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posted by frankiebaby
26 February 2012

survivor 18 months on...

Last reply: 20 June 2012 09:57
hi - i was diagnosed with stage 2b adenocarcinoma at end June 2010 and treatment started August. I had chemo-radio-brachytherapy and have been doing ok since then thankfully, there has been nothing found to date to cause anyone any concerns. I've been feeling a bit miserable these days though. I do have my public 'face'...positive mental attitude and all that but really i am feeling a bit plagued in the headspace and like I am the only one in the world like me. I am not sure why I am sharing here on this space. I thought of going to the support centre I went to after treatment but I think I have moved on from there really and I am thinking that even though there is so very little activity here ...well, perhaps there is another survivor out there a little further down the road than me who can identify with how it is for me right now. It is amazing to me that there is no-one out there talking about their experiences after the treatment. I am still doing the 3-monthly consults. I wake up every morning absolutely aware that I still have this mad adventure going on... I have to keep a check that lymphadema is not happening to me, I've to be a little hypochondriac about myself with aches, new pains and so on, and as for the bathroom chasing...maybe talking about that might be a step too far, but really...I know that these things are a small price to pay for survival and I appreciate that there are those who have to deal with way worse. But this is my own hell and I feel like I am dealing with it alone. And then there is the poor memory, tiredness and alll that goes with the now new menopausal me! Before my adventures started I was madly active, chasing about living my life at a great pace...although I've gotten back to the gym it is such a struggle energy-wise in the efforts get myself back to where I was 18 months ago that I have failed so far to get back running and wonder will I ever! I am not giving up but if there was anyone out there who could tell me if life ever returns to anything near normal that would be great. I know that I am not unusual, either with the things my poor body is experiencing nor how I feel about it all but feedback from someone in the same boat as me could help with the feeling of being alone in the world. I am not dealing with this adventure alone. I do have support. But no matter how good that support is they have no real appreciation for how my world has changed. They have moved on now and I am apparently returned to my life. If nothing else I have gotten this off my chest though so if you have stayed with me until now you deserve a cuppa and a biscuit, so thanks.
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posted by cinders51
23 June 2014

Hysterectomy after pelvic radiation for cervical cancer

Last reply: 02 July 2014 16:01
Hi All, I just have a question I was hoping someone could answer. My mum was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer stage IIB 2 years ago. she under went chemo, radium and brachytherapy after which she was given the all clear. She has had a discharge ever since she had the radium and went to the doctors about it where she was told that the cancer had returned. It's only a cluster of cells, but the pet picked up on it. She has been told she'll have to undergo a hysterectomy, but it wont' be straight forward as after having radium your organs can basically stick together and her bladder may have fused to her womb so when removing her womb she may end up with stitches in her womb which likely won't heal fully and she may end up with her a 24 hour drip or a bag! Is there anybody here who has undergone this surgery successfully following therapy? We are all concerned, it just seems never ending! Thanks for taking the time to listen/reply to me
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posted by Sarah2787
04 January 2015


Last reply: 08 February 2015 21:06
Hey, I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I was recently diagnosed with stage 4b cervical cancer that has spread to my bones. I'm just wondering is there anyone on here with cervical Cancer or that has had it in the past?... Just looking for people to talk to that are in the same position. I'm not great at navigating around the site haha! Any body with advice or stories to tell about their situation I would be so grateful. Thank you xx
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
10 April 2008

I have abnormal cells in my cervix - does this mean cancer?

Abnormal cells on the cervix can be detected during a smear test. Many women feel anxious when they are told after a smear test that they have abnormal cells on their cervix. They often assume that this means cancer. Abnormal cells means a condition known as CIN. CIN is not a cancer but may develop into cancer in some women and so is often described as 'pre-cancerous' changes. The initials CIN stand for cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. there are three types: CIN 1, CIN 2 and CIN 3. The abnormalities in CIN 1 are quite minor and will often disappear of their own accord without requiring any treatment . The risk of CIN 1 becoming cancerous is considered to be very small. Doctors therefore advise that the smear test be repeated in six months. If changes in the cervix continue, then further treatment may be suggested. In CIN 2 and 3, the abnormal cells cover more of the cervix and are more likely to develop into cancer if treatment is not given. The treatment for CIN 2 and 3 is usually very simple and can often be done as an out-patient. Treatments include a procedure called LETTZ, which stands for large loop excision of the transformational zone, Other treatments also available are laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing the cells) or cold coagulation (removing the cells using heat). National Cancer Helpline 1800 200 700 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 'til 5pm)
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