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posted by Resolute
21 May 2013

Oncotype DX testing

Last reply: 24 May 2013 12:28
Hello everybody! I am loving the forum! so much information here that I never thought I'd need (same as everyone else in the club I'm sure)!! I'm newly diagnosed and am awaiting the results of DX testing to see if I need Chemotherapy before Radiotherapy. Has anyone else here had the test and if so how long before results were back?? Three weeks since surgery and I would really like to get moving on 'next' stage..
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posted by Superwhy
22 May 2013

Lumpectomy vs mastectomy

Last reply: 11 June 2013 14:26
Right so I have my meeting with my surgeon in a few weeks and I really need to get my head around this.. My surgeon at the start felt I could have a lumpectomy after chemo as I lump should have shrank. But part of me wants the bloody boob gone its not my friend anymore. Any one that has had a lumpectomy done how does ur boob look afterwards. Are u happy with it.. This is driving me mad and maybe I need to trust my surgeon knows best and maybe when I have my meeting with him let him tell me what he thinks is best..
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posted by Superwhy
23 May 2013

Colour dash 5 k for

Last reply: 29 May 2013 21:28
I see on the website they are organising a 5 k colour dash in Phoenix park on the 27th July.. Anyone want to join me.. I will 4 weeks post chemo. I will have to walk it..
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posted by Superwhy
24 May 2013

cancer care centres

Last reply: 26 May 2013 12:09
sorry i seem to have lots of questions at the moment. the closest cancer care centre to me seems to be the gary kelly centre in drogheda. I know there is one beside the mater but i have heard its dreadful for parking is it worth the 30 mins drive to it. What kind of stuff have u done in ur local cancer centre thanks and apologies for all the questions marie
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posted by Sunny
27 May 2013

Finishing treatment

Last reply: 22 June 2013 18:17
Hello, I only discovered this forum yesterday, I think I had my head in the sand. I had my last chemotherapy today and not sure how I feel. Relieved that it's over but aware I still have the side effects of this round to face. Expecting anticlimax as it's well flagged in at the literature but did hope I would feel a bit better
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posted by Resolute
02 June 2013

Parking at St Luke's Rathgar

Last reply: 04 June 2013 20:58
Hello everyone! I am starting Radiotherapy soon at St Luke's in Rathgar and am wondering if anyone is attending or has attended recently. I am wondering what the parking situation is there as I will have a 1.5 hours drive and I'm not sure how long to allow to get a parking place?? I would appreciate any advice Resolute
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posted by Superwhy
08 June 2013

Mammogram and ultrasound on Monday

Last reply: 23 June 2013 08:50
Have 5 out of my 6 chemo sessions done and back next week for the test. Monday I have a mammogram and ultrasound and then MRI on the thurs. will they give me any idea on Monday after the mammogram and ultrasound. Will ye keep me in ur prayers and positive vibes over the next week. Am quite nervous.
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posted by spookwoman
10 June 2013

FNA Biopsy on Parotid Tumor

Last reply: 11 June 2013 16:43
Sept last year I got a FNA biopsy and Nov I was told I had a benign growth on the Parotid salivary gland that needed to be removed asap because FNA is not 100% and the growths can turn into cancer. I am still waiting to get it removed with 2 cancellations for the operation already one in May and now the op has been put out another week to the 28th. Is it normal for a biopsy to take 2 months for a callback and is it normal to have to wait 7 months to get the tumor removed. I have been in touch with ENT to tell them that I am now having problems with turning my head and vision greying out, the corner of my mouth has a slight droop and yesterday thankfully only temp my eyebrow also dropped. I am concerned as in the last few months symptoms are getting worse and many others with the same problems have had biopsy results that that said benign were actually cancerous after the tumors were removed and examined. Any info, pointers etc would be appreciated. Sorry mind is going op is 21st.
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posted by Resolute
12 June 2013

Timing of radiothrapy after surgery

Last reply: 19 June 2013 15:35
Hello again folks! I am wondering if anyone has had radiotherapy following a lumpectomy and if so how long it was after surgery before it started?? I am now already six weeks post surgery and am still waiting to go for mapping so that they can plan my treatment?? Anything I have read on the subject suggests that it should start between four to six weeks after surgery so now I'm beginning to worry that I am more at risk of a recurrance because of the waiting??? Resolute
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posted by deefed
12 June 2013

Dip in the Nip Wicklow 22nd June any takers?

Last reply: 04 July 2013 12:41
Hi Ladies I am organising a Dip in the Nip on 22nd June in Wicklow..... if any of you fine ladies would be interested. I have chosen Leah and Lily-Mae as the recipients of fundraising beautiful little girls only 5 and 6 and have gone through so much with chemo and RT they both have a very very rare forms of cancer. Any volunteers would be very welcome so far we are around 130 women If you cant make it maybe you could spread the word of if you had a few euro donate at I wont be the only one dipping with one boob a few other ladies too. Sorry I have not been around for a while I will be back xxxx
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