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posted by Shivers52
22 May 2020

Cervical cancer

Last reply: 25 May 2020 09:14
Hi...I found it yesterday I have cervical cancer. It's treatable so I'm lucky. I'm just numb .. my Mum and sister both died last year from cancer 5 months apart. I was Mum's carer. I was also a healthcare assistant and now I fund myself being the patient. I'm scared of what's in I'm scared of how well I'll be able to cope. Usually I'm fine with anything medical, the strong one, but now I just wish I had my Mum/ sister around to comfort me. I have brothers, all older, and good friends but I'm feeling alone deep down. Plus I'm trying to remain really positive for my second daughter who's due her first baby in September. Part of me wants to hide, part of me says the brave mask is best. I'm confused and quietly scared of what's ahead....
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posted by sursula
02 May 2020

Advice please

Last reply: 05 May 2020 16:54
Hi, my mother has recently been diagnosed with 3 brain tumours. She is due to start treatment shortly. Both parents are reeling from the news which is understandable. I'm looking for advice on how to have a family conversation about what's ahead, what kind of support we can give each other etc. Any guidance would be very welcome. Thanks.
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posted by Jessi
21 April 2020

Lung Cancer with extra bits

Last reply: 30 April 2020 15:44
Hi lovely people, two weeks ago I got that news, it's lung cancer( non smoker),41 yes of age, first meeting the oncology team said PET scan showed it was also in my thyroid, spine and hip bone...I'm starting Chemo this Friday, the reality will kick in then... My question is what questions to ask the doctors and nurses again, suppose a lot of it past me by.... Regards Jessi
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posted by pet
13 April 2020

Help please 😢

Last reply: 16 April 2020 14:09
How do I tell our babies terminal cancer has been diagnosed. Can't get our own heads around it, what do we do , in shock and heartbroken.
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posted by Gercar
08 April 2020

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 April 2020 10:18
Hi Everybody, I hope you are all keeping well at this difficult time. I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Stage 1, HR Positive and Her2 Neg last week. The multidisciplinary team have decided that the best treatment for me at the moment due to Covid 19 is hormone therapy for 3 months followed by surgery and radiotherapy. I am concerned as I know that the surgery is normally done first in this diagnosis but it is too risky at the moment. I also will not start the therapy for 2-3 weeks and I am wondering two things, (1) Is the 2-3 week wait normal and (2) Has anybody else had the hormone treatment first and what was the outcome.
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posted by rsheehan
04 April 2020

Re: Wigs

Last reply: 08 April 2020 16:56
Hi all, My mam was recently diagnosed with cancer, unfortunately, and she is hopefully beginning chemo asap. Therefore, she is planning on getting a wig. However, we are clueless about this, and would appreciate any help, comments, suggestions and thoughts etc. She is not sure whether to get a real hair wig or synthetic, as she is aware just how costly real-hair wigs can be. Her main questions are: which type of wig would be the most comfortable? The most practical? Which would feel nicest wearing it?.. Appreciate any help at all! All opinions welcome! Thanks.
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posted by ash70
27 February 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 10 March 2020 11:52
Hi everyone, I've recently being diagnosed with breast cancer. Had an mri to rule any lumps anywhere else, however another small lump was found. So having a biopsy nxt monday on this. Its six weeks since I found the first lump myself. And four weeks since diagnoses, is there a possibility that this may spread before i get a lumpectomy? Panicking internally so as not to show my daughter and son.
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posted by Valerie62
09 March 2020

Breast Surgery and Corona Virus

Been admitted for a lumpectomy on Thursday in Vincents. However terrified of getting Corona Virus. 2018 was readmitted back to hospital after a hysterectomy and had Sepsis. I will take all the steps I can to avoid this virus but it's playing on my mind.
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posted by unicornkitty
27 February 2020

Fathers diagnosis

Last reply: 09 March 2020 14:18
Hi all My father was diagnosed with stage 4 (metastasis) brain and lung cancer this week. His primary cancer was melanoma. He has been recommended to receive radiotherapy to elevate his symptoms and try to control it so it wont spread any further. Im hoping to find anyone with a similar prognosis, they wont express a life expectancy time frame to us. We were wondering what the point of the treatment is really if it wont get rid of the cancer, why bother? He isnt in pain at the moment. He was such an active intelligent man but now he is bed bound, incontinent, confused and downright angry. To see him this way is quite heartbreaking Thank you
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posted by thinlizzy1979
28 February 2020


Last reply: 04 March 2020 21:40
Quick question, when does the bursting into tears without warning ease up! Only diagnosed yesterday and I know everything thing I’m feeling is normal etc but Jesus I’m pissed of with myself already! I can’t go on like this, just want to keep everything as normal as possible for my kids, also has anyone else found that one of the hardest things to deal with is everyone else’s reaction?
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