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posted by NAS27
29 May 2013


Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
OK so had my genes test results today ....I have the BRCA2 gene .A very strange feeling after all that has gone this and last year . I feel glad that I got the test as I was borderline whether they were going to give it to me ....My Mum had bilateral breast cancer in her 50's and 60's she is in her 70's now and doing well.Also I have 4 sisters and alot of extended family so its very important that they get tested now. So now to take in all this information and decide what to do .....Just finished radiotherapy 3 weeks ago so need a bit of time to gather myself together . feeling a bit numb at moment .
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posted by Superwhy
22 August 2013


Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Had my meetin in st Luke's today for radiotherpy. Consultant has recommended 6 and half weeks.. Seems really long. Said something about a week and half booster sessions. I had a lumpectomy and auxiliary nodes clearance 4 weeks ago.
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posted by katykaty
23 August 2013

last chemi tomorrow

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Cant believe I'm going for last chemo tomorrow , fingers crossed that they will do it , playlets low but hopefully they will be back up tomorrow . I have very little to complain about got through it with no severe side effects , a few bad days and then just got on with things as normal . Had reaction to the second session so everything has to be slowed down and it takes nearly all day to do , but gave me chance to catch up on all that reading I had wanted to do . For anyone starting out with chemo , the only advice I could give is if you break down your days and weeks after each session into a couple of good days after , then a couple of bad days , then you keep it in your head that these will pass and you will start to feel better . I felt that by getting out and about , a bit of a walk , some gardening, made me feel so much better and made the symptoms disappear much quicker , I got to Dublin horse show on day six post chemo on my last one and felt good . also have got out on the horse every day for the last fortnight. Happy days another step in the right direction
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posted by youngk
27 August 2013

Relay For Life

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I am just about recovered from a weekend spent at the "relay For Life" event in Toomevara, co. Tipp. it was a fantastic weekend and if there are similar events in your area I would encourage you to participate. (There are links on the Irish cancer society home page) If you haven't heard about it, relay events happen across the world. In Ireland Teams raise funds for the Irish cancer society through local fund raising and sponsorship. over the weekend the teams walk in relay for 24 hours (because cancer never sleeps) The event opens with a "survivors" lap then we are treated to a meal, entertainment, treatments so we feel really special. we don't have to stay all night but I did as my family had entered a team so we put up the tent and camped. The most moving part of the event is when the candles are lit round the track in memory of loved ones lost, or celebration of us, the survivors. sorry for rambling on, but we all benefit from the support of the community and this event really helped me feel that support. Karen
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posted by Superwhy
30 August 2013

Gettin back to exercise

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I am 6 weeks post surgery . Before being diagnosed I did kettlebells 3 times a week and circuit training. I really enjoyed both. Both physotherepist and breast nurse agreed I can't go back go kettlebells . I feel up to gettin back into some sort of exercise. Now I am to start Radiotherepy in 3 weeks. Would I be silly to sign up to a couple of weeks classes to beginners yoga or Pilates with starting radiotherepy soon.
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posted by shinners
29 July 2013

Feeling overwhelmed post cancer treatment

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi there I haven't been on here in a while as I returned to work in January following 18 months of treatment. All was going well but I just seem to have hit a wall. I am really tired, the hot fulshes from the Tamoxifen keep me awake most nights and the joint pain is awful some days. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. I feel totally disconected from my family and friends and cant really talk to them about this because as far as they are concerned I am " fixed". Is this just a temorary blip and should I just give myself a good kick up the butt??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sinead
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posted by deefed
16 August 2013

Rads Finished - Just the Recon left now

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi Ladies Finished my radiation today so "all" thats left is to get me a new boob and lift the old one. Fingers crossed this bugger stays away. Nearly a year since diagnosed. Been the worst and the best year of my life. This forum has been great to meet all you fab ladies. I'm celebrating tomorrow night with Wicklow Lady who is having a fund raiser for breast cancer in the Grand in Wicklow tomorrow. If anyone is free be great to meet up. Thanks for all your support. Dee
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posted by susieqnolan5
27 August 2013

lymphedema, effects of radiation ???????

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi all I have been a member for a while now but this is the first time to post. I have a few worries at the moment but first let me just do a quick recap of what has gone on so far, I was diagnosed in February with IDC and had a lumpectomy and a sentinel node biopsy. Margins were clear and nodes were clear oncotype dx score was low so no chemo. I also had to have a full hysterectomy as I had problems in the past with pre cancerous ovarian cysts. Finished rads nine weeks ago and had no problems with my skin at all which was great. The problem is a few weeks ago I noticed that my boob was swollen and very tender and sore. Under arm is also quite sore, swollen and when i lift my arm over my head it hurts right down to the nipple. I also noticed the skin had thickened and there was pitting. could this be a reaction to the treatment after all these weeks???? am i just being paranoid???? any advice on what i should do would be great. went to see my GP today but she is on holidays for two weeks and i don't really want to talk to anyone else. thanks a lot susieqnolan5
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posted by Catherine1964
03 September 2013

Exercise and Radiotherapy

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I am about to start RT next week for 4/5 weeks. I'm reasonably chilled about it, but concerned about the management of skin and exercise. I'm back to full fitness after surgery in late June, a regular long distance runner (10 to 18 k at least twice a week + 90 mins cardio in the gym at least 3 times a week + a wee bit of core strength - have had to give the weights a miss as too early re. surgery). I expect I will have to adapt my exercising again, but would really like to hear about how women here who do exercise to a reasonable intensity have managed their skin during RT? I have said elsewhere that I find exercise essential to keep my head straight through this little adventure of ours, and was quite upset some weeks back when my consultant radiographer basically told me I could forget about exercise for the few weeks. I hope everyone here is feeling good today! Thanks in advance for all tips! Catherine
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posted by Superwhy
04 September 2013

Pain in shoulder after lumpectomy .

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I had a lumpectomy at the end of July. The last 2 days my shoulders are Quiet sore. I rang the breast nurse and she thinks I have just done to much and the shoulders muscles are sore. I rested yesterday evening and did very little all morning and the shoulder is sore again. Don't have any swelling. Anyone have this.
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