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posted by SligoMiss
15 June 2017

How can I support my Dad

Last reply: 17 July 2017 09:48
Hi there. My Dad has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer. We are waiting to see the Oncologist next week so its a waiting game until then. I'm hoping someone here might be able to give me some tips on supporting Dad during this time. He is doing pretty ok - very tired and in some pain but I think his head is wrecked worrying about us and Mum. He is making lists of things to do and has starting clearing out some of his clothes. It is keeping him busy but also feels somewhat sinister. Please get in touch if you have any experience or thoughts. Thanks you
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posted by Kathleen
27 June 2017

Non-pigmented melanoma - be aware it exists

Last reply: 27 June 2017 16:01
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with melanoma and the diagnosis came out of the blue as the lesion I had was nothing like the typical highly pigmented pictures you typically see of melanoma lesions. With red hair, blue eyes and pale freckled skin, I thought nothing of what initially looked like a few joined up freckles. As I have ezcema elsewhere, when the joined up freckles started to look a bit irritated and have flaky skin it never occurred to me that it could be dangerous. I found out later that what should have alerted me was the fact that it was painless when touched, even when rubbed hard, that it had irregular borders and that it was evolving. All of this to say that melanoma has many guises and that it is always worth following up anything suspicious that doesn't heal as you expect. Best to all Kath
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posted by Kathleen
20 June 2017

Sun screen

Last reply: 27 June 2017 12:06
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with melanoma and had surgery including a skin graft on my cheek. Things are going as well as expected, but it is still hard to see what looks like a burn site taking up pretty much a third of my cheek. I need to protect any skin not covered by clothes with sun screen for the rest of my life to reduce the risk of the melanoma returning. However, I am having great difficulty finding a sun screen that does not leave stains on my clothes. Has anyone found an effective sun screen that does not stain clothes? Failing that, has anyone any washing recommendations to get around the problem? I'd really appreciate any advice. For those of you who may be wondering, yes, this is the same Kathleen who was diagnosed and treated successfully for breast cancer nearly 6 years ago. It is very hard going down Cancer Boulevard again. Best wishes to all Kath
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posted by greeneyedlou
23 October 2014

DIEP FLAP Reconstruction

Last reply: 26 June 2017 14:54
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has had the Diep Flap Reconstruction in Beaumont Hospital? I am under Nadeem Adjmal. I saw him during the summer and I am on a waiting list but just wondering if anyone knows how long this list is or waiting times etc??? Would it be any faster if I went privately using VHI? Also any tips on what to pack for hospital too please Really eager to get the reconstruciton done and move on with life. Thanks, Greeneyedlou
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posted by ariole
23 December 2013


Last reply: 20 June 2017 10:02
Hi, I have to start Interferon treatment on January 6th. 4 weeks of 5 day high dose in hospital and 48 weeks of 3 day low dose at home. Anyone anything to input in relation to their experience? Thanks Ariole
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posted by Kathleen
20 June 2017

Sun screen

A sun screen that doesn't stain clothing?
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posted by jacksprat
26 March 2017

Return of Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 13 June 2017 08:19
I have not been on this site in a while..My husband had Prostate cancer back in 2011 , he then had a radical prostatectomy followed by 6 weeks of Radiotherapy.....followed by hormone treatment forward five years having not gone to the Doctor for regular PSA checks, he developed flu like symptoms in January 2017 and eventually returned to the Doctors office who had the good sense to do a PSA only to find it is at an all time high of 635, considering it was below .1 after all the treatment 5 yrs ago.....My message to all survivors out there ,,,please please continue to attend for regular tests, it's only a simple blood test to confirm PSA remains at a low level...hence our position has now totally escalated to a serious condition???Last week we travelled to Galway to meet with oncology team as the cancer is now advanced and present in pelvis,lung and possibly in bones....I am still reeling with this devastating news and the effect it is having on the whole family..We have a junior cert daughter and I work full time , We have spent the last two weeks on the road travelling to hospital appointments for consultation,scans and as now in hospital care for the past two weeks we are pretty much full time on the road....John(my hubby) is having difficulty breathing at the moment so once this is under control we shall have him home...He has just started a new therapy drug DEGARELIX/or Firmagon and also his much dreaded and always feared Chemo......I will share this journey with you as there are not many threads on the next phase... When and if the cancer returns and what the next treatments available are.... But most of all I want a lesson to be learnt from our story, this could have been detected earlier if John had of attended his GP who would have seen his PSA was increasing once again and we might not be in the place we are today...Happy Mothers Day to all the strong women..Mothers/wives , who in a lot of cases are the ones supporting and giving all the love and support to a sick family member to get them tru this tough time...
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posted by BlecksaB
09 June 2017

Not sure to be worried or not

Last reply: 13 June 2017 02:38
I found a lump the 12th of February this year, I was told by a doctor it as a blocked duct (as is be to young to get breast cancer) I was given anti inflammatories and told to come back on the 12th of March, because every lump has to be checked no matter what it is.. I went back the 12th of March, it was a different lady doctor who checked this time, she wrote up a referral for Galway straight after she had checked my breasts, She had told me the inflammation was gone and the lump was still there, I wasn't told much else only to wait for my Galway appointment and go from there My symptoms fairly added up as I have experienced quite a few of the symptoms of Breast cancer Should I be worried or not considering I'm only 19 should breast cancer be a possible outcome for me or not?
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posted by Coco1
17 June 2016

Cll support group

Last reply: 03 June 2017 22:39
Hello, I was diagnosed two years ago with Cll and am hoping to start a support group for people living with Cll. Just wondering if there are any others with Cll interested in getting involved. Be bold and drop me a line.
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posted by CLL Ireland
03 June 2017

CLL Ireland

We have established an advocacy group for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) patients and carers. Thanks in part to the help provided by the Irish Cancer Society, on 29 April we held the first ever Public Information Day specifically for CLL patients and carers. We were overwhelmed with the support shown and the attendance on the day, with almost 140 patients and carers present! We are trying to reach out to the CLL community nationwide. Make sure you check out our website, and Follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (
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