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posted by Bet
30 June 2019

Alternative Treatments

Last reply: 01 July 2019 14:04
My brother who is in his early 30s and has small children has been diagnosed with an aggressive and rare form of cancer. He’s currently getting radiotherapy treatment in St Luke’s but he’s very ill and he’s afraid that continued treatment may be refused to him if he gets any weaker. I’m trying to research how to go about finding an alternative route for treatment, perhaps in the private sphere, and perhaps in another country, should the need arise. Any advise would be very gratefully received
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posted by Anneboylan1
21 June 2019

Two months diagnosed

Last reply: 24 June 2019 14:46
Hi, I have been diagnosed with cancer of the lower oesophagus and top of stomach. I have had the FLOT regime of chemotherapy. I have received 3 bouts of it. Advised it would be rough and I do find it hard. The plan is to have 4 chemo sessions and then hopefully surgery, and four more chemo after operation. Feeling hopeful.
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posted by lorr
08 January 2019

Biopsy Sample

Last reply: 23 January 2019 11:56
I have recently requested a paper review including a review of my biopsy following a diagnosis of a primary adenocarcinoma in my bladder. Hospital in Boston is carrying out review but are having difficulties with Beaumont Hospital releasing the biopsy as Beaumont say this is not normal. Does anyone know if I have a right in insisting on Beaumont releasing my biopsy as this is essential for the full review of my case?
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posted by Angie
02 December 2018

Neck cancer

Last reply: 06 December 2018 12:12
Hi had neck cancer consisting of tumour on voice box in November 2017 was brought to Galway and a trachy was put in place because tumour was blocking air way....the MRI an the CT were done an also cancer on tongue...I was in no pain an felt healthy Was in hospital November right threw till February....had 36 Radium and 1 large chemotherapy session Home in February felt fine didn't need any medication for pain doing daily chores etc out driving around Then the follow up scans started in April which showed that treatments did not work More scans an biopsy done in Galway till August 2018 showing cancer still on voice box Referee to start James in Dublin where in September there was a clinic an in October there followed more scans and it just shows the voice box and some glands having happy enough to do a lyranectomy but before the surgery he decides to do a final biopsy .......which revealed the cancer in tongue an osepagus the lyrnx an pharynx plus the voice box and the glands surgery out of question at this stage as I would end up worse than I Ammar the moment......which is by the way still no pain an just have the trachy.....still able to function as normal Just waiting around now for idea of next step........please anyone reading this don't put off a sore throat as flu or cold get it seen by a ENT doctor straight away if it last more than 2 days
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posted by Kenzie
25 May 2018


Last reply: 06 December 2018 09:25
Today I received the most terrifying news that I have breast cancer. I'm 47. I can't remember most of what I was told because my mind went into this numb state. Something about triple negative and invasive but small in size. I am freaking out. I'm terrified I'm going to die and leave my son who's 7 without me. Hubby is very supportive but his positivity is upsetting in a weird way. He wants me to be normal until we know more but I want to scream and cry. I'm pathetic I know. Has anyone felt like me?
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posted by MG
12 September 2018

A day I’ll never forget

Last reply: 17 September 2018 13:38
Today I was told I have cancer. I’m 33 and I’m a single parent to my 14 year old daughter. I’ve always been fit, eat healthy most of the time, don’t smoke or drink. I had been back and forward to my gp for a year with irregular bleeding pain and a lump. I was never examined he just wrote off to the local gynacology department. It was only after a recent smear test with a different practice that I asked the lady to check the lump and she referred me to a colposcopy clinic. The cancer on the cervix has spread to the vagina. I will be admitted to hospital tomorrow for scans to see has it spread any further. I’m absolutely gutted. I haven’t spoken to my daughter yet about it, I know I will have to but the thought of doing it breaks my heart. I fear I’m going to die. Why was I left so long?
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posted by Graemec95
05 March 2018

Ewing Sarcoma

Last reply: 26 March 2018 16:18
My name is Graeme and I’m 22 living in cork. I’ve recently been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma on the 4th of January. I’m on my 3rd cycle of chemotherapy alternating between VDC and IE. I’m going for a full body MRI scan before the week is out. Really just writing this to see if there are any people out there with the same thing I have and how they’re getting on. I’ve also created a Facebook page called “Cancer From My Perspective” as I want to give more awareness to Ewing Sarcoma as not many people know about it (including myself when I first found out I was diagnosed). It would be greatly appreciated if ye could like and share it please and thank you.
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posted by Pauline Crowle…
17 March 2018

Is there anything you can do about hot flushes

Last reply: 21 March 2018 15:21
Hi recently diagnosed with overian cancer spots on stomach chest & lung had my op 3 weeks yesterday but since then im finding it very hard to cope with very bad hotflushes which started into my second chemo,since op their 100 times worst not sleeping their coming night & day
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posted by meghanbyr_
19 March 2018

Diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19

Last reply: 21 March 2018 15:20
Hi, I’m Meghan, I’ve only just turned 19 and I’ve stomach cancer. I’m still in shock from finding out and I’ve only disclosed this to my family but I have to tell some friends and I’ve no clue how to. I’m afraid that I’m going to lose them or they’ll just become very distant with me and I understand the distancing part because it’s hard for them to take it in but I’m just worried I won’t have them to turn to. I’m starting treatment this week and I guess I could use their support. Sorry for the babble. Just sort of needed to let this out.
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posted by annie
11 March 2018

support for rare, advanced diagnosis

Last reply: 14 March 2018 11:47
Hi there, My usually healthy, active, Dad has been diagnosed with small-cell carcinoma but not in his lung, elsewhere, which I understand is rare. The prognosis is not good. The doctors seem excited by the rarity of the diagnosis which has been confusing for my parents, as they interpreted the jovial mood as something optimistic. We are all devastated and I'm not sure how to support him. If anyone has similar experiences I would appreciate hearing them. I am struggling to cope and don't want him to have to worry about me, as well.
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