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posted by Ash
06 March 2021

App on Tues

Last reply: 05 April 2021 19:21
Hi all, I got my app in Beaumont for Tues next. I'm just wondering if I should bring someone with me or is that even allowed with covid? Thx
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posted by MMK7
28 March 2021

Mater Breast Clinic

Last reply: 29 March 2021 23:50
Hello all, hope you are good! Quick question, I was recently referred to the Mater breast clinic by my GP and am wondering if anyone knows the approximate waiting times at the moment? Would it be rude to call and ask as they would be extremely busy. Thank you in advance.
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posted by Iamstrong
25 March 2021

Tomoxifen-what foods to avoid

Last reply: 29 March 2021 16:19
Hello for those taking tomoxifen what foods must be avoided as the interact with the metabolism of the drug? Thank you
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posted by Amaru124
28 March 2021

Tonsil concerns

Last reply: 29 March 2021 15:30
Hi, I am worried about my right tonsil. It seems to have got bigger recently but not swollen if that makes sense. It's opened up at the top and is when you compare both tonsils it's not even a defined shape, just bits of circular tissue. I have been having chest pains and pus pockets behind my tonsils so I have been on calvepen for 4 days and there is no difference. I am worried as there is a red nodule hidden above the misshapen tonsil, very sore and very hard to see. Also my soft palate seems like it is swollen and lower down and my uvula has a transparent coating to it. I am worried about hpv cancer of the tonsil as it is so odd the way it is growing so randomly and antibiotics are not having any effect. Any advice for this?
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posted by RC
05 March 2021

Biopsy results

Last reply: 28 March 2021 21:08
Hi all, I had mamo, US and biopsy last Tuesday and got phone call today to attend clinic for results next tuesday. The lady on the phone didn't mention bringing someone with me for results so I'm assuming the news is good. Just wondering if it's a good sign and also what the protocol is, can I bring someone with me during covid times?
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posted by Emmalu
25 March 2019

Lymphoma symptoms?

Last reply: 28 March 2021 14:37
Hi, the last couple of months I’ve had a lump below my left breast over my lower rib. It’s not painful but I do have some discomfort on that side. Also experiencing mild nausea especially when I eat plus periodic sweats and itchy feet, especially at night. I know some of these could be symptoms of lymphoma but km wondering would that be a normal location for it to be? Do you think it warrants a doctor visit? I don’t want to go along being dranatic but this thing is not going away plus I’m struggling a lot with fatigue. I keep Blaming that that on my underactive thyroid but I’m not sure that’s it now. Just wondering others thoughts? Thanks in advance
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posted by Baz
28 January 2021

Parent who has cancer

Last reply: 24 March 2021 01:04
Hi everyone, I am new to the site. It's nice to have a bit of extra support in these times. My Dad is starting his Prostate Cancer treatment next week for 2 months. I'm anxious and worried about the road ahead. I'm reaching out on here as I can't talk to him about how I'm feeling. I hope things will go really well for him. I love him with all my Heart and we lost my Mam 2 years ago and with the whole Covid thing it's extra challenging on everyone. Thank you for reading my post.
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posted by Tasha84
23 March 2021

Worried about lymphoma

Hey guys so long post just looking for info... 5 weeks ago I had an MRI for back pain. Physio said I had a bulging disc in L5 but also something in my L2, I was sent 3 days later to the mater private to the spinal clinic who said it was either a growth or infection. Next day to the bone specialist who said he was treating it like cancer and I needed a further MRI and ct scan with dye. That happened 4 days later. MRI showed rest of spine ok thank god. Ct scan was few days later and dr rang with results next day saying another growth in my hip but also enlarged lymph nodes in my neck and chest......very worrying he mentioned lymphoma and I was being transferred to a haematologist. So quickly had a biopsy from the nodes in my chest that was 8 days ago and I am a ball of nerves waiting on results.... so do results take this long ? Do Dr only mention cancer when they are sure ? Anyone else have a similar experience......Thanks
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posted by davidmcnally97
22 March 2021

Hodgkin lymphoma

Last reply: 22 March 2021 20:36
Hi I just finished 6 months of treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma. I’m 23 and in my final year of my engineering degree. I’m struggling to stay focus and can’t get any work done. I am still waiting on my post scans to make sure it’s gone. If anyone have any helpful tips or information that be great. I don’t want to defer or let this cancer delay my efforts in getting my degree. Thank very much and if anyone wants to talk about anything I am here too.
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posted by Sallyanne
09 November 2020

Mastectomy and reconstruction

Last reply: 22 March 2021 14:11
Does anyone have any experience with a skin sparing mastectomy with implant and strattice direct implant. I had wanted to have skin stretching instead but because I have to have radiotherapy the success rate would be reduced, I have just had the operation a few days ago and am feeling very down - the breast implant looks so different to my other breast. Does it settle to look better when it heals? Has anyone else gone on to have surgery later on that worked better? Or does anyone have any words of advice? I know I should be focusing on recovery but am feeling so distraught with the loss of my breast - will it serve as a reminder that I had cancer all the time Thanks in advance
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