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posted by Irish Cancer Society
05 January 2016

Wishing you a happy new year

We are posting here to say happy new year to all of the members of the online community
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posted by kathb
24 November 2015

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 01 December 2015 23:05
My 34 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. Her chemo starts in December and I wonder could anyone help me with where to go for wigs and head gear . I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
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posted by luciebutterfly
27 October 2015

Brachytherapy for breast cancer?

Last reply: 26 November 2015 16:36
Has anyone experienced brachytherapy for breast cancer? And, if you have had the previous experience of full external beam radiation, how do both processes compare?
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posted by MazM88
10 November 2015

My Father has Liver Cancer

Last reply: 23 November 2015 11:54
Hi everyone, We found out last Friday that my father liver cancer, we lost our mother to cancer under a year ago, which is still very raw, so you can imagine we are all very upset and a little bit all over the place. I don't think being honest that the news has really hit my father just yet, this is a huge amount of information for anyone to take in, so I am wondering if there are any books/leaflets/articles etc or anything helpful that I could pass his way. He is a very private person so I don't think he would even consider counselling or phoning the Irish Cancer Society for Information. My father is classified as having Stage A - he is due to start TACE next month. What I am wondering is does anyone else have any experience with themselves and or family members/friends going through this, there is a lot of information available online but not so much of people's own personal experiences. It has been mentioned that this form of cancer treatment is not classified as a curative therapy, we have so many questions that people are not able to answer at the minute, which I am finding frustrating. I look forward to hearing from other people and wish you and your families that are dealing with/fighting this awful disease all of the best Marion x
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posted by Win
19 September 2015

Recently diagnosed

Last reply: 22 November 2015 02:05
Hi there I'm due to have a mastectomy on 25 still coming to terms with it. My question is about the tamoxifen if you remove the ovaries would you still have to take it?
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posted by Happyness
05 October 2015

Shoulder surgery/ no lymph nodes

Last reply: 10 November 2015 19:10
I am wondering if anyone has had shoulder surgery that had previously had a full clearance of lymph nodes on the same side. I had a lumpectomy and full clearance of lymph nodes February 2012 followed by chemo, radiotherapy and Herceptin. I am now on tamoxifen. I had a great recovery with full movement of my right side. I returned to work April 2014. I was put into an administrative role as my previous job was considered too high risk. Within weeks I was in agony with pain in my hand, my arm and my shoulder. I did physiotherapy for months, ended up on pain medication that I could hardly function mentally on. (I have three small kids so being spaced out was not always a solution). Driving caused a lot of pain to the point that by evening I would have to prop my arm up on a pillow to just get comfortable. Physiotherapy and acupuncture helped to keep some movement going and relieve some tightness. Eventually an MRI showed Shoulder Impingement Syndrome. A Spur has developed which is impinging on the tendon that is inflamed, probably from radiotherapy. Being right handed I am quite limited in what I can do now. I have not been able to return to work as they have no alternative for me right now. I have been offered a great job that is nearby but was not certified as medically fit so had to turn it down. I got another phonecall this week offering me another job but I know it will be the same story again. I am on unpaid sick leave now since November last and need to get back to earning an income. I have had steroid injections twice in the last four months to relieve pain with little benefit so the next stage would be surgery to remove the spur and relieve the impingement. The problem is that I have no lymph nodes on that side. I am terrified of going ahead with the surgery for fear of triggering lymphedema. I would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation please.
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posted by brenda12
09 November 2015


I recently had my 1 year mammogram (following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment since aug 2014. I had been back to the breast clinic in the meantime with cysts and lumps in both breasts - which I was told the results were normal. When I was diagnosed initially I was told the mammogram was clear even though the tumour was disgnosed as invasive tubular cancer, and then later again after more mammograms DCIS was found and I had a re-excision. I was told I was just unlucky to be in the 10% who don't show up on mammogram. Now I got the results from my latest mammogram of the treated breast (which continues to pain a lot, is swollen and lumpy) and it said 'recent radiology investigations were found to be within normal limits'. Does anybody know if that means 'ALL CLEAR' or something did show up but it was within 'limits'??? I know the tamoxifen makes me over anxious,( and the night sweats, leg cramps and sleeplessness continue!), but I constantly worry about the cancer coming back and not showing up on a mammogram. Any clarification or suggestions would be really appreciated.
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posted by rathcline
07 September 2015

Radiotherapy and bras

Last reply: 28 October 2015 15:35
Any suggestions for what people used for bras during rads? It's uncomfortable underneath but I can't go without. I have one t shirt with built in support which is good . No idea where I'd get another. Got this in UK .
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posted by Pat Fitz
14 September 2015

After Brachytherapy

Last reply: 27 October 2015 11:22
A few weeks ago I had brachytherapy and I hope my cancer has been nipped in the bud. It was diagnosed very early (6 on the Gleason scale). The side effects are kicking in and am peeing nearly every hour during the day but in fairness i am only getting up once or twice at night.. Could this be down to all the water I am drinking . I am also drinking 5or 6 cups of decaffe tea and a couple of de caffe coffees.. Does the decaffe stuff irritate the bladder the same as regular tea/coffee. Would a couple of pints of Guiness in a week or two on the odd evening be bad news?
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posted by Aiidee
07 October 2015

New to tamoxifen - Exhausted

Last reply: 21 October 2015 16:23
Hi I have just started taking Tamoxifen 2weeks ago and am completely exhausted all day every day. Anybody else go through this? My oncologist dud say it can take time for my body to adjust but I am shocked at how tired I feel. No other side effects.... Any body else deal with this and how long did it last Thanks
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