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posted by Trishd
15 February 2012

Survivor and delayed grief

Last reply: 02 April 2013 12:59
Hi everyone! I'm new here and what a wonderful service this is. I'm not sure where to post this as it doesn't fit with any of the topic headings listed. I'd love to hear if anyone has experienced a delayed shock and grief of their cancer journey? I had a cancer diagnosis and several bouts of surgery in 1999 for cervical cancer and only very recently have felt very low and shocked and sad when I look back and wonder how I got through it without any help or much support..... my family barely mentioned the 'c' word; or even still hardly mention it. My husband never mentions it (we hadn't met back then) and sometimes I feel that he doesn't understand my pain and loss and what I went through, and I don't know how to tell him. I'm always conscious of my health and I really take care of myself, but the fear sits with me always of cancer returning. And in that, I feel that my husband doesn't appreciate me and my now good health and that perhaps our time together is precious. I know I'm going away from the topic but I am so so surprised at my sudden reaction to all this. Thanks for any guidance
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posted by roslynroad
17 February 2012

grape seed extract?

Last reply: 02 April 2015 12:01
Hi, Im cluthching at straws for my brothers sake, diagnosed at45 with lung (never smoked!) spread to spine ,brain and now liver. chemo seems to have no effect and he is starting radiation next wk. Has anyone used or heard of anyone using grapeseed extract and did it do any good or anything else that might have been of some use. Hes two small children and it doesnt look good for him although at the momoent he feels great and is positive . thanks
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posted by ceedee
20 February 2012

One Year On

Last reply: 06 March 2012 19:00
This time last year I had just been diagnosed with BC my world was turned upside down but after surgery and reconstruction in March and Chemo from April til July treatment was over, im taking Tamoxafen every day. I started back to work two days a week in October and im in great form,I go to Zumba once a week ride my pony nearly every day and generally keep myself fit.We went skiing as a family in January and had a ball and im off to Cyprus in March with my mum and sister . I go to our local Cancer support Centre nearly every week and have reflexology and various other treatments and love to meet and chat with all the new friends I have met. My next check up is not until May so please God everything will be fine. Any new ladies if you have a local Cancer Support Centre do go along you will meet some amazing people who will give you great advice and all the services are free of charge.
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posted by Positive Girl
21 February 2012


Last reply: 28 February 2012 10:53
This is my 1st time to post but just wondering if anyone out there has had a DIEP FLAP reconstruction I am planning mine for April/May time and am excited but a bit scared too......I had a masectomy a year ago and that went as smoothly as these things can go.... 6 cycles of TC chemo and 25 sessions of Rad Therapy..I am fit and well and found during that journey that there were more good days than bad.........this is the final part of the process for me.....there was no cancer in any of my lymph nodes....I was stage 2 with lobular cancer..... thanks for any feedback
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posted by Jack
26 February 2012

Prostate cancer

Last reply: 29 February 2012 10:58
has anybody in Ireland received a 'vanishing cancer' diagnosis after having a radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer? Jack
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posted by frankiebaby
26 February 2012

survivor 18 months on...

Last reply: 20 June 2012 09:57
hi - i was diagnosed with stage 2b adenocarcinoma at end June 2010 and treatment started August. I had chemo-radio-brachytherapy and have been doing ok since then thankfully, there has been nothing found to date to cause anyone any concerns. I've been feeling a bit miserable these days though. I do have my public 'face'...positive mental attitude and all that but really i am feeling a bit plagued in the headspace and like I am the only one in the world like me. I am not sure why I am sharing here on this space. I thought of going to the support centre I went to after treatment but I think I have moved on from there really and I am thinking that even though there is so very little activity here ...well, perhaps there is another survivor out there a little further down the road than me who can identify with how it is for me right now. It is amazing to me that there is no-one out there talking about their experiences after the treatment. I am still doing the 3-monthly consults. I wake up every morning absolutely aware that I still have this mad adventure going on... I have to keep a check that lymphadema is not happening to me, I've to be a little hypochondriac about myself with aches, new pains and so on, and as for the bathroom chasing...maybe talking about that might be a step too far, but really...I know that these things are a small price to pay for survival and I appreciate that there are those who have to deal with way worse. But this is my own hell and I feel like I am dealing with it alone. And then there is the poor memory, tiredness and alll that goes with the now new menopausal me! Before my adventures started I was madly active, chasing about living my life at a great pace...although I've gotten back to the gym it is such a struggle energy-wise in the efforts get myself back to where I was 18 months ago that I have failed so far to get back running and wonder will I ever! I am not giving up but if there was anyone out there who could tell me if life ever returns to anything near normal that would be great. I know that I am not unusual, either with the things my poor body is experiencing nor how I feel about it all but feedback from someone in the same boat as me could help with the feeling of being alone in the world. I am not dealing with this adventure alone. I do have support. But no matter how good that support is they have no real appreciation for how my world has changed. They have moved on now and I am apparently returned to my life. If nothing else I have gotten this off my chest though so if you have stayed with me until now you deserve a cuppa and a biscuit, so thanks.
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posted by April
27 February 2012

ER Negative

Last reply: 29 February 2012 12:28
I finish my radiation therapy soon. Oncologist tells me all is going well,had dcis, good margins, lymph nodes clear, ER neg. should i be worried that i have not been prescribed medication? Anyone else in the same boat?
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posted by Madge1
08 March 2012

Emotions or madness?????

Last reply: 14 May 2012 17:53
Hi all Having a really bad day can't stop crying scaring hubbie. Don't know where to turn. Finished TCH surgery and radio still on herceptin outlook positive but feeling so low have nobody to talk to and even harder to find someone who understands cant figure out how to get into Chatroom so decided to rant here. Have obnoxious sulky 15 year old son who has turned into a monster I don't recognise not sure how much of this is normal teenage stuff and how much is influenced by my BC his friends mother died recently from cancer which really shook him. Other children acting up too but seem to be able to cope with them ok. Best friend is finding it difficult to acknowledge cancer easier to pretend its not there, sister great but doesn't understand. Don't know what I am writing but it's stopping me crying!!!!! Hope mood passes and I can function better for the weekend. Thanks for letting me vent. Love to everyone x
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posted by 2ndtimeround
24 March 2012

triple negative

Last reply: 28 March 2012 14:54
hi im new to this was diagnosed with breast cancer in may 2008 had lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiotherepy.was told i was treble negative.all was well until last may when i was diagnosed in other breast had lumpectomy followed by mastectomy started chemo again but had to be stopped after 2rounds because of side effects no radiotherapy offered as i was told it would do no good .at present i am on no treatment but told because i was treble negative both times likelyhood of it coming back is greater .is there anyone that has similar experience as i feel i am living under death sentence.
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posted by anthonyflannery
27 March 2012

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatments Abroad

Last reply: 29 March 2012 16:26
I am writing this on behalf of my mother who has Stage 1 Small-Cell localised Lung Cancer. I am looking for advice and information regarding alternative cancer treatments abroad. My mother has come to the end of her Chemotherapy and unfortunately Radiology is not an option due the size of the tumour (although the tumour has decreased by two thirds from the original scan last year). The treatment received in Ireland has been fantastic but it looks like we have come to the end of the road in terms of future treatment besides the possibility of further Chemotherapy in the future. Any advice would be very gratefully received, especially information regarding alternative and complimentary treatment in Scandinavia.
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