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posted by Leanne_5
19 June 2019

Mastectomy after chemo

Last reply: 24 June 2019 14:45
Hi all, I recently found out at a scan that not all the abnormalities were removed from my breast back in November. I was never told, I’m raging to put it mildly, not to mention scared as hell... Surgeon reckons there’s no point to scans, end result is a full mastectomy when chemo is over. (He describes my first surgery as a half mastectomy as my breasts are on larger side) I’ve only a couple more weeks of chemo and everyone is delighted but I’m the opposite worrying about how my body will get through the surgery after all the chemo I’ve had, 5 months. Sorry for the moany post, it’s my 1st post and I’ve being trying to put all this out of my head but there’s no getting away from it!
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posted by Hutch74
19 June 2019

DIEP flap reconstruction

Last reply: 20 June 2019 15:36
Hi all, Im scheduled to have my DIEP flap reconstruction this Friday after a 2yr wait so am full of varied emotions. I know I will be in hospital for at least 5days so I guess Im just looking for any tips of what to bring with me. Any advice/experiences would be great. Thanks a mill
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posted by Eveni
05 June 2019

Worried and can’t sleep

Last reply: 20 June 2019 15:31
I 35, recently I noticed that there was a change in the shape of my right breast. Underneath there is a slight indent and the skin is a slightly different colour. Went to GP and they have referred me to the systematic breast clinic. I can’t stop stressing and googling doesn’t help but I can’t seam to not look up stuff. The waiting for an appointment is driving me crazy and I’m not really sleeping. Has anyone any tips on how to take your mind off of thinking about worst case scenarios?
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posted by EmiLeesa85
04 June 2019

In a panic

Last reply: 20 June 2019 15:18
Hi guys 1st time poster here.... So I’m 33 and was at my routine smear today. After it was done the nurse said she could see a cluster on my cervix and she wanted the doctor to have a look. The doctor had a look and has referred me to Gynae for a further look and a pelvic ultrasound. I’m panicking so much about this. My last smear was in 2016 which had low grade changes and I got it repeated which was then clear again. What could this be.....anybody ever experience this or have this noticed during a smear Thanks in advance for your replies ❤️ L xxx
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posted by Johanna
11 June 2019

Reconstruction Decision ??

Last reply: 17 June 2019 00:35
Hi I am trying to talk to someone about Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction (Tissue from your Back) I have had a failed implant and my surgeon in now suggesting this procedure. I would like to know the long the effects so any who has had this some time ago. I am only considering this as my skin is tight and teddered at the scar and very uncomfortable when I move. My mastectomy when very well but I had two additional operations because of infections with the expander and implants. Any help would be great. ..... Johanna
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posted by Positive Girl
23 July 2012

Breast reconstruction - LD FLAP

Last reply: 15 June 2019 21:03
Hi everyone, Having gone through a very traumatic and failed DIEP Flap just 3.5 months ago I am now looking at my options. The LD Flap has been suggested to me and I would love some feedback from u out there who have had that surgery Who did it for you ? can u give me the advantages / disadvantages of this surgery ? How are you managing with the implant ? Was your LD muscle in your back effected ? I am v nervous about proceeding with the LD Flap as the failed DIEP took 20 hrs and only now 3.5 months later am I beginning to get my energy back. Thanks for your help Viv x
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posted by Lily1974
01 March 2019

Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy

Last reply: 15 June 2019 20:39
I had breast cancer 6 years ago. I initially had reconstruction using Latissimus Dorsi Muscle and an implant. The reconstructed breast sat higher than my real breast; as the implant seemed high on my chest. I had the implant removed as I had radiation and the implant suffered because of it. I had my breast rebuilt by fat grafting. This has made a huge difference. I have had 5 sessions of fat grating and completed my final one 2 years ago. They could never get my reconstructed breast to the same size of my real breast, therefore I had reduction on my real breast but the reconstructed breast is still a cup size smaller. My surgeon suggested that I have the smallest implant available inserted to make up the difference, as they cannot harvest anymore fat. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone had the same experience, or is there something else I could do instead of an implant. Don’t get me wrong the most important thing is I am healthy and well but I would like to feel normal when I look in the mirror too. If any of you can give me information or help it would be very much appreciated.
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posted by Paulad
21 May 2019

Surgery waiting time

Last reply: 06 June 2019 10:18
My daughter met with her consultant last week and we were told she will need a Colectomy , he said it would be about a month. Can any one tell me what the usual waiting time for surgery in limerick hospital is ? We’re very anxious for her to have it
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posted by
29 April 2019

Holiday after lumpectomy

Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:47
Hi there, looking for some advice please? I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on April 8th last. Unfortunately didn’t get clear margins so am booked in for a 2nd op on May 13th. Thankfully nodes all clear so no more surgery needed on lymph nodes. My partner and I are booked to fly for a week to Lanzarote on the 25th May (holiday was booked months ago before my diagnosis) surgeon reckons I’ll be okay to travel and could do with the break before I start into radiotherapy. Has anyone else travelled that soon after a lumpectomy (12 days)? Would welcome any advice? Also any suggestions on travel insurers who will cover mid treatment? Unfortunately my annual travel insurance policy which I took out in May 2018 expires the day we are due to fly out!
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posted by mkmk15
02 May 2019


Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:22
hi there, my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and prescribed Decapeptyl. For his first injection, he was given Casodex for 10 days before the injection and for 10 days after it. We are now 2 months since the injection. From the beginning he has experienced pain and stiffness which im told is a common side effect. But 2 months in, the waves of pain & stiffness are increasing in their occurrence and painkillers are of no use. Thes pains could then disappear after 3 days and hes fine again until another bout. Has anyone experienced this? He has also started suffering from hot flushes. Has anyone come across a safe remedy which may relieve any of the symptoms? Thank you in advance for any help or advice
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