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posted by Kathleen
27 June 2017

Non-pigmented melanoma - be aware it exists

Last reply: 27 June 2017 16:01
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with melanoma and the diagnosis came out of the blue as the lesion I had was nothing like the typical highly pigmented pictures you typically see of melanoma lesions. With red hair, blue eyes and pale freckled skin, I thought nothing of what initially looked like a few joined up freckles. As I have ezcema elsewhere, when the joined up freckles started to look a bit irritated and have flaky skin it never occurred to me that it could be dangerous. I found out later that what should have alerted me was the fact that it was painless when touched, even when rubbed hard, that it had irregular borders and that it was evolving. All of this to say that melanoma has many guises and that it is always worth following up anything suspicious that doesn't heal as you expect. Best to all Kath
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posted by Kathleen
20 June 2017

Sun screen

Last reply: 27 June 2017 12:06
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with melanoma and had surgery including a skin graft on my cheek. Things are going as well as expected, but it is still hard to see what looks like a burn site taking up pretty much a third of my cheek. I need to protect any skin not covered by clothes with sun screen for the rest of my life to reduce the risk of the melanoma returning. However, I am having great difficulty finding a sun screen that does not leave stains on my clothes. Has anyone found an effective sun screen that does not stain clothes? Failing that, has anyone any washing recommendations to get around the problem? I'd really appreciate any advice. For those of you who may be wondering, yes, this is the same Kathleen who was diagnosed and treated successfully for breast cancer nearly 6 years ago. It is very hard going down Cancer Boulevard again. Best wishes to all Kath
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posted by ariole
23 December 2013


Last reply: 20 June 2017 10:02
Hi, I have to start Interferon treatment on January 6th. 4 weeks of 5 day high dose in hospital and 48 weeks of 3 day low dose at home. Anyone anything to input in relation to their experience? Thanks Ariole
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posted by Kathleen
20 June 2017

Sun screen

A sun screen that doesn't stain clothing?
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posted by Caroline walsh
26 December 2016

Operation for mole

Last reply: 05 January 2017 15:50
Hi I am due to have operation for a freckle on my back in Feb problem is I am highly stressed and have exams in Jan my hair is coming out in clumps really did not realise how stressed I am
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posted by annieo
08 March 2013

Post Groin Dissection

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi. I recently had a left inguinal/groin dissection, end of January, for Melanoma that had spread to the sentinel lymph node. Last week I heard that none of the nodes removed were positive for melanoma. I know the news was great (I am grateful) but I'm nowhere near feeling like I can just put it all behind me, smile and get on with it. Does that sound selfish? I feel that's just what is expected of me! I have little other information on my personal melanoma case, to date. I wasn't prepared with questions on the day I got the results as I wasn't expecting results that same day. I have to wait 3-4 months for my follow up appointment with surgeon. I've been told that I will be seen by a melanoma follow-up person also, but again, not for another three months. I can not believe the wait! I am very anxious about being cast aside for three months, without further explanation. I feel very let down by the system, that no-one has once sat me down and spoken to me informatively or caringly about my melanoma. It is a dangerous cancer and I have no doubt that anyone who has ever been diagnosed with it has experienced the fear. There was no melanoma nurse that I could call, no information leaflets etc. etc. etc. My experience has been purely surgical. It has been a scary time for me. I have (and do still) feel very much alone on my melanoma journey. There seems to be very little support for melanoma patients, in my area at least. There is so much I want to know. So many questions I want to ask. All that said, I have a super G.P. and have found other avenues to seek out information. As for leg lymphoedema, no-one warned me, or ever even mentioned to me that I would be at risk to develop it! (Thanks to the Irish Cancer Society for sending me on their lovely leaflet on prevention of leg lymphoedema ) I would love to hear from anyone who has had a groin dissection for melanoma. I'd be interested in hearing about your personal follow up experience, time-scales etc. I'd also love to hear advice on post-op leg care etc., Do I really have to keep my leg up all the time while sitting?? I braved the cinema last week and it was a disaster trying to keep the leg up! Thanks, Annio
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posted by karenjane
09 May 2011

Mole Check waiting list 7 years

Last reply: 16 May 2011 12:04
Good afternoon, I am looking for advice about having a mole check. I fall into the "high risk" category with red hair, fair skin and multiple moles all over my body. The crux is I am a public patient and do not hold any private health insurance (nor can afford any). I recently went to my GP to seek referral for a mole check to the Limerick Regional Hospital and was told that the waiting list for dermatology is 7 years!!! She has given me contact details for private specialists. Can anyone tell me what my options are at this stage and costs involved? Thanks for help in advance
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posted by srt
01 May 2009

malignant melanoma

Last reply: 16 May 2009 20:11
hi guys just wondering if there is anyone to talk to about melanoma's. i just had one removed from my cheek 3 weeks ago today. it was a clark v 5.5mm deep. it was a lump under the skin that appeared last year but because i was pregnant (i lost) i had to delay getting it removed. when i did get it removed in december results didnt show melanoma but it needed to be removed further. at this stage it was february and i was pregnant again( i lost again sadly). it had started to grow back also. i was to get it removed further at the end of april but i miscarried in march so first week in april i got a cancelation to get it removed. it came back malignant a week later and i was in surgery the following morning which was good friday. i had a pet and ct scan done and they are clear and they have decided to treat me with interferon. i am so scared it will come back to the same place or somewhere else and i dont spot it in time.
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posted by Nuns
25 February 2013

Freaking Out-

Last reply: 19 March 2013 22:12
I'm probably freaking out too much, but in a weeks time I have an appoitment with a Dermatology doctor to check a mole in my chest. In 2002 my GP at the time took around 7 moles from my chest ( kind of laser them out) but for what I remember they never did any Biopsy. One of the moles came back to grow almost straight away, but because they never told me anything about skin cancer or melanoma I did not think twice.A few years later my dad had colon cancer stage 3 , had the operation and chemio and a couple of years later they found skin cancer ( no melanoma)on his forehead. A month a go I told my new GP about the mole in my chest because it kind of changed a bit and has two different colors, black on top and tan on the bottom. As I said I'm freaking out. Been having tingly sensations under my left armpit too and the wait feels impossible. I'm the mother of a 6 year old and a 2 year old and the thoughts are running wild on my head! I know nobody can tell me anything until next monday when I go to the doctor but I have been feeling so anxious, and I do not want to freak out my family in case is nothing. thanks
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posted by silvey
30 November 2013

Should I make him go to doctor?

Last reply: 03 December 2013 08:15
This mole seemed to just appear, can't remember seeing this on my husbands back, it's about the size of a penny, and the shiny lump is about an inch below it. Just below the shiny lump you will see another blemish, he has quite a few on his back, he says it is acne. He is 50. Hubby said it's not dark, so it's ok and said he doesn't need to go to doc. Please help, so that I can show him what people think and maybe he will go. I am worried, the last time he was at the doctors was 25 years ago, and that was a medical for his job. He thinks there is nothing wrong, maybe there isn't and I'm being paranoid. Thank you
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