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posted by joanne30
03 November 2020


Last reply: 04 November 2020 12:18
Hi all my dad has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to his lymph node we are all heartbroken and shocked as he never smoked a day in his life, he is really struggling with sleep he’s only getting 2-3 hours sleep at night sleeping pills aren’t working he’s been prescribed them he’s also in a lot of pain with his knee and wrist he’s had 3 chemo sessions and this is the first time he’s experienced joint pain, just looking for any advice as we have never been through this before. Thank you Joanne
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posted by Anne Kinnane
30 October 2020


Last reply: 31 October 2020 23:12
Having my first chemo on Tuesday any idea what to expect or tips about it xx
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posted by Laurabaird83
28 October 2020


Last reply: 28 October 2020 14:15
My mum has just been diagnosed with Lymphoma relapse stage 4, but that's all we know because they can not operate as she is very frail, she had Non-Hogkin's Lymphoma back in 2009, and she had beaten it, only to return in her chest (though again, not 100% sure which it is) they can't do Chemo as she is not going to be able to handle it. we are not even sure that she would be able to handle Radiotherapy, we are waiting to see the Radiotherapydoctor who will check and see if she is able to that but the outcome looks bleak. I'm just numb, have been just getting on with it, and being a good daughter and carer.
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posted by mo2020
16 September 2020

Stage 1 Ductal BC

Last reply: 18 September 2020 09:28
Hi, I am 36 and was diagnosed at the end of June with Stage 1 Ductal BC - 8/8 Estrogen receptive, Grade 3 and Her2 neg . I found a lump when breast feeding my son so this has come as a big shock. The tumor was 12mm and was removed along with 4 nodes and extra tissue- the nodes came back clear and the margins were also clear so no need for a second surgery. Because I qualified for the oncotype test this was done and I recieved a score of 22. My treatment plan is 4 sessions of AC and 12 sessions of T. 3- 5 weeks of radiotherapy.Followed by 5-10 years of hormone therapy. I have been told by my doctors that the prognosis is very good - but I feel the amount of treatment is so much that is frightens me that I don't understand something. Would the grade of the tumor along with my age and oncotype result be the reason for this level of treatment? Does the grade of the tumor mean anything for reaccurance? Does 8/8 estrogen explain the 10 years of hormone therapy? I'm not due to see my consultant again until after I finish treatment and of course had no really understanding of my diagnosis at the time of meeting her as I was deeply in shock. Any advice or feedback would be great
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posted by shaz
31 March 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 08 August 2020 09:22
Good morning folks. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with invasive ductal cancer. Grade 2. ER / PR positive. Her2 negitive. It was in my axilly nodes and is positive also. I had a lumpectomy and axilly clearance last Tuesday. Just wondering if anyone had this type of cancer and what treatment followed after the surgery. Sha xx
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posted by rachellogan85
22 July 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 04 August 2020 01:15
I have recently been diagnosed with DCIS, I was looking at a lumpectomy and radiotherapy but now the surgeon wants to do a mascetamy. I’m Only 35, and really don’t want to loose my breast. He’s offered immediate reconstruction but it’s taken me completely off guard. I can’t stop crying. Help! I need some understanding that I’m Not alone in worrying about loosing my breast
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posted by Stephanie
24 July 2020

WLE at side of knee

Last reply: 29 July 2020 15:28
Hi, I recently had a WLE at the side of my knee after a malignant melanoma. One week later I am trying not to do too much on it. Would love some advice from someone else
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posted by mac77
07 April 2020


Last reply: 24 July 2020 09:53
just found out a mole i had removed is cancerous, feeling very anxious. I keep telling myself "cop on ull b grand".
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posted by OrlaithD12
22 June 2020

Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage 3/4

Last reply: 26 June 2020 16:22
Hi, My 79 year old Dad was diagnosed with SCLC 3 weeks ago following a period with chest tightness, and pain when breathing deeply. Up to then he was fit and active, so s huge shock to us all. He had multiple scans, Ct, MRI, Bronchosopy and was discharged home a week ago to wait for Chemo appt, planned for this week. About 4 or 5 days ago, his appetite became non existent, was suffering with pain, perisistent cough, wheezing, couldn't talk for more than a few minutes. Yesterday, the pain was so bad we called the ambulance and he was readmitted. After being on oral morphine yesterday, he is now on IV, and he's still struggling with the pain, no appetite, and worst of all we cant speak to him or visit him. Hoping for chest CT today, and they want to start chemo asap to try and help his symptoms.. I'm really struggling with the swiftness of this , and would love to hear from any of you going through, or who have gone through a similar experience. Orlaith
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posted by sanbol
04 May 2020

my husband has cancer

Last reply: 26 May 2020 18:57
HI I am looking for advice on how to prepare my daughter (9) years, for her dad and his condition. He is still in hospital. I have not talked about his cancer yet to her. I am still trying to deal with it myself. We are not able to visit him in hospital given the current situation. thanks
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