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posted by bgtpur
20 December 2017

chemo waiting times

Last reply: 21 December 2017 16:50
Hello, I wanted to know what are the waiting times for chemo, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, stage 3, Oct 31st he hasn't received any chemo , today Dec 21st he had his first information session and it looks like he won't receive chemo until mid January so was wondering if this is normal? Thanks, Bridget
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posted by A1986
02 September 2017

Hodgkins Lymphoma

Last reply: 04 October 2017 09:54
I was diagnosed with HL just about 2 months ago and going through chemotherapy now , also have been prescribed Neulasta injections now and the side effects are just horrible . Was wondering has anybody else had that ? The nurses are saying it should ease after first couple of days but it just gets worse then ...
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posted by SligoMiss
15 June 2017

How can I support my Dad

Last reply: 17 July 2017 09:48
Hi there. My Dad has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer. We are waiting to see the Oncologist next week so its a waiting game until then. I'm hoping someone here might be able to give me some tips on supporting Dad during this time. He is doing pretty ok - very tired and in some pain but I think his head is wrecked worrying about us and Mum. He is making lists of things to do and has starting clearing out some of his clothes. It is keeping him busy but also feels somewhat sinister. Please get in touch if you have any experience or thoughts. Thanks you
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posted by Mac
12 May 2017

Radical Abdominal Hysterectomy -Ovarian Cancer

Last reply: 16 May 2017 14:58
Hi there, discovered (Ultra sound) 2 weeks ago that Ive a lg grapefruit size cyst on 1 ovary, a smaller -6cm on the other & some smaller ones too. Consultant says he thinks borderline or grade 1. Not sure but Ive to have CAT TAP (thoracic, abdominal & pelvic) scan. It's €500 & VHI only cover it if I'm an oncology patient -so I guess I'm not officially YET -so Ive to pay. Also I'm worried about telling (adult) children who are away- the upset & worry for them. Any observations -suggestions welcome .
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posted by Happyness
28 May 2016

Worried about cancer coming back

I am playing a waiting game and was just wondering how others in a similar situation are coping. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 at 38 with three kids under six so it was tough but we got through it. Obviously I had to leave work while I was sick but returned eventually. Things didn't work out and I went ahead with another surgery this past January to sort out pain in my shoulder that I was experiencing due to the first surgery. All was going great. I was offered an excellent opportunity to go back to a really exciting position, one where I could work from home and set my own hours so we booked a holiday to disney world with the kids as one last hoorah! Three days before we left I was in agony with cramps and thought my appendix or something was about to explode so was brought to my GP. He sent me to hospital where I was scanned straight away. The results were not back before I left for holidays which is a good thing. I felt much better after our break and got the email about the new job when I got back so made an appointment to go see my GP about returning to work. I left totally deflated. Those scans showed that there is thickening of the lining of my womb and so I need to go for further tests and will not be certified fit to go back to work after all. I am on tamoxifen following breast cancer and this is something that I have been told to watch out for because apparently it can lead to cancer of the uterus. I'm trying not to freak out. Life goes on with a busy weekend ahead with the kids soccer, basketball, hurling, parties etc etc but all the while this is in the back of my mind. I'd like to know if anyone else with a history of breast cancer has had similar issues and what were the next steps.
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posted by Sarah2787
04 January 2015

Cervical cancer support group?

Last reply: 13 January 2016 21:51
Hey, I'm Sarah, I'm 27 and I was recently diagnosed with stage 4b cervical cancer that has spread to my bones. I'm just wondering is there anyone on here with cervical Cancer or that has had it in the past?... Just looking for people to talk to that are in the same position. I'm not great at navigating around the site haha! Any body with advice or stories to tell about their situation I would be so grateful. Thank you xx
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
05 January 2016

Wishing you a happy new year

We are posting here to say happy new year to all of the members of the online community
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posted by kathb
24 November 2015

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 01 December 2015 23:05
My 34 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. Her chemo starts in December and I wonder could anyone help me with where to go for wigs and head gear . I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
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posted by MazM88
10 November 2015

My Father has Liver Cancer

Last reply: 23 November 2015 11:54
Hi everyone, We found out last Friday that my father liver cancer, we lost our mother to cancer under a year ago, which is still very raw, so you can imagine we are all very upset and a little bit all over the place. I don't think being honest that the news has really hit my father just yet, this is a huge amount of information for anyone to take in, so I am wondering if there are any books/leaflets/articles etc or anything helpful that I could pass his way. He is a very private person so I don't think he would even consider counselling or phoning the Irish Cancer Society for Information. My father is classified as having Stage A - he is due to start TACE next month. What I am wondering is does anyone else have any experience with themselves and or family members/friends going through this, there is a lot of information available online but not so much of people's own personal experiences. It has been mentioned that this form of cancer treatment is not classified as a curative therapy, we have so many questions that people are not able to answer at the minute, which I am finding frustrating. I look forward to hearing from other people and wish you and your families that are dealing with/fighting this awful disease all of the best Marion x
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posted by SunnyA
20 August 2013

Recently diagnosed

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hello, I've now become a member of a club that i never wanted to join!! After losing both of my parents to cancer I really can't believe that this is happening. Just last week I was diagnosed with choroidal melanoma (eye tumour). I am due to have plaque radiotherapy in the coming weeks and would love to hear from anyone who has been through this before. Of course i've trawled the internet already on numerous occassions, hoping to receive helpful information but would love to hear if anyone has had this type of tumour or been through this type of radiation. To say i'm scared would be an understatement so would love to hear some first hand experience of this. Thanks in advance!
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