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posted by irishjim
30 November 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, my wife was diagnosed with DCIS a few months ago and has since had a full masectomy, reconstruction and a further cosmetic op to her other breast to match up with new size of reconstucted breast. She is just home from final cosmetic op and has been unbelievably strong throughout. I am getting the feeling that she would like to have the oppertunity to meet with someone who has been through similiar and is of similiar age. My wife is in her mid 30's and we have 2 kids under 6. Based in South Dublin. I hoping there is someone else out there in a similiar position. Hope to hear from someone.... tks. J
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posted by happy
12 December 2008

New here

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, Just came across this message board and thought I'd join. To give you a bit of background, I was dx with bc about 18mths ago. Had a mastectomy, chemo, rads and I am currently on hormone treatment - zoladex and tamoxifen. I also started on zometa about 6 mths ago due to loss of bone density. I read recently that new research shows that zometa combined with tamoxifen can cut recurrences by nearly a third- good news! Unfortunately like many women, I was only in my twenties when I was diagnosed and was initially misdiagnosed for over a year. Ok, I've rambled on for long enough. Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you soon.
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posted by susie
13 January 2009

Hello to everyone

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi i just wanted to say hello,i was diagnosed over 3 years ago with breast cancer and happy to say im doin very well thank God,its great to find a site like this xx
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posted by murphyahp
12 January 2009

Post Op Breakdown

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Just wondering if anyone else went throught this. Its now 6 weeks since I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstrucion. Op was tough but I am recovering well, I think, and prognosis is very good. The thing is I seem to be more upset now than I was before. My diagnosis was a bit hectic I suppose. I was told I was fine only to get a call back 10 days later to say the dr had reconsidered. I am delighted he did as he was right and he was brilliant and looked after me well. I have absoutely no complaints. Naturally I was upset being told I needed a mastectomy as I had large area of DCIS but now that I'm recovering I cant get the whole thing out of my mind. It's now after 3am and I have been up crying for the past hour while the house sleeps. Its very difficult getting comfortable to sleep anyway but I find it's my mind that keeps me awake really. Every moment I seem to be thinking about the drs, the operation, the breast clinic etc How do I move on from this as I'm begining to think I'm losing control. I'm usually a very level headed person and to everyone else thinks I'm coping so well but I'm not really. Sorry for rambling and I know there are lots of people with much worse diagnosis but I'd be grateful for any advice Thanks. Aileen
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posted by waterford
20 May 2008

Secondary Breast Cancer

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
My mother has recently been diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer in her Pelvic Bone. We were told at the time that her Breast Cancer had been caught at the very earlier stages and are now somewhat disillusioned as to why and how it could have spread to her Pelvic Bone ? What is the average life expectancy for someone with this condition considering her Breast Cancer was caught very early? Do some people with Secondary Cancer given treatment to control it carry on to lead normal lives for long periods of time?
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posted by eirneannsisle
15 June 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in november of 2007 and has had her breast removed we were told that as there was a 50% chance either way that they got it all and she went on treatment in january which was 4 bouts of ac then went on Taxol and Herceptin she has since been taken off the taxol because her oncolog told her that she has had every symptom that the drug is associated with can anyone out there tell us how long these symptom of taxol last and if there are any side effects from herceptin
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posted by Sabine
03 April 2008

Who are you?

Last reply: 07 October 2015 14:19
Well, I am interested in hearing your story. How old are you? Where do you live? What type of breast cancer do you have? Which treatments did you get? For me it is quite interesting to see how women in other countries are teated. So I hope we can help each other by using this forum. Okay, my name is Sabine. I live in Germany. When I got the diagnosis I was 35 years old. Triple hormon negative, G3 tumor, 1,6cm. I had to go through chemo first (4x EC, 4x Taxan - just have the German words, sorry), then surgery and then radiation treatment (36x). In Germany women are sent on a socalled Heilbehandlung. You go to a place for about 3 weeks where you do sports and get special lectures on the subject breast cancer and things like that. It is to recover from the treatments and to make you get back into social and work life. That's what I did. I finished all my treatments in June 2007. In Germany women with breast cancer go to health checks every 3 month after their treatments were finished. You get ultrasound checks and every 6 month mammography on the side where you had the tumor. Every 12 month the other side is checked as well. I am looking forward to hearing from other women with breast cancer. Sorry for my English...
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posted by Resolute
09 March 2015

Tamoxifen & sage supplements

Last reply: 06 October 2015 16:51
Hi there! Does anybody out there know if its okay to take Sage supplement for hot flushes while on Tamoxifen? I'd be grateful for any insight Thanks Resolute
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posted by Cathyhyn
20 September 2013

Secondary breast cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2015 09:56
This is my first time on forum. Diagnosed in feb with metastic breast cancer . Very scared . Chemo finished . On hormones now . Any one out there with similar. Had first diagnosis twelve years ago. Full right sided mastectomy Plus chemo. Tamoxofen for five years. Thought I was home and dry.
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posted by happy39
28 August 2014

Weight Gain On Tamoxofen

Last reply: 25 August 2015 17:13
Hi everyone I have being on Tamoxifen for 4 years. My weight went from 8 and a half stone to 11 stone when I started taking tamoxifen. I managed to get down to 10 stone by exercising and eating sensibly but cannot shift anymore weight no matter what I do. I even did the 2 day diet for nearly a year but no joy. I never had to watch my weight I was always thin and I had a very big appetite. Last year my oncologist told me I would be on tamoxifen for 10 years and not 5 years as was originally prescribed; because of the new study that found 10 years is better. Therefore I was hoping next year I would lose the weight gained but seen as I have to stay on tamoxifen I would love to know if anyone managed to lose weight and how! I am so grateful to have tamoxifen - don't get me wrong but I would like to be 9 stone for health reasons; as I do agree that weight causes certain illnesses.
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