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posted by Marybowesvav
20 September 2018

Stage four cancer

Last reply: 20 September 2018 14:29
My mam was diagnosed on the 5th of July with stage four cancer lung. She went to the hospice this morning. I'm lost and confused nurse won't give me details via mams request no visit. I don't know what to do.
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posted by Nonie
05 September 2018

Chronic Radiation Coilitis/Enteritis

Last reply: 18 September 2018 13:22
Hello everybody, I finished treatment for stage 2b cervical cancer in June 2017. I did quite well for the first six months and then began to experience some mild stomach/bowel issues. In the last six months these issues disimproved. Four weeks ago I experience what Initiall I thought was a case of food poisining. As the symptoms did not clear up after a week I went to my GP who thought I may have had a stomach infection and prescribed antibiotics. These seemed to work initially however after 3 days of normal eating my symptoms became worse and I developed severe constant stomach pain. I am now in hospital having lost 2 stone and after various scans and procedures have been diagnosed with chronic radiation Coilitis/enteritis. The problem I now have is with the exception of my radiotherapy consultant the other hospital consultants are saying they don't have much experience (apart from the treatment of the symptoms) in the treatment of the condition. I would really like to hear about the experiences of others diagnosed with this condition and receive info on consultants that are experienced in its treatment. Thank you.
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posted by Bigbird
10 September 2018

Tamoxifen side effects

Last reply: 17 September 2018 14:21
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone on Tamoxifen is experiencing severe vaginal dryness & very painful intercourse as a result of? I had chemotherapy and radiotherapy but I'm sure this must be as a result of the Tamox. :( I've tried replens & ky lubricant but no change, it's just so cruel! Constant daily reminders :(
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posted by AineD
15 September 2018

First breast clinic visit

Last reply: 17 September 2018 13:40
Hi to anyone who may read this Happy I have been to my doctor last week about a mobile pea sized hard lump in my breast, that I've had for 4-5 months. I got my appointment today for the 16th of October. A longer wait than I expected but I'd say I wasn't a priority because of my age. I'm 21. I'm just wondering about what happens at the appointment as I am clueless. My letter told me to expect to be there for 3 hours. I am very frightened but I know from now it is all out of my control. Hope you all are ok xx
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posted by MG
12 September 2018

A day I’ll never forget

Last reply: 17 September 2018 13:38
Today I was told I have cancer. I’m 33 and I’m a single parent to my 14 year old daughter. I’ve always been fit, eat healthy most of the time, don’t smoke or drink. I had been back and forward to my gp for a year with irregular bleeding pain and a lump. I was never examined he just wrote off to the local gynacology department. It was only after a recent smear test with a different practice that I asked the lady to check the lump and she referred me to a colposcopy clinic. The cancer on the cervix has spread to the vagina. I will be admitted to hospital tomorrow for scans to see has it spread any further. I’m absolutely gutted. I haven’t spoken to my daughter yet about it, I know I will have to but the thought of doing it breaks my heart. I fear I’m going to die. Why was I left so long?
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posted by NiamhB
31 July 2018

Pregnant with breast cancer

Last reply: 10 September 2018 21:23
Hi hi. I'm new to this and I'm looking for some advice. I've had a read through lots of threads but I'm realizing that my situation isn't all that common. I am thirteen weeks pregnant and have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have been receiving amazing medical care and things could not have happened quicker on the breast cancer side of things. My question is about the pregnancy side of things!! I was planning on going public in the rotunda hospital for my pregnancy and birth. However since the breast cancer diagnosis I've been categorized as high risk and will be attending Holles street instead. I'm trying to figure out if I need to go private or if I'll get the care myself and my baby need in the public system. I've heard nothing but amazing things about the public maternity care in Ireland which is why I was so happy to go that route from the beginning. I'll be having chemo throughout my pregnancy and I'll be monitored really closely in Holles street. In a nut shell I'm trying to find out if given that I'm pregnant with breast cancer should I: A: go private or public in Holles street And B: if I go private how much will it cost? Many thanks in advance! Niamh
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posted by Tamz
04 September 2018


Last reply: 06 September 2018 13:58
Hi All. My Uncle was diagnosed with Non small cell lung cancer 3.5 years ago. It was caught early and from what we understand successfully removed. He has 6 monthly check ups and has been doing well. Sadly we lost my Aunt to Breast Cancer in May. Since then he has recently had a CT scan (although we don't know why because he is very private and is also on his own) followed by a consultation where they have said that they want him to go for a biopsy because they have spotted something on the bottom of the left lung. There was mention in the past of a shadow on his lung but this was put down to a previous bout of pneumonia. What are the chances we are looking at a re-occurrence of cancer here? He went back smoking about 4-5 weeks after his surgery. He said that they said it was not connected to the cancer but because he is quite deaf and doesn't really grasp what he is being told, we are wondering if he has heard right - I mean, why else would they want to do a biopsy again?
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posted by smallsadie
30 August 2018

Waiting times

Last reply: 05 September 2018 16:47
My brother has recently being diagnosed with melanoma - detected in a gland in his groin. He has met with his consultant but is now waiting on a PET scan. He has private health insurance and I was wondering if anyone knew approximately how long he will be waiting??
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posted by geraldine2lynch
27 August 2018


Last reply: 29 August 2018 11:08
Hi, just wondering if anyone has had to reduce their dose of Crizotinib (Xalkori). I was taking 250mg twice a day for 9 months and my heart rate plummetted all of a sudden. I had to come off the drug for almost 3 weeks and then go back on a reduced dose of 200mg twice a day. I am wondering if anyone else has any experience with this and how it worked. Thank you
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posted by viv1988
23 May 2018

Stage 4 lung cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2018 22:04
My mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer yesterday and this news has been devastating our whole world fell apart. I'm a only child just me mum and dad and I need advice help to learn how to cope stay strong. Mum is so so strong I'm so proud of her I'm the one breaking I'm so so terrified of losing g my mum. If anyone is experiencing something similar I would love to hear give me a little hope. Vivinne from Mayo
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