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posted by Dane7
09 October 2013

Mastectomy Bras

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Ladies I have a selection of these sized for the larger lady (40 DD) to give to anyone who would like them. Having no boobs now means no need for these. If anyone is interested please pm me otherwise I will be sending them to recycling. Dane
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posted by deefed
10 October 2013

Anyone like to borrow my wig?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi Guys To any of you lovely ladies who will be unfortunately losing your hair through chemo I would gladly lend you my wig.. I say lend as wanna keep it for a keepsake for years to come. Its really nice and it was around 550 mad price ...... would be delighted to help someone out and lend it, its in great condition. You can see pictures of me in my blog and see what the wig looks like, I even had the head for the wig (I called her Daisy) Hopefully might save someone a few quid bloody exorbitant prices we pay for wigs..... when I get back over thinking brain back gonna check out getting wigs cheaper to us cancer chics. Private Message me if interested
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posted by Catherine1964
16 October 2013

Breathlessness and RT

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I have finished RT just over a week ago, and in the last three weeks or so I have found myself occasionally from episodes of shortness of breath. They don't tend to last more than an hour or so, and are not related to exertion (I have continued with relatively intensive exercise routine, though less intensive than usual towards the end and todate). The RT oncologist can hear "asymetric" breathing, but the chest xray I had two weeks ago or so showed nothing worrying. Anyone had this experience? Catherine (suffering one at this very moment, in the middle of a work meeting )...
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posted by Cococabana
18 October 2013


Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi, I'm new on here, I just finished 8th cycle of chemo today, plan is surgery in a few weeks and rt after. Just want to say I've been reading some of your posts in the last few weeks and found them great I'm 39 and I was diagnosed in June with 8cm invasive lobular bc which didn't show up on mammogram or ultrasound and was then found through biopsy and could be seen on MRI. It seems this type commonly goes undetected on routine scans and also can be due to dense tissue in younger women.(not that I thought I was that young ) I had no idea this can happen before my diagnosis. It was all a huge shock, but, as the weeks passed I started to get through the treatment and processing it all as I go along!! Great to be able to join a forum like this and I look forward to chatting to all you amazing ladies!!!!
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posted by deefed
18 October 2013

Extreme Pain after second last Tissue Expansion

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
hi Girls Just wondering if anyone has expereinced the same so I know I am not alone. Had my second last expasnion yesterday I haev around 350mls in me now. The pain however afterwards was extreme I had to drive home and dont know how I made it. Can hardly walk, getting up and out of couch is so painful, can hardly move my arm. I would just like to know if other people felt the same pain so I know its normal and hopefully will subside. Thanks Dee
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posted by Ania
22 April 2013

Numbness after surgery

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Just wondering about numbness in the under arm and left side after ax clearance and mastectomy. I got the impression from the nurses that feeling would come back now I am not so sure. 6 months on, I hate the feeling of a dead arm resting against the arm of the chair. Is this something I am going to have to learn to live with? If it not back after 6 months its never coming right!? There are so many extras to this cancer thing that you just can't prepare for
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posted by julia
23 September 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi there I was diagnosed with d c i s in march of this year and had a full mastectomy and immediate reconstruction done in april . When my results came back after the op I was told the the pre cancerous cells had not spread out side of the duct and the lymph was also clear. I did not need any chemo or hormone treatment I am still finding it hard to get my head around the fact that I had such a radical opertion done and thats it" go away and get on with your life" is what my surgeon told me. I still worry that maybe I should have had some chemo as an "insurance policy " especially as I have never heard of any one in simalar situation every one I meet ask me when I am stating my chemo and look shocked when I tell them I dont need it. Any body out there with a simalar experience ?
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posted by hazel
21 October 2008

Post mast. and chemo

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there thinking the same as me. I am a year down the road after my op and chemo from breast cancer, hair etc is back to normal and while it was great to see all of this happening, I seem to have come down with a bang. I was very positive all thru my treatment and now all of a sudden I feel uptight and worried. I can only explain it like panic attacks and when I recall what I have gone thru, I get this sick feeling and have it in my head I am going to get the cancer again and my time is short. I have no medical reason to think this but it is keeping me awake at night. My family and friends all tell me how well I look and I was great etc., but at the back of my mind I keep having this horrible feelings. I do not want to talk to my family about this as they have gone thru enough sleepless nights about me and they now have gone back to believing it is all over. Am I bringing this all of myself, has anyone else out there with breast cancer gone thru this or going thru it. I would be interested to head from you.
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posted by Bevan
26 October 2008

Talk to me

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
have been checking out this website and I dont find anyone talking about how they feel or how they are coping before after or during. I am a member of an American breast and everyone their talks quite openly about how they feel, up or down and the community is their for everyone. Is it just an Irish thing that if we dont talk about our feelings they just dont exisit. I often wake up angry that it was me who got BC but then at times I feel okay about it. I dont know what I am suppose to feel some times and people look at me and say "God its great to see you got over your trouble" I didn't get over anything I just got on with living. Do you feel like this at times. Sometimes I still suffer from Chemo Brain even though I'm 2 years on. Is this normal? Do you want to tell me what's happening in your brain. I know mine is not quite up to scratch at times. Sometimes I hide and sometimes I cry for no reason and some times I just get on with it. I feel lonely sometimes wondering what am I suppose to do. Am I weird or What. let me know what you think of when you think of BC. Talk to me. Bevan
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posted by Linda
17 November 2008

DCIS in 06 and cancer now in my lymph nodes anyone else?

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
My name is Linda and I am 34, in 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I have recently discovered a lump in my armpit on the same side which has been diagnosed as malignant. The plan is for an auxilliary node clearance and mastectomy this week followed by more chemo. Still waiting for MRI results to check I don't need a double mastectomy. I am just wondering if anyone else has had to go through this experience after thinking they were in the clear? Especially anyone around my age - I thought early menopause was bad enough!! Also I am planning on persuading the plastic surgeon to go for silicone reconstruction - the other options just sound too traumatic! I'd love to hear from someone who is out the other side of this. I know this sounds mad but a part of me missed all the support during my previous treatment and I can't help but feel that part of me wished this on myself again - am I going mad?? Linda
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