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posted by dotgos
07 March 2020

Elevated liver enzymes on taxol

Hi all, I have had 6 clues of taxol, and for the last few weeks my liver enzymes have been rising. When I went in for my cycle this week my levels were very high so no taxol was given. My bilirubin also elevated. The nurses mentioned that I might need liver ultrasound and totally panicked me. She mentioned that this was most likely related to the chemotherapy so waiting for repeat bloods this week again to see if levels drop. Has anyone any experience of this or any advice please. Good luck to all on treatment. Dotgos
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posted by Lena
06 March 2020


Hi I am one year and 7 months after my ops for breast cancer, 5 months ago I had a mini stroke. Is it normal to still suffer with fatigue after this time. I also find I get very tetchy coming up towards my next mammogram etc. Does anyone else find these problems of fatigue and moodiness?
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posted by thinlizzy1979
28 February 2020


Last reply: 04 March 2020 21:40
Quick question, when does the bursting into tears without warning ease up! Only diagnosed yesterday and I know everything thing I’m feeling is normal etc but Jesus I’m pissed of with myself already! I can’t go on like this, just want to keep everything as normal as possible for my kids, also has anyone else found that one of the hardest things to deal with is everyone else’s reaction?
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posted by happydays
04 March 2020


I’m on monthly transfusions of zometa . Feeling bloated and puffy. Anyone else on this treatment . Thanks
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
03 March 2020

Advice for cancer patients regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Cancer treatment can often put patients at higher risk of getting an infection. In light of this and given recent focus on the COVID-19 virus, also known as coronavirus, the Irish Cancer Society wishes to advise anyone impacted by cancer about the steps they can take to reduce their risk of catching the virus, and how best to deal with infections in the event that cases are reported in this country. The Irish Cancer Society is recommending that patients who are currently undergoing or have recently received treatment for cancer, as well as their friends and family members, should be particularly mindful of the risks and consequences associated with COVID-19. Read more
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posted by thinlizzy1979
21 February 2020

Biopsy results

Last reply: 02 March 2020 12:14
So I bumped my breast on the top of a hard chair about 6 weeks ago, it def hurt at the time but I soon forgot about it. About a week later I got a really sharp pain at the site and when I put my hand to it I could feel a swelling, on further investigation I could feel a sort of long ropey lump. Went to gp and she advised wait til after period to see if it went away. Didn’t go away so I was referred to Breast clinic although gp said it was prob nothing and didn’t refer me as urgent, I didn’t want to wait so I decided to pay privately and was seen within a week. Anyway, consultant examined me, said that i had similar lumpiness in other breast just not as prominent, but would send me for mammogram and ultrasound. I have very dense breast’s so when she did ultrasound she said that although the lump looked cystic it wasn’t clear so she wanted to do a biopsy, she also mentioned haematoma? Well I was not expecting this and got very upset, when I went back in to the consultant there was a cancer nurse there and he said that I would have to wait for the results to be sure, but he did clearly say that it might still be all clear and that she had scanned my lymph nodes and they were clear which is a good sign? Sorry for the long post, just wondering if anyone has been through the same or if this sounds good or bad.
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posted by galwaygirl2020
24 February 2020

Breast pain

Last reply: 02 March 2020 12:13
I have pain in my lower breast and arm, below armpit. I cant feel a lump. Could this be random or should I go to gp?
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posted by Monica
21 February 2020

Husband just diagnosed with Lymphoma

Last reply: 02 March 2020 12:11
Hi All My name is Monica, and my husband has just been diagnosed with lymphoma of the skin. We have yet to be told what stage, but we know it is a very rare cancer and that success rates can be very good if caught in the early stages. It can often be misdiagnosed as Psoriasis, and sadly, for the last four years, that is what has happened to my husband since the lesions first appeared. I am so scared for him but trying to keep up a brave face. Was wondering if anyone in the online community had any advice or experience of this type of diagnosis Thanks so much Monica
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posted by DeniseB
26 February 2020

Vulvar cancer

Last reply: 02 March 2020 12:09
Hi, recent diagnosis of vulvar cancer. Heading for surgery in March. It’s been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. I know it’s not a common cancer so I wonder has anyone any experiences to share:)
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posted by Monowife
27 February 2020

Questions to ask

Hi There, my Mum has a mass in her stomach, they did a biopsy and I have been called into hospital tomorrow for the preliminary results. I'm just wondering if they can tell if it is cancer from the preliminary results and if so, what questions should I be asking? I want to have as many questions written down before I go in. Many Thanks
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