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posted by just_me
25 August 2020

Waiting for results

Last reply: 20 January 2021 12:07
Hi... I had a swollen lympnode biopsy last week and tomorrow I'm a having a core biopsy because of suspicious calcifications. I know nobody can tell me the answer I really want to hear but has anyone any experience of the both?
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posted by jenpewter
25 October 2013

Fulvestrol and food

Last reply: 19 January 2021 01:57
I have had so many suggestions for changing my diet My first tumour was removed pus a few nodes two days after my80th birthday so old age does mean you can ignore lumps etc first annual check up was all clear but they changed me to tamoxifen I was having a tickly throat this summer, had an ex-ray which show the cancer had headed inwards . I have just had my second injection of fulvestrant into my bum and would be interested to hear from anyone who might also be having this treatment I am juicing vegetable, have not worried about filtering, our water in County Clare seems so good. eating a lot of turmeric and just a few apricot kernels each day, not too much red met and processed foods
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posted by Margaret57
13 January 2021

Stem cell transplant

Last reply: 18 January 2021 22:59
Hi. I am waiting to have a Stem Cell Transplant. Using my own stem cells. I would like to get some advice from someone who has had this type of transplant. I have Myeloma Thank you.
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posted by ciarao
03 January 2021

Shielding after treatment

Last reply: 12 January 2021 11:35
Hi Does anyone know should you shield after completIng chemo/ retuxamab infusions 1.5 years ago. In the uk it states if your not more than 2 years in remission you should shield. It’s v confusing.
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posted by LisaJH
07 January 2021

Hot Flushes / menopause

Last reply: 12 January 2021 00:07
I am 43and have stage 2 breast cancer, I just finished chemo last Monday. I haven’t had a period for months which I was told to expect and have been experiencing intense hot flushes and night sweats for about a month. While I know chemo is the cause of this, I’m just wondering if it will continue now I am not on chemo anymore or if the menopause I’m starting will reverse itself? Has anyone had any experience of this?
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posted by cara74
10 January 2021

tamoxifen and bruising

hi been on tamoxifen for over a year now and from time to time ive noticed bruises but cant remeber and injury!?! tonight u have a big bruise on my elbow..looks like i fell on it and i definitely did not injure it..has anyone any side effecs like this from tamoxifen?
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posted by cal89x
08 January 2021

Waiting Times

Hi all, 4 weeks ago I went to my doctor with a new area of lumpy tissue that was not normal. I am 31 years of age have no other symptoms and my doctor does not seem concerned at all as she told me so. My mam suffers with breasts cysts a lot and we don’t have breast cancer in the family. A referral letter has been sent but marked as non urgent. I rang the hospital today and because I am non urgent my wait could be a couple of months as the list is getting longer. I am a tad anxious but the what if and unknown is always in the back of my mind. Just wondering has anyone been in the same situation or know how long the waiting list is? I am based in cork. I am thinking of asking the doctor to send the letter privately and I will pay whatever the cost it. Thanks a million
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posted by Pete47
28 November 2020

Esophagal cancer

Last reply: 05 January 2021 22:51
Hi everyone My name is Peter and I'm 47 , I was diagnosed with esophagal cancer yesterday, I also have some suspicious spots on my liver that needs checking. I'm waiting to be referred to Mercy hospital in Cork. I made the mistake of googling everything and I'm absolutely terrified and feel as I'm falling apart at the seems. Please any advice would greatly be appreciated. 😥😥
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posted by SM_2020
03 January 2021

Appetite and nausea relief

Last reply: 04 January 2021 16:28
Hello, I am caring for my mum who is very ill on chemo for stage 3 ovarian cancer. She was hospitalised five days ago because she can't eat. She's getting IV fluids and a stomach pump delivering Maxolon (but still can't eat as it's not really helping). I'm extremely concerned about her weight loss, inability to eat, and relentless nausea. She is very weak and her mood is low. At what point would a feeding tube or similar be considered? A palliative care nurse mentioned Megace as an appetite stimulant and I've been trying to bring it up (brought it up at last chemo appointment and the nurse took note but haven't heard anything since). Does this sound like something that would help under the circumstances? I can't visit her and getting a chance to speak to her oncology team is difficult. I understand that the COVID restrictions need to be in place, but it means that patients don't have advocates when they most need it. Thanks in advance for advice
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posted by SM_2020
03 January 2021

Genetic testing

Last reply: 04 January 2021 15:54
Hi everyone, My Mum was recently diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer and her oncologist recommended genetic testing. Bloods for this were sent off for lab assessment a few months ago but no results yet. Has anyone has experience of this? I'm very anxious, obviously caring for Mum but also worried about possibility that there's a genetic element to her illness too, raising my risk. Anyone know about time frame for test results, full process etc?
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