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posted by michellew12
23 October 2021

Dad newly diagnosed

Last reply: 27 October 2021 16:10
Hi everyone, new to this. My dad has very recently being diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. My main reason for posting is looking for advice on how to tell my daughter who is 11 and very close to him. Has always being a healthy man so this has being a very sudden and massive shock to us all. Thanks
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posted by moss54
04 October 2021

Lung cancer, brain tumours

Last reply: 13 October 2021 16:14
Hi my name is mossie, has anyone here gotten brain toumours after getting lung toumour
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posted by trishabc
28 August 2021

Newly diagnosed and options

Last reply: 29 September 2021 21:21
Hi, I got a diagnosis of DCIS in my right breast this week. It's a very large area so the surgeon is recommending a full mastectomy. I know I'm very lucky to have caught it early but it's still a big shock. I'm going to get reconstruction at the same time but unsure which is best. I was wondering if there's anyone out there who's had the DEIP flap done or the implant and how did they get on? Thank you
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posted by Olivia
21 September 2021

Stage 3 Breast Cancer

Last reply: 29 September 2021 21:19
Hi I found a lump in my breast about 6 weeks ago and was diagnosed yesterday with Stage 3 breast cancer and was told is an agressive type. I was quite surprised as I thought I had caught this early but I had also been down to my doctor with excruitating back pain and before I was diagnosed he thought it might be arithis. I had been waiting for a scan for my back but now the cancer has been diagnosed I am awaiting on a scan on my back to see if it has spread. Just wondering has anyone been through anything similar.
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posted by Calico
06 September 2021


Last reply: 20 September 2021 22:07
Hi Everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I may as well jump right in. My mother received a stage 4 TNBC diagnosis a couple of months ago...two small tumours on her lungs. She's mid seventies. I recently committed the cardinal sin of researching her diagnosis on Google and am sick with worry as a result. I know this is the most aggressive type of BC with limited treatment options compared to other BCs. She has started on oral chemo and radiation but I know the long term prognosis is very poor (12% five year survival rate). Her medical team have not explained the aggressive nature of this cancer with her and course I am keeping my fears to myself. I guess I was wondering if anyone had any advice for the journey ahead? There are so few positive stories for this type of cancer. It seems that nobody survives this diagnosis for very long. I don't know what to do. I'm desperately trying to stay positive but I just don't see how. I can't eat or sleep. Are there trials in Ireland that she could participate in? Anyway....thanks for reading and best wishes to you all.
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posted by Mary5610
15 September 2021

Rare Tongue Tumour

Last reply: 20 September 2021 16:09
Hello, Has anyone experienced a rare tongue tumor at the back of their tongue?
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posted by treasa77
04 September 2021

Breast Cancer. Double Massectomy.

Last reply: 09 September 2021 14:33
Hi. Just found out two days ago that there were a few very small lumps in one breast. It was only picked up on mri. Mammogram didn't pick up. I have a strong family history of breast cancer so they're recommending removing the full breast. The other breast is totally healthy but their advice is to take that too. I agreed but the reality definitely hasn't sunk in. I'm back in next week to discuss implants etc. Just wondering if anyone was in the same boat or had any advice.
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posted by hope47
03 September 2021

Tamoxifen - how was it for you

Last reply: 07 September 2021 20:14
Hi, I was diagnosed with ER+ recently, had surgery but don’t require radiation or chemo. I’m beginning tamoxifen very soon and interested to know how people have been on it. I’m premenopausal, and generally very fit and healthy. Thanks 🙏🏻 😊
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posted by tilly21
11 June 2021

Lung cancer

Last reply: 21 June 2021 11:12
Adenocarcinoma with mpe stage 4 and he only went to hospital because he was having trouble breathing and 4 days later thats what hit us in the face, like being hit with a frying pan. My lovely husband, who is relatively fit, non smoker since 2002, has been told that at most 12-14 months is his life expectancy and he is only 63. I am in total shock and stupidly I dont know how to feel im just numb. I insisted our children needed to know so that they can make plans and he is glad I insisted. Oncologist was a very nice professional man who showed us exactly where the cancer was but I dont understand as it is limited to the right lung with no metastized disease elsewhere in the body. I cannot get my head around it and my poor husband after 2 or 3 days has started his plans for when he us no longer with us. I thought it would be me going first
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posted by Beechfield34
10 April 2021


Last reply: 05 May 2021 12:35
This week has been the worst week of my life. Diagnosed with Breast cancer on wed. It’s in the lymph nodes too. I’ve to get chemo , surgery and radiotherapy. Next week a bone scan and then a PET scan. I feel and look healthy but I’m terrified the cancer has spread everywhere and I’m terrified of chemo . I work from home so I plan to continue to do that. My emotions are all over the place. Ok one min and actually having panic attacks the next min. Each day is a struggle . I know I have harder days ahead . I’m so worried. I’m in shock. I’m avoiding telling people as it makes it so “real”. Anyone else in the same boat ? Xxx
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