So cried for another hour over that and then wore sunglasses to hide red eyes while doing the school run! Burned the dinner and let my daughter on you tube for the night[Should have been engaged in educational activities!] So there is my selfish rant. all ME Me Me but sincerely hope you are all doing well post 1916 celebrations!
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posted by Avril
06 April 2016

Holiday Insurance

Last reply: 14 June 2016 18:51
Looking for advice. I have stage 4 Breast Cancer and usually post on the Stage4 Gals website. How do others obtain holiday insurance.i know you are supposed to declare all details or policy could be declared invalid should you have to make a claim. Woula appreciate any advice.
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posted by Avril
10 May 2016

Stage 4 Gals HELP!

Last reply: 14 June 2016 18:42
Avril here! Would love to hear from others in the group. Wonder how everyone is getting on. I am still on Zometa/Faslodex monthly cocktail.Live in Galway but do not have contact in the 'real' world with others with Stage 4 diagnosis only with the other ladies I have 'met ' on this site. Am not working so have too much time to think.
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posted by evelyn123
02 February 2016

Stage 4 Young Moms

Last reply: 27 April 2016 12:08
Just wondering how you manage Kids, treatment and the tiredness. Really struggling at the moment. I work 2 mornings this is to keep my brain busy and an outlet from the whole diagnosis however with the kids homework, after school activities, the housework etc I find by 7.30pm I am good for nothing. Thinking of getting a cleaner for 2 hours a week. Thoughts please?
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posted by Avril
31 August 2015

Calling Stage 4 gals

Last reply: 25 February 2016 09:35
Hi All Stage 4 Ladies, Anyone out there and how are you? I was diagnosed with bone mets May 2014[all usual treatments] and wondering if there is a fellow anxious Molly out there? How are you coping? At the moment Bacardi and zanex help me! Less time consuming than juicing! I know there were other ladies out there-Ellie, Lemrac, Deefed, Veronica,Mary B and Debbieb. Would love to hear from someone/anyone! Avril.
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posted by luciebutterfly
27 October 2015

Brachytherapy for breast cancer?

Last reply: 26 November 2015 16:36
Has anyone experienced brachytherapy for breast cancer? And, if you have had the previous experience of full external beam radiation, how do both processes compare?
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posted by Win
19 September 2015

Recently diagnosed

Last reply: 22 November 2015 02:05
Hi there I'm due to have a mastectomy on 25 still coming to terms with it. My question is about the tamoxifen if you remove the ovaries would you still have to take it?
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posted by Happyness
05 October 2015

Shoulder surgery/ no lymph nodes

Last reply: 10 November 2015 19:10
I am wondering if anyone has had shoulder surgery that had previously had a full clearance of lymph nodes on the same side. I had a lumpectomy and full clearance of lymph nodes February 2012 followed by chemo, radiotherapy and Herceptin. I am now on tamoxifen. I had a great recovery with full movement of my right side. I returned to work April 2014. I was put into an administrative role as my previous job was considered too high risk. Within weeks I was in agony with pain in my hand, my arm and my shoulder. I did physiotherapy for months, ended up on pain medication that I could hardly function mentally on. (I have three small kids so being spaced out was not always a solution). Driving caused a lot of pain to the point that by evening I would have to prop my arm up on a pillow to just get comfortable. Physiotherapy and acupuncture helped to keep some movement going and relieve some tightness. Eventually an MRI showed Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. A Spur has developed which is impinging on the tendon that is inflamed, probably from radiotherapy. Being right handed I am quite limited in what I can do now. I have not been able to return to work as they have no alternative for me right now. I have been offered a great job that is nearby but was not certified as medically fit so had to turn it down. I got another phonecall this week offering me another job but I know it will be the same story again. I am on unpaid sick leave now since November last and need to get back to earning an income. I have had steroid injections twice in the last four months to relieve pain with little benefit so the next stage would be surgery to remove the spur and relieve the impingement. The problem is that I have no lymph nodes on that side. I am terrified of going ahead with the surgery for fear of triggering lymphedema. I would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation please.
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