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posted by el1981
14 April 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 01 May 2021 10:47
Hi was just diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer...found lump 4 wks ago but don’t know how long it’s been there but consultant said it’s only a small tumour (1 inch) & my lymph node tested positive so I’ve 2 wait 4 scans 2 make sure it’s not gone any further & this is killing me...but both times docs were checking my lymph nodes 1 said he couldn’t find them being swollen n other said they weren’t that swollen ...not sure if this is a good thing r not?....I would just like to get things movin so I can b on the rd 2 getting better already ...thanks
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posted by Daysey
27 April 2021

DCIS a second surgery

Last reply: 28 April 2021 23:20
1. Just back yesterday for the ‘results’ of lumpectomy. I wasn’t expecting surgeon today to say another surgery is needed. Does this happen much? Is there someone out there with the same experience? 2. Also, I would love to know what are the chances of needing radiotherapy afterwards, surgeon hopes I might avoid it, but again, I would love to hear from people. 3. (Couldn’t sleep last night, was inclined to blame surgeon for missing the extra calcification that now bring need for the second surgery. ) All support welcome.
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posted by SheilaM
19 February 2021

Waiting for treatment to start

Last reply: 08 March 2021 17:22
I went for a colonoscopy on 27th January after a year of waiting for one. I’ve now been diagnosed with a stage 3 rectal cancer with no spread. My consultant tells me I will need chemotherapy & radiotherapy to shrink it before he can remove it. However I’ve still no date to start my treatment and I’m getting more anxious with every day. Anyone else experiencing these kind of delays to start their treatment
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posted by Rita McAnespie
02 February 2021

Colon cancer

Last reply: 10 February 2021 20:50
Hi All, I had a colonoscopy 1 week ago and they found an ulcer/lesion on my Caecum ascending colon. Did anyone else have this? I am waiting on biopsy results. Most bowel cancer is a polyp and I cant find much info on an ulcer. Any information would be great thanks.
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posted by lorrainemay79
12 January 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 21 January 2021 21:18
Hi, I am 41 and have diagnose with oestrogen positive breast cancer. I have been prescribed tomaxifen and Zoladex. Has anyone had the same treatment? Also when is the best time to take tamoxifen?
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posted by Pete47
28 November 2020

Esophagal cancer

Last reply: 05 January 2021 22:51
Hi everyone My name is Peter and I'm 47 , I was diagnosed with esophagal cancer yesterday, I also have some suspicious spots on my liver that needs checking. I'm waiting to be referred to Mercy hospital in Cork. I made the mistake of googling everything and I'm absolutely terrified and feel as I'm falling apart at the seems. Please any advice would greatly be appreciated. 😥😥
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posted by Michael Leahy
28 November 2020

Thyroid cancer and big operation

Last reply: 08 December 2020 09:15
Hi All 40 year old male with papillary thyroid cancer , had spread to lymph nodes so needed a big operation to remove thyroid and lymph nodes in chest I am two weeks post op and recovering well physically but i am so depressed and anxious. I am on anti depressants for a few years and was doing really well but now im very low. My wife is really supportive and my GP wants to increase my SSRI dose which i will be doing but i have no appetite and feeling crap in general. I know i just have to try and get through these days but its so hard, i want to get some sleeping aids to help me sleep better until i recover but of course im afraid to take these
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posted by Richieof1
18 November 2020

Post Chemo insomnia

Last reply: 26 November 2020 16:14
Hi all. First time here. I have B cell mediastinal high grade Lymphoma. I had my first Chemo last week which was infusion for 5 days 24/7 I St James. I have now been home for a week but suffering with side effects the worse being severe insomnia. Would anyone please have experience of insomnia post chemo and what you did to combat it. I have tried all the usual stuff and even sleeping pills are ineffective. I basically am falling asleep for 10 mins at a time then waking up.
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posted by Bud36
03 November 2020

Thyroid Cancer

Last reply: 10 November 2020 15:18
Have recently been diagnosed with minimal invasive thyroid cancer. I discovered a lump which was quite large which was removed and tested and results came back as above. I now have been told I need other half removed and will need RAI treatment. Am nervous.
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posted by ajmac1974
03 November 2020

Group 2 Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 10 November 2020 14:18
I've just found out yesterday that I have group 2 Prostate Cancer. I'm 46 years old. I had no major symptoms other than high PSA. It seems I've found it early and the team seem very confident that it can be treated and curable. I lost my wife aged only 29, 11 years ago to Kidney cancer so this is also playing on my mind. Today I start my new journey. I will try and stay as positive as I can.
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