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posted by Gersy
16 August 2019


Last reply: 19 August 2019 14:16
Anyone reading this who is also caring for a loved one with a gbm4 diagnosis? It's heartbreaking to watch, in my case it's my husband and best friend. He's my hero. The rapid growth of his tumour in just a month left him in a wheelchair with no mobility on his left side. I am lucky to have home help, I wouldn't survive without it. The hardest thing now is preparing myself for life without him. I have some idea of what to expect as he declines, I can already see a dip in his strength and memory loss returning. He has had 6 weeks of radiation and chemo. That finished at the start of August. The uncertainty is difficult.. No one can tell you when major changes will happen. I pray for the strength to keep smiling for him and I thank God for every day. I miss him already as the disease robs more of his personality, at least he is not in pain. All he wants is to wiggle his toes, and of course stand up and walk. Maybe today I can make him smile. Small steps.
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posted by Beckswhelan
10 August 2019

Grade 4 gbm

Last reply: 13 August 2019 10:49
Hi all, looking for some advice! My mum has been recently diagnosed with grade 4 brain tumors. She has just completed 3 weeks of radiation and chemo (tablets at home). We haven’t been given a timeline or any useful information from the doctors just that they’ll scan her in a few weeks time. The palliative care have been great calling to the house etc but I have no details on what to expect, how long she will live, what to expect next and when I need to get more help in. Very hard to ask the doctors any questions as can’t chat in front of my mum. We’re all heart broken and have no information or clue who to ask so all suggestions welcome!
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posted by nicholae83
26 July 2019


Last reply: 29 July 2019 13:34
Any one on this chat with mesothelioma or a relative with it? My daddy was diagnosed last year and has had treatment and 8months without treatment now his mesothelioma is active again, we have been looking into clinical trials for immunotherapy but it’s a placebo trial and u and not guaranteed that u will get the treatment. Has anyone ever had this treatment or are currently on it? We could just go and have more chemotherapy but would like to hear other people’s opinion? Thank you for reading
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posted by JOE MAC
15 July 2019


Last reply: 19 July 2019 16:45
Is anyone out there going through treatment for this cancer or any survivors out there? I got diagnosed with this cancer, the Tumour was removed, but the healing is taking so long, infection, MRSA, continues to need to drain. PAIN!!! and that's before follow up treatment, chemo or radiotherapy. Any help or thoughts or suggestions more than welcome. My email is Thanks Joe.
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posted by Limerick85
08 July 2019

Corrective breast reconstruction

Last reply: 19 July 2019 10:53
Hello I am wondering could anyone recommend a plastic surgeon who specialises in breast reconstruction and corrective surgery. I underwent a preventative double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using implant and ADM earlier this year. Unfortunately there has been displacement of one of the implants and I am eager to correct this. I would obviously like to get the best outcome and wish to have a surgeon who comes highly recommended and skilled in corrective surgery. I also do not mind travelling anywhere within Ireland. I would greatly appreciate any help with this matter.
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posted by Lena
07 July 2019

Tamoxifen side effects

Last reply: 19 July 2019 10:47
Hi I am on tamoxifen seven months now and while some side effects have diminished I find the fatigue is not improving much despite walking every day etc. Has anyone on this drug longer than me seen an improvement over the long term or is this it ?
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posted by Ballinamona1
04 July 2019

Medical braclet

Last reply: 08 July 2019 12:32
Does anyone know where you can get a id braclet to let people know you can not have bloods or bp taken from hand with no lymph nodes
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posted by firsttimer
01 July 2019

Just found out

Last reply: 02 July 2019 10:18
My Mother has been just diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she has been given roughly 6 months. It's too late for treatment. She has also just been diagnosed with dementia. I have no experience of cancer or of a loved one being ill. I'm looking for advice from others who have been in the boat.
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posted by Bet
30 June 2019

Alternative Treatments

Last reply: 01 July 2019 14:04
My brother who is in his early 30s and has small children has been diagnosed with an aggressive and rare form of cancer. He’s currently getting radiotherapy treatment in St Luke’s but he’s very ill and he’s afraid that continued treatment may be refused to him if he gets any weaker. I’m trying to research how to go about finding an alternative route for treatment, perhaps in the private sphere, and perhaps in another country, should the need arise. Any advise would be very gratefully received
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posted by Anneboylan1
21 June 2019

Two months diagnosed

Last reply: 24 June 2019 14:46
Hi, I have been diagnosed with cancer of the lower oesophagus and top of stomach. I have had the FLOT regime of chemotherapy. I have received 3 bouts of it. Advised it would be rough and I do find it hard. The plan is to have 4 chemo sessions and then hopefully surgery, and four more chemo after operation. Feeling hopeful.
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