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20 February 2023


Last reply: 25 March 2023 14:43
Hi there, my name is Ashling, and I'm new to this husband was diagnosed with oesophagul cancer, some in lymph nodes, so a very scary and overwhelming time...he starts chemo today and we are both very scared and hope it helps him...any advice or words of encouragement would be brilliant..thankyou.. Ashling
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posted by smiffy86
12 February 2023

Phone call for results

Hi everyone, I had uterine polyps removed and send away to be tested at the end of November. I got a letter Fri for a virtual phone call appointment with the gynecologist for Fri week and now I'm panicking, I'm thinking if all was clear they would send a letter saying that and the call might be to arrange more tests. I'm wondering if appointments are being done either way over the phone at the moment as I know the waiting lists I that department are crazy at the moment
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posted by indigoalice
01 February 2023

Breast cancer diagnosis

Last reply: 12 February 2023 11:43
Hi my name is Alice and Ive got breast cancer. Im attending St Vincents hospital for treatment. So its in the left breast and got into lymphs. Next step is CT scan then chemo, then op then radiotherapy, for now fingers and everything crossed. I am 47 years of age.I would like to ask another wou for man who had a similar diagnosis and has already travelled this road for a chat? I am very grateful to you in advance and thank you for reading my post. Alice x
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posted by chickaroo82
28 December 2022

Hospital referral

Last reply: 18 January 2023 10:24
Hi there. I was given a colposcopy in UHG and am now being transferred under gynae to St James's in Dublin. I have a CT booked with Galway, quickest appointment in January. James's have received my referral but does anyone know how long it usually is to get an appointment to see a doctor? I don't want to be asking the secretary so I'm wondering if anyone here might know from prev experience?
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posted by chickaroo82
11 December 2022


Last reply: 28 December 2022 10:42
I recently had a colposcopy where I had a biopsy done. My doctor told me I'd have to have a LLETZ treatment. My biopsy fro colposcopy said I was stage 1a1 and done the LLETZ. The doc then rang me and said I am 1a2 and I now need to be transferred for scans to another hospital. I'm extremely confused as the doc told me that I would only need a LLETZ or worse case a hysterectomy. I'm concerned as when I was initially diagnosed she was saying all I would need would be another LLETZ and now it's gone to scans. I didn't realize I would need scans at this early 1a2 stage....
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posted by pauliii
03 October 2021

Stomach Cancer

Last reply: 19 December 2022 23:26
Hello all, My husband, 43, has been diagnosed with a stage 4 gastric Cancer last week! We were shocked as he had no symptoms other thank an occasional heartburn. We were told it was probably caught early given his young age, no symptoms and general good health. How I wish that was true! Last week the scans showed it has spread to the abdomen area and we were told it is no longer operable! Here I am writing to you desperate! We have three kids age 12 and under (youngest is 1.5). We are both foreigners living in ireland for 15 years now and have no family here! I am terrified of what is to come 😱😱😭😭😭
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posted by parky
04 December 2022

Recent diagnosis of prostate cancer

Last reply: 19 December 2022 15:53
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The urologist has informed me it is at the early stages thankfully with a score of 7. He told me I had three treatment options available to choose from. Surgery, External beam radiation or brachytherapy. My initial leaning is towards the brachytherapy following a discussion with the urologist. I will hopefully meet the oncologist in the next couple of weeks to discuss the options further. Has anyone had this form of treatment? The research I have read indicates it has a quicker recovery time with less side effects. Is this the case?
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posted by 2020vision
10 December 2020

nasopharyngeal cancer

Last reply: 26 September 2022 00:37
Hi there, I got diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer on 28 Oct and have started treatment 3 Dec - for 35 treatments including 1 day each week of chemotherapy. In 2018 I had a virus which led me to have a dull hearing in my left ear and a runny nose. 2 years later I have a 43mm tumour in the nose cavity and has travelled to lymph nodes in neck. Its a rare cancer and I hope I can get shut of it this way. does anyone have anything like this?
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posted by twig88
21 August 2022

Meeting Oncologist

Last reply: 04 September 2022 17:19
Hi I’m just wondering how long you be waiting to meet with your oncologist? I had my surgery (lumpectomy) on 28th July and my follow up appointment on the 12th August and was told I’d be meeting with my oncologist to discuss starting chemotherapy but i haven’t received any appointments yet. I’m just eager to get started.
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posted by LS
13 August 2022

Lynch Syndrome

We run a Facebook (Private) support group for all those affected by Lynch Syndrome. I have inherited one of the predisposition Genes (MSH2) and know how hard it can be to find information and navigate the medical system. We are also aware that the current system is far from perfect and can be confusing. When you are trying to understand your inheritance or potential inheritance and navigate the medical system we believe speaking to others in the same boat who really understand can make all the difference . We are a caring group of people there to listen and offer support . Anyone can find us by following the link below or entering Lynch Syndrome Ireland you will be directed to our open Facebook page.
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