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posted by lovelife
15 March 2021

inverted nipple

Last reply: 17 March 2021 22:45
is it normal after breast surgery for nipple to become inverted
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posted by lisa123
11 March 2021

Mam Newly diagnosed

Last reply: 16 March 2021 19:19
Hi my mam has just been diagnosed with primary gallbladder cancer and liver metastasis. She is starting chemo for 3 months in the next few weeks, they’ve said if that doesn’t work they’ll try another round. nothing was mentioned at the doctors appointment when she was diagnosed about an outlook or a timeline,or if it was pallative however they did mention stage 4, and I suppose I’m just trying to find the positives here but is that a good sign that they are doing the chemo ? He did say it’s serious, not curable, but treatable . Sorry if this is a silly question, we are just trying to come to terms and find some glimmer of hope . Thanks for your help .
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posted by Ninfea
09 March 2021

acute leukemia

Last reply: 16 March 2021 15:21
My father is sick of acute myeloid leukemia. Since December he's very weak and thin, sometimes doesn't eat enough and sleeps more. Sometimes he had fever. He can't even receive treatments as he also does dialysis. He's just receiving transfusions. Can you inform me how many months maximum he can live with this general picture? Please let me know so I can have a better idea. Thanks in advance.
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posted by Chele
09 March 2021

Biopsy results

Last reply: 16 March 2021 15:18
Hi, I had a stereotactic biopsy done on 24th February in St James. I haven't received an appt for results. I have been waiting patiently but I know the team meet on Tuesday mornings so had hoped to hear today. I haven't received a call and I've been trying to get in touch with the Breastcare nursing office but it's going through to voicemail all afternoon. I'm feeling very stressed now as it's day 13. Is it normal to have to wait so long?
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posted by tara c
15 March 2021

breast cancer

Last reply: 15 March 2021 20:49
Hey, i was wondering if anyone has any advice on accepting your new body after breast reconstruction. I am 23 and i had an immediate reconstruction with an implant last year. I'm finding it hard to like my new body. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you :)
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posted by cal89x
08 January 2021

Appointment wait

Last reply: 24 February 2021 14:03
Hi all, 4 weeks ago I went to my doctor with a new area of lumpy tissue that was not normal. I am 31 years of age have no other symptoms and my doctor does not seem concerned at all as she told me so. My mam suffers with breasts cysts a lot and we don’t have breast cancer in the family. A referral letter has been sent but marked as non urgent. I rang the hospital today and because I am non urgent my wait could be a couple of months as the list is getting longer. I am a tad anxious but the what if and unknown is always in the back of my mind. Just wondering has anyone been in the same situation or know how long the waiting list is? I am based in cork. I am thinking of asking the doctor to send the letter privately and I will pay whatever the cost it. Thanks a million
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posted by Positivevibes
08 March 2021

Ultrasound Do you find out results the day?

Last reply: 08 March 2021 21:38
Hi guys x Hope you are all keeping safe and well. I found a lump on my breast 3 weeks ago. My GP seen me and referred me to Breast Clinic. Went to St James last Thursday for initial assessment. Consultant was not worried about lump on right breast but I've 2 on my left that need more investigating. I'm back tomorrow for a mammogram on both breasts , an ultrasound and biopsy on left. I'm wondering will the Dr that is doing the ultrasound be able to tell me or let me know if it's just a cyst and nothing to worry about. I've not slept great in 3 weeks and although I'm trying to keep positive it would be great to have some idea.Do they say nothing about what is seen on screen and you've to wait for all results when biopsy results return?
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posted by Shiv
28 January 2021

Lonquex Injection

Last reply: 08 March 2021 21:29
Hi. Could anyone tell me their experience after injecting Lonquex the day after chemo. How severe was your bone pain and how long before it kicked in if it did. I know everyones experience is different. Thanks
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posted by Pagan123
22 February 2021

Waiting on results

Last reply: 08 March 2021 17:50
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me here, I really do appreciate it. If TMI follows I apologise in advance. This past year Ive been experiencing severe pain in my right groin area which bores through to my lower back. The pain radiates down my leg and up into my collarbone and arm into my fingers. I suffer badly with thyroid and thought this may be the reason for a lot of my symptoms and issues. Unfortunately, in November I passed alot of blood through my back passage and my doctor referred me for an urgent colonoscopy which I underwent in the latter end of December. I underwent an endoscopy and colonscopy under twilight sedation. I have no recollection of the endoscopy but the colonscopy is quite vivid, it went on for over two hours. Apparently I hadn't completely evacuated my bowel and my ascending colon could not be examined. The gastroenterologist located ten polyps on my colon which they removed one in particular I could see they attached two clamps, it appeared to be larger than the others and bleeding alot. Two biopsies of my rectum were taken, two from my stomach and the polyps that were removed. The doctor said that she would make an appointment to investigate the remainder of my bowel in 3 months time and will see me every 6 months thereafter. Unfortunately I didn't get to speak with anyone after the colonscopy and I can't get through to the hospital. My GP received notification that the biopsies were taken and they mentioned histology. I haven't received any results yet and have been doing alot of research and I'm beyond worried at this point. In the colonscopy I could see on the monitor the polyps that were found were flat. My bowel has been causing me a great deal of pain and I am extremely constipated. It feels like there is some sort of blockage as my stools are dry whenever I manage to pass which is very little. My weight dropped by 6lb when I managed to have a movement last week. The pain has become more frequent and intense, my GP has given me pain meds to manage this. I am also on PPI daily. I've cut out all red meat, gluten, sweetners etc. out of my diet. Prior to this my diet was very good. Im fit but not as much as I would like because I suffer with extreme fatigue and dizziness. I have the worst brain fog too & I get extremely & uncomfortably bloated.My bowel movements unaided are probably once every two weeks and I never feel like I completely empty my bowel. My GP has requested that the 2nd part of the colonscopy be escalated and is also going to organise a CT scan whilst I wait for the next appointment. I did ask the doctor when I was undergoing the colonscopy to see me sooner and she said that my bowel had been through enough and I had to rest it. Unfortunately I can't switch off my mind and with the pain I'm seriously worrying as I been waiting for two months for my results. I would appreciate if someone can help or share their experiences with me as I am the first in my family to have bowel polyps and every story I read about them so far really gives me cause for concern.
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posted by SheilaM
19 February 2021

Waiting for treatment to start

Last reply: 08 March 2021 17:22
I went for a colonoscopy on 27th January after a year of waiting for one. I’ve now been diagnosed with a stage 3 rectal cancer with no spread. My consultant tells me I will need chemotherapy & radiotherapy to shrink it before he can remove it. However I’ve still no date to start my treatment and I’m getting more anxious with every day. Anyone else experiencing these kind of delays to start their treatment
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