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posted by hollyr
22 July 2012

So unreal

Last reply: 22 July 2012 22:34
I've posted a few comments under topics started by others. I love the fact that I can read the comments and relate to them. But I'm just wondering if anyone else feels as I do. I attend all my appointments, deal with any pain I have but I still feel that this is happening to someone else. If I had to tell someone the date I was diagnosed or had my lumpectomy I would have to look it up on the calender. Its as if I'm blocking all this out of my mind. After the initial shock its as if its not happening. Maybe its a good way to deal with it but I'm kinda afraid that it will hit me some time soon.
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posted by Gtlheart
29 July 2012

Sleepless nights again ......

Last reply: 07 August 2012 09:15
Hi girls, can't sleep. Such a big discussion to make by next Friday. Going to my own Dr for advice on Monday, but would love to hear some advice from my breast cancer friends. Went to see my oncology Dr last Friday. Lovely Dr he talked about my treatments and gave me lots of %. I think the final outcomwins to be made by me. Anyway it goes like this hormone benefit 6.6 without relapse in 10 years, chemo 6.5.without relapse ,combined therapy 10.6 without relapse. They feel the hormone treatment will be enough as the difference is only 4 %, I want to best treatment to stop cancer returning, so I keep thinking gosh 4 % is still 4% better off. As I am otherwise healthy, so what if I feel pure crap for 6 months in order to live longer. I would walk on hot coals in order to live longer. Would love to hear what others think. Well must try to get some sleep. Night all. G x
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posted by kazoo
31 July 2012

compression sleeve for flying

Last reply: 04 August 2012 13:23
Anyone know where I can buy a compression sleeve for flying? Six months on from surgery, I still have a touch of lymphodoema and someone said I should wear one of these when I fly to Portugal. I've seen stockings in chemists, do they do ones for arms too?? I don't have time to source one online really as we go Monday. thanks in advance.
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posted by irishcailin
31 July 2012

What's the difference between BEAM chemo and FCM chemo?

Last reply: 24 August 2012 00:26
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows the difference between BEAM chemo and R FCM chemo? My onocolgist wants me to have BEAM chemo prior to my transplant but I've read about all the dangers including the problems it can cause to your kidneys. Is R FCM an alternative option? Thanks in advance
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posted by Josephine
02 August 2012

2nd chemo-not so bad

Last reply: 02 August 2012 19:23
Hi all 2 chemo yest and wasn't as bad. Firstly I took 1/2 a sleeping tablet in the morning, then I managed a litre of water by the time it was time to go in and I wore extra clothes and had a fleece jacket wrapped around my arm to keep it warm. And hey presto, my veins showed themselves this time!! The after effects ok so far. Did have some nausea but the new tablets seem to have held it at bay. Also, I took sleeping tablet last night so slept through whatever going on People who know me would be amazed I took sleeping tabs, I'm the healthy freak, when I'm anywhere new I do tours of health food shops, and won't even take a paracetamol for a headache. Well, I've decide now, it's time to fight fire with fire! Good luck to all on chemo. Josephine
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posted by Angelmagic
02 August 2012

MRCC Cancer

Last reply: 23 August 2012 11:36
Hello, I am new to the forum.. just wish to know if anyone else has MRCC cancer.. my 59yr old husband was diagnosed 3wks ago!! it was all a big shock to us, as he wasnt unwell!! it seems to have started from a broken rib!! he is currently on Sutent 1 aday, and has a bone infusion once a month.. to strenghten his bones.. all this week he has had radiotherapy in Wwhitfield Clinic in Waterford, and they have been lovely. Just wish to know if there is any persons out there with the same condition, that I could chat to when I need them. Thanks.
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posted by Josephine
03 August 2012

D care trial

Last reply: 03 August 2012 21:10
Hi all Is anyone else on this trial? I'm due to get 1st injection today. I couldn't face it on day of chemo on wed. I feel so ick today I don't feel like it either. I'm told I'm the last person into the trial. Hard to make decisions about these things. I'm afraid to be in and I'm afraid to be out of trial. Anyone any thoughts Josephine
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posted by Dane7
07 August 2012

Chemo over - now for round 2

Last reply: 08 August 2012 22:54
Afternoon all, Only lasted 5 out of 6 chemos. Should have had the last one today but they decided not to go ahead. Have been on Taxol and Clycocystamide on a 3 weekly cycle. Questions for all you ladies who have been through and finished chemo.... How long before your hair starts to grow back? How long before chemo brain passes? (feeling stupider by the minute:-)) How long do you still have chemo symptoms for? Had reimaging done last Friday and will have all the results on the 10th. Anxious as to how the chemo has worked. It has certainly given me the side effects .... lol ..... but has it actually affected either of the 2 types of cancer I have remains to be seen. Surgery set for Sept - just waiting on the date now. Still absolutely hate, hate, hate the thought of it. Any tips from anyone who has been through it without immediate reconstruction gratefully received. Thanks to all Dane
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posted by Misty
10 August 2012


Last reply: 21 August 2012 01:06
Hi, im 28 and i have recently been diagnosed with melanoma after having a cyst removed. Due to the diagnosis I have had further surgery done a few weeks ago to take a deeper and wider excision of the original area. Waiting on results. I was to have a sentinel lymph node biopsy also on the day of surgery but for some reason it was not done. While all of this was going on i also lost my dear uncle very suddenly to merkel cell carcinoma. It has taken a few weeks for the word cancer to actually sink in but now that it has i am extremely worried as there is a strong history of cancer in my family. Also got a shock when i saw the hole in my face after the surgery, i was not at all prepared for it or even expect it. Should a sentinel lymph node biopsy have been done or do i need to have results of surgery back before any decisions are made. Also, i did mention to my surgeon when i went to have stitches out if i should have a scan but they were quite reluctant to send me for one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Panicked at this stage while waiting for results! Thanks, misty
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posted by GlassHalfFull
13 August 2012

Managing Menopause Symptoms

Last reply: 03 October 2012 15:05
Hi All, Sorry if I'm starting a thread that's already been discussed on here. I'm at my wits end with this whole menopause lark!! I know I need to do more research myself but I said I'd ask for a little advice from you guys first. I finished my TCH x 6 on June 6th. I'll be getting Herceptin until Feb 2013. I also finished 18 sessions of RT on July 27th. (Exhausted!!). I stopped having periods immediately after starting chemo on 22nd Feb, so I did start having a few hot flushes back then. But holy God almighty above in heaven this Tamoxifen lark is no joke at all. I'm crucified from the hot flushes and night sweats. Actually I don't really mind the hot flushes during the day it's the ones when I'm in bed that bother me the most. I'm triple positive so obviously I can't take anything hormone-related, or simulated to ease my symptoms. Does anyone have any helpful hints or tips that might help me through these few months? Also, I'll only be 42 when I finish taking the tamoxifen, and there's a possibility that I'll come back out of this chemical menopause, but I really really don't ever want to have to go through this again. What are my choices? Sarah. XXX
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