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posted by gailf
11 February 2019

Nerve damage

Last reply: 08 March 2019 10:29
Has anyone experienced nerve damage after lymphnode dissection? My obturator nerve was damaged causing lots of issues. 12 months post op and still no recruitment. Would love to hear from someone who experienced similar.
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posted by Nonie
05 September 2018

Chronic Radiation Coilitis/Enteritis

Last reply: 18 September 2018 13:22
Hello everybody, I finished treatment for stage 2b cervical cancer in June 2017. I did quite well for the first six months and then began to experience some mild stomach/bowel issues. In the last six months these issues disimproved. Four weeks ago I experience what Initiall I thought was a case of food poisining. As the symptoms did not clear up after a week I went to my GP who thought I may have had a stomach infection and prescribed antibiotics. These seemed to work initially however after 3 days of normal eating my symptoms became worse and I developed severe constant stomach pain. I am now in hospital having lost 2 stone and after various scans and procedures have been diagnosed with chronic radiation Coilitis/enteritis. The problem I now have is with the exception of my radiotherapy consultant the other hospital consultants are saying they don't have much experience (apart from the treatment of the symptoms) in the treatment of the condition. I would really like to hear about the experiences of others diagnosed with this condition and receive info on consultants that are experienced in its treatment. Thank you.
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posted by Sparklejars
25 January 2017

Hysterectomy at 93

Last reply: 26 January 2017 16:29
Hi, We are currently having trouble deciding whether my 93 year old Granny should go ahead with a Hysterectomy. We are waiting on her doctor to have an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss the best course of action. She initially suggested we go ahead but did state that she hadn't performed this surgery on a woman of her age before. My mum and I thought it might be helpful to try and get some insight from others who may have been in the same situation. Has anyone else had experience like this? I understand no one can make the decision for us, but my Granny is really relying on my Mum's input. I don't expect anyone to push us either way but would really appreciate any advice or shared experiences. My granny was always in great health and only started slowing down in her 80's. We have already been discussing moving into a home before this diagnosis. We are just worried that she will never fully recover from the surgery, and it’s so hard to compare that to doing nothing, having already agreed that she is not strong enough for chemo. I would really appreciate any help at all, Thank you for reading.
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posted by chelsea
01 March 2016

smear find

I recently had my routine smear 3 weeks ago and while having it my gp noticed 3 growths/polyps in my cervix which she is referring me for a colposcopy plus I have to have them removed and biopsy can anyone help me with this matter I try not to worry but its the waiting thanks
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posted by littlemsmaggie
08 February 2016

pregnant and never had smear-terrified

Last reply: 01 March 2016 12:31
hi all. im a first time poster. I am 31 years old and am ashamed to say I ve never had a smear test. I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first child. for some reason since Saturday I ve been terrified about not having had a smear. I am due one in august which I fully intend to have. I have myself convinced I ll be one of the people that will be told its too late when I have it. have spent weekend in tears.
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posted by lushai
07 July 2008

grade 1 abnormal cells

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
hi, last year i had a smear test done and the results came back Borderline Nuclear Changes, i had a repeat smear done a six months later which came back a few days ago as Grade 1 abnormal cells, and as a result have to have another smear in 6 months time. i am unsure as to what this means, am i on the road to getting cevical cancer??
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posted by yvonne
13 August 2010

colposcopy matter

Last reply: 17 August 2010 11:06
Hi, I had a baby in May 2009. I had a smear test in Dec 2009 (CIN 1). I had a repeat smear in June 2010 (no longer CIN 1 but still boarderline abnormalities). I have a colposcopy appointment for Nov 2010. I am trying to have a 2nd baby. I have a history of vaginismus and have difficulty tolerating smears. I think I will need to get a valium or similar to tolerate colposcopy. So I am unsure what to do - should I pursue the colposcopy sooner than nov. privately so I can take valium and then resume trying to get pregnant. Or should I go with Nov. appointment and if I get pregnant before that is there a drug I can take to relax me that isnt harmful to the baby. I dont want to put off trying to get pregnant as Im nearly 40. Id appreciate advice. Thanks
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posted by pettyt
25 November 2013


Last reply: 26 November 2013 18:33
is it possibly to get ovarian cancer in Just one ovary since having hysterectomy in 2001,I only found out that I should still have pap test,s ,as I wasn't sure I still needed them ,I've been suffering with lower abdominal pains to the left were I have the ovary,been gettin hot sweats every night and constantly feeling tired all the time,n two days ago I noticed I'd lost some blood not a lot but I've had nothing like that since having my total hysterectomy, n I've heard a lot about the vaginal cuff and c125 ,which I'm not clued up about ,I'm a bit worried about going t doctors n mentioning this ,n that I've not had a pap test done since 2001,am I supposed to do ,Just need some advice please if anyone can enlighten me your comments would be appreciate
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posted by carla+
30 June 2011

Newly Diagnosed

Last reply: 08 July 2011 09:14
Hi I have been diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer and start radio and chemo in 2 weeks. looking for women with similar as forum/email penpals...i am 40 with 4 kids, west of ireland being treated in galway
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posted by Noodles
12 July 2011

Removal of lymph nodes - cervical cancer

Last reply: 29 October 2011 17:42
[color=#BF00BF:f49m45qv]Hi, I recently had a radical hysterectomy, which included removal of my lymph nodes either side of my pelvis. (I'm waiting to hear if I have to go for radiotherapy) I have been given information of prevention of lymphodema in my legs. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am unsure about safe types of hair removal as it just suggests using an electric shaver, which I'm not keen on. My operation was just over 5 weeks ago and I'm still feeling very tired, but my pain levels are much improved. There are no specific support groups for women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, so to hear from someone in a similar situation would be great![/color:f49m45qv]
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